
Does anyone here go to buffets anymore? Do you go and exercise lots of restraint and eat very little? Do you eat a lot and make up for it the next day by eating less? Do you just avoid buffets altogether? :S would love to hear everyone's opinions!!!


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I still occasionally go to buffets, and I just eat less than I probably normally would. I try to pick the healthier foods, if that's possible.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Perhaps if you opened up your food diary, you could get better suggestions... its going to take alot more than late night snacking-omissions to be honest....
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    Most buffets have a salad bar along with helthy options so just go with those or have it as monthly treat if you really need to indulge lol (personally I on;t know if I would have the strength to turn down the tasty options but the guilts would kill me lol)
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Does anyone here go to buffets anymore?
    No, I have always found buffets to be kinda gross.
    Do you go and exercise lots of restraint and eat very little?
    I exercise a lot and eat a lot.
    Do you eat a lot and make up for it the next day by eating less?
    Do you just avoid buffets altogether?
    Yea, I imagine everything to have been touched by booger covered hands of children, and guys to scratch their junk then touch everything
    :S would love to hear everyone's opinions!!!
    Be careful what you wish for.
  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    I try to avoid buffets, as I know I'd eat a lot... but if I have to go, I chose healthy food and try my best not to eat huge portions!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I don't go to them because I've seen too many people sneeze on the food and grosser. Thank goodness for that because buffets are related to the devil.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I try to avoid buffets, especially the chinese places. It is hard to show restraint there. When I do go I usually end up over eating so I try to stay away.
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    Buffet's are bad bad bad , the ones i have to go to anyway , if i can i would try to eat before i go and be strong and not eat when i got there . x
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • dirtydmvkid
    I won't be tempted to eat disgusting amounts of food if I don't put myself in the position to do so. So, no, I haven't been to a buffet in a long time. Other people have better self-control than I do and can just have one plate. Simply eliminating the temptation has been working for me.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    My family love doing buffet's at get togethers so I try and strike a balance between enjoying the foods that are before me and allowing myself a treat without over-indulging too much. I think life is too short to deny yourself completely and make yourself miserable but then you don't want to make a complete pig of yourself and make yourself miserable for that reason!!
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    mmmm i love me some chinese buffets!

    FAVORITE food by far!

    but unfortunatly, i can only go once in a very great while... so hard!

    I have tried eating some healthy fill me ups like peanut butter, nuts, egg or two before I go and this tends to help with over eating because I am already half full!
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I love buffets and although I haven't been to one in a few months, I will likely to go an Italian one in the next month or two. I know I will gain a pound or two but this is a lifestyle change and I am not giving up anything completely. I will try to drink extra water for a few days and lots more exercise.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I used to love buffets but now I just stick to cold cuts and salad. I don't go to the chinese buffets as i really don't like any kind of asian food.
  • AmyS1975
    I have been using MFP since April. I actually avoid eating out all together since I no longer find restaurants worth it both calorie and cost wise. We did go to a chinese buffet for my daughter's birthday (her choice) at the end of August and although I was much more conscious of portion size, I still dug into my favorites: general tao, spring rolls, fried rice, etc. I definitely did NOT enjoy it like I used to ... everything tasted "fried" and the next day my hubby and I were ill.

    I tend to believe that anything in moderation isn't all that bad but I am definitely picky on how I "spend" my daily calories since tracking religiously for 145+ days. For instance I used to have a weekly "Monday Night Cheat Meal" where we'd order pizza and greasy fries but nowadays, I stick to healthier options: yesterday we had tacos and I stayed within limits or I'll have a homemade burger on a 100-calorie bun with oven-baked frozen fries (counted).

    Just my two cents.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I go to buffets only when someone gets to choose the restaurant.

    First rule for me, NO breads and NO desserts.

    I get a dinner plate and head straight to the salad bar and fill it up with all healthy choices, no creamy salads or such. I bring a premeasured amount of salad dressing from home. Then I'm very selective about the foods I select, nothing fried, nothing with a lot of sauce on it, etc. I bring my spray butter (zero calories) for baked sweet potatoes. If there is something unhealthy that I really want to eat, I try to just eat one tablespoon of it.

    Buffets dont really fit in my lifestyle anymore so I avoid them for the most part.
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    Just another tip on the buffet topic - if you are going to indulge on the unhealthy stuff I would use the smaller side plates rather than an actualy dinner plate
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I don't like buffets anymore. The food I don't like the taste of. But if you like it you could eat in moderation or consider it in your day or say forget it and move on for the next day.
  • kadoodle76
    I still go on occasion but I skip the bread and I only go to buffets with good fresh salad fixin's. That way I will be more tempted to make a big salad than to eat the cassarole-y stuff which usually tastes gross anyway. I usually eat the fruit for dessert and get baked chicken instead of fried. There are ways to enjoy a buffet while still not making a pig of yourself.
  • kadoodle76
    I have been using MFP since April. I actually avoid eating out all together since I no longer find restaurants worth it both calorie and cost wise. We did go to a chinese buffet for my daughter's birthday (her choice) at the end of August and although I was much more conscious of portion size, I still dug into my favorites: general tao, spring rolls, fried rice, etc. I definitely did NOT enjoy it like I used to ... everything tasted "fried" and the next day my hubby and I were ill.

    I tend to believe that anything in moderation isn't all that bad but I am definitely picky on how I "spend" my daily calories since tracking religiously for 145+ days. For instance I used to have a weekly "Monday Night Cheat Meal" where we'd order pizza and greasy fries but nowadays, I stick to healthier options: yesterday we had tacos and I stayed within limits or I'll have a homemade burger on a 100-calorie bun with oven-baked frozen fries (counted).

    Just my two cents.

    I agree that chinese buffets are kinda horrible when it comes to healthy food. The vegetables, which are often just as greasy as the fried stuff, are often times too crunchy for my taste so I end up getting the deep fried stuff or the noodles. It sure does taste awesome while you're eating it, but later? :sick: Not so much.