For the runners: How much do you run a week?



  • bigapplepie
    bigapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    I have recently started trying to be more fit. Running/Walking/Jogging seem to be the only exercises that I can really do on my own without becoming too self-conscious or nervous.

    I am trying to set benchmarks for myself and I was wondering how much people run in a week and what you would say your fitness level is.

    Any information would be appreciated.

    Don't feel self-conscious, I've been there myself. Everyone is rooting for you ( a few a******s excepted).

    Use the couch to 5K program people have been mentioning:

    I've been running about 7 years. On average I've been running about 30-35 mpw. I've run 6 sub-4 hour marathons plus one 1 don't mention.
  • bigapplepie
    bigapplepie Posts: 7 Member
    I run 4 or 5 days a week. You shouldn't run everyday. Your joints will hate you later for it. Lol. Try running every other day. (:

    In a well-known long-term study conducted at Stanford University, researchers tracked nearly 1,000 runners (active members of a running club) and nonrunners (healthy adults who didn't have an intensive exercise regimen) for 21 years. None of the participants had arthritis when the study began, but many of them developed the condition over the next two decades. When the Stanford team tabulated the data, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2008, it found that the runners' knees were no more or less healthy than the nonrunners' knees. And It didn't seem to matter how much the runners ran. "We have runners who average 200 miles a year and others who average 2,000 miles a year. Their joints are the same," says James Fries, a professor emeritus of medicine at Stanford and the leader of the research group. The study also found that runners experienced less physical disability and had a 39% lower mortality rate than the nonrunners.

    Read more:,8599,1948208,00.html#ixzz26miEHPVV
  • amybluefish
    amybluefish Posts: 82 Member
    I go about 20-25 miles a week. I started June last year and ran a half marathon in April. I now want to do a marathon!

    I still have a lot of weight too lose. I just run anyway
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am at about 20 miles per week now, I hope to increase it to 25-30 in the next few months. I started running in Sep 2011, but I ran over 20 years ago in college: cross country and track team (800m & 1500m). It is weird being back and slow compared to my younger days, but I actually feel more fit, surprisingly!

    Runner: Intermediate
  • hixonh
    hixonh Posts: 1 Member
    About 20 miles a week on average. Sometimes up to 40, sometimes I just take off a week.

    Fitness level is intermediate. I also do strength training at the gym 3x a week. Been running for about 2 1/2 years, I have 1 10k and two half marathons under my belt as far as formal races.

    My goal as of now is to be able to complete a full marathon next spring.
  • gungho66
    gungho66 Posts: 284 Member
    I just started running again about 4-5 months ago and have been progressively been adding miles every week. I currently am doing 20 miles a week and would like to run a half marathon before the year is over. My goal is to run in the 2013 Marine corps marathon.

    Since January I have lost 71 pounds and would consider myself intermediate