When do you weigh yourself?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    First day of the season, first thing in the morning, after I pee and take off all my clothes, underwear, jewelry, ponytail holder, pee again and burp.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Friday mornings after my morning pee, before my shower, nekkid. :)

    This! But on a Monday!

    There have been occasions where I sneak a peak before Monday, but I try my best not to!
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    In morning after a pee.
    I am doing it every day (weighing myself), but it would probably be best and more motivational to leave longer gaps (i.e. weekly) which I think is the way I am going to go in future.
  • georgie181
    barely ever, it depresses me when I fluctuate, I look in the mirror a hell of alot though LOL.
  • wildflower0872
    I weight on a Wednesday... in the morning before the day gets underway as chaos ensues shortly after!

    And from now on... I'm doing it IN THE BUFF! ha ha

    You lot are a bad influence!

    Wild :flowerforyou:
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    I weigh myself weekly on a saturday morning. I work hard during the week on the diet and exercise and don't want it to go to the dogs at the weekend....
  • MizzIcy
    MizzIcy Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning after my shower, before I have breakfast.
  • rbrauher
    I do first thing in the morning. I have checked in the afternoon and it's always about 3-4 pounds heavier and that is just from the fluids and food you intake throughout the day.
    IMO, if you do it at night, you are going to see more weight variation as one day you may not drink or eat much, then the next time you did drink alot and eat a lot before weigh in. I just think that doing it in the morning gives you a good 8-12 hours after your last meal for everything to get absorbed and "purged" if necessary.
    It has been the most consistent for me and i have done it for 65 lbs (32 before i found this great tool).

    good luck
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Every single cotton pickin' morning (usually only in my undies)! I found if I only did it once a week I would give myself a lot of cheat meals, and be thinking I still had a lot of time before my next weight in, so it was okay. However, I would then lose little to no weight.

    I record the weight on MFP every week though. But I need that constant reminder everday not to let me slip. I'm also on a goal to lose 10 pounds by Halloween, so I put up a printed out calendar above my light switch, and record my weight everyday (taking into account there WILL be weight flucuations).
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Wednesday mornings, after I pee, before I get in the shower.

    I don't think it matters when, as long as you are consistent with the day/time.
  • SexiBecki
    SexiBecki Posts: 32 Member
    I realized I asked all of you, but didn't tell you what I do, Lol. I weigh almost every morning naked. I know it's a bit obsessive, but it's also holding me accountable : ) I weigh at night sometimes and it's always a couple pounds more.
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    First thing in the morning- NAKED!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    when you first get up AFTER going to the "potty" LOL
  • DexterDarko
    I weigh in every time I wake up. Clothes on... lol

    So far I've lost 1.2 pounds a day
  • altacosturabeth
    altacosturabeth Posts: 62 Member
    Every morning after I've been to the bathroom :)

    I know a lot of people say you shouldn't weigh yourself every day but I just do it as a general observation! I only fluctuate by an ounce or two anyway :)

    Sometimes I weigh myself in the evening as well, again just for observation. I find it rather intriguing!
  • successiswithinme
    Once a week on Friday mornings, its carries over from my WW days.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    When does everyone weight themselves? Is one time more accurate than another?
    First thing in the morning after I pee
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    Always always first thing when I wake up in the morning after going to the bathroom. I find this is the most stable weight. I get less fluctuation from water retention and it helps me plan how strict I should be.

    If you tend to focus on the numbers too much, then once a week is good. If you can handle the numbers jumping up and down a little without worrying, then everyday is fine. I personally prefer everyday, and just use the weekly data when I graph it out.
  • misskarrie05
    The bes time of day is first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom, also be completely naked. I find that this is consistently the most accurate weight. Its also helpful to just pick any day and use that as your day so its the same every week. It's easier to see trends and stalls that way. right now for me Tuesday is my weigh in day.
  • asauna
    i know you should weigh yourself only once a week. but i weigh myself more frequently. Not to drive myself crazy but as a way of analyzing my success and faulties. if i gain in a day, i analyze why. did i eat to much, too little, too late, not enough water, not enough rest, or am i just bloated. then i use my analysis to help other people.

    i weigh myself first thing in the morning after i use the bathroom. with nothing but underclothes on.