in five weeks you'd be....

You know when you submit your food for the day it says - if you ate like this everyday you'd weigh X in five weeks - (or something like that)
When I started mfp each day I would submit and Id look at that number (I was 159 and it kept say 147.6 or 148.1 or 147.3 etc) and say yea right, I wish Ive been trying to get there forever and I never can do it...yea right. But, I love to see that number each day when I submit anyway....
Well, Monday will be my 5th week and I should be right at about 147.5 or 148 ish! Pretty much exactly what they predicted.
I never thought that that number would be right -- I figured it'd be a mathmatical equation meant to motivate us....
Cant wait to see what it says I will be in 5 weeks from now!


  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Awesome Job! I love to see where I will be in 5 weeks at the end of my day!
  • Dee678
    Dee678 Posts: 53
    How inspiring! Congrats!
    I just started here . . . those kinds of stories really help!!!!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    That is so wonderful for you! I hope I have the same luck, so far its been SLOWWWWWWWW
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    It is a great feature I agree. I know that some will mark it on a calender and make 5 week goals of it. I really appreciate it right now since I have 6 weeks before I am in a wedding.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    The 5 week predictor is a huge motivator for me, too! It helps me set goals and gague my progress. It's all basic math, though, and super easy to follow!

    Congrats on your accomplishments! :drinker:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Congratulations! Yes, I like the feature myself... it helps me keep focused on my goals. :happy:
  • Abrahams_Mom
    I love seeing that too! This site has been a real motivator and really holds me myself. I think before I put any food in my mouth "Do I really want to record that?" ha ha... My only wish is that they would incorporate work-out dvds into the Exercise searches...I don't want to enter each individual weighted move that is in a 40 minute video!

    Anyway congrats to all on sticking with this and here's to our next 5 week goal!

  • johnmcfarm
    I love that feature also, very simple thing...yet very motivating! Thanks MFP programmer!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    That is veryyy encouraging! Knowing that you really can be that weight in 5 weeks! And on "BAD" days when you go over your calories, you realllyyy see that difference in number! It really makes you question that food choice. Its incredible how a dinner at taco bell will make the difference between weighing 172 in 5 weeks.... or 181 in 2 week....
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    ...i just wish they wouldnt put it in just pounds...doesnt make sense to me!
    Glad to know it is an accurate indication, I will pay more attention!

    PS, I am on day 3!!!
  • StaceG1986
    I love seeing that too! This site has been a real motivator and really holds me myself. I think before I put any food in my mouth "Do I really want to record that?" ha ha... My only wish is that they would incorporate work-out dvds into the Exercise searches...I don't want to enter each individual weighted move that is in a 40 minute video!

    Anyway congrats to all on sticking with this and here's to our next 5 week goal!


    I wondered about this too, I do a Rosemary Conley DVD, which is a number of different exercises, I asked and someone told me to just put it as generic aerobics, it's much easier lol
  • StaceG1986
    ...i just wish they wouldnt put it in just pounds...doesnt make sense to me!
    Glad to know it is an accurate indication, I will pay more attention!

    PS, I am on day 3!!!

    I don't like just pounds either, I wish they would use stones too lol
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Yeah, I have started to realise how sometimes when you have completed the day, you click complete and see the result and think great in 5 weeks i'll x lbs. Then you decide you 'need' a snack before bed or something, eat it and then click complete again and realise you'd lose about 5 lbs less if you kept doing that. Really helps me to not keep snacking etc.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Great to know! I am one week in, and was curious! Super stuff!
  • TwentyTen
    Great to know that it is actually accurate. That is very encouraging. Thanks!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    That little comment (IMO) is one of the best things about this site!

    Congrats :flowerforyou: