Stay at home mom to 5 kids!!!

Hello all. I live in Shallotte(Ocean Isle Beach) NC. I am a stay at home mom to 5 kids. My oldest daughter is 8, my twin girls are 5, I have a 4 yr old son and and another son that will be 3 in November!

i have always been whole life. Now I am serious about getting my health in order. I am 31 and figure now is as good a time as ever to get healthy and be able to be here for my kids long term!

So, in april I weight 260 lbs and was a size 24. I joined the Body by Vi 90 day challenge and as of today I am weigh 205 lbs and in a comfortable size 16.

Trying to figure out how to eat properly along with exercising. Figure this group will help me achieve those goals!


  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    congrats! on the new baby and losing the wieght! wow busy busy!!!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome!! I'm a SAHM to 2 kids, 5 and 3.5. This site certainly does help with becoming healthy!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • worthliving4
    worthliving4 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! I love the carolinas. I live in Atlanta, GA. I have two kids ( 5 and 3) and I can only imagine your busy life with 5 kids. Good news is you have all the control and ability to feed your body the nutrition you need. I remind myself that to take care of yourself is no different than being on an airplane and you put the oxygen mask on YOURSELF first then those around you. If you dont care for YOU then you cant possibly care for your kids to your best ability.
    With this said, *kitten* you goals and make small attainable goals to reach. Then focus on what you eat at every meal. Quality food trumps everything. Eat fresh. Drink water. Plan meals ahead of time (I make a menu for the week on Sundays and do our shopping based on that). Exercise can be walking or doing pushups or jumping jacks. Eat less and move more:-)
  • ericat18
    ericat18 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! Good job on the weight you've already lost. That is awesome. Fitness pal is a great resource and I had lost 20 pounds with it but after being really lax all summer I'm back up 4 pounds so I'm down 16 net. I'm a stay at home mom too and have 4 kiddos. Now that I'm done having kids I hope to get in great shape too. I've always struggled to keep my weight under control as well. Good luck in your continued journey!
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member

    I started out at a very similar point...5 kids, 240-260 lbs, 30 years old, size 24ish, etc. :laugh:
    This site was been an unbelievable resource for me, and I wish you luck!
  • mbsc1964
    Welcome!! This is a fantastic tool!!!

  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of 6 kids. I have a hard time finding time for fitness and diet because of sitting on my butt all day homeschooling. As soon as I do lose weight I have another baby and have to start all over. Since my last child I have had a hard time losing the weight. 5 weeks ago I started working out again and 1 week ago I started a little to no fat diet with it. At first I gained 6 lbs, but now I've lost 7 so I am finally making progress. For an example of my diet and excersie I run/walk, turbo fire, p90x, exhale core fusion, and spin bike. I mix it up daily so my body doesn't get used to the same thing. I never do less than 50min. of exercise a day. I also get annoyed and bored easily so changing it up helps with that. As for my diet I don't eat more than 1200 calories a day. I eat canned progresso soup. I grill chicken and bag it . I eat chicken with 1 wheat tortilla, over steamed brown rice, or over a salad. I eat turkey sandwiches with lettuce and very little mayo made with olive oil. I eat fiber/protein bars, and I only drink water, zero calorie vitamin water, and zero calorie vitamin mixes. This is just an example of my diet. Your progress is amazing already, congrats!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I am a SAHM to 8 kids. Between homeschooling and farm chores it is hard to find me time but this site has been very motivational for me. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sandvik38
    This is my first year staying home I my self have 4 kids 18,17 ,10 and 5 I run more for the older ones it seems like then i do for the little ones tons of sports .... best of luck to you feel free to add ... ive been at it for 65 days.. id be happy to support you
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    I am a stay at home mom of 6 kids. I have a hard time finding time for fitness and diet because of sitting on my butt all day homeschooling. As soon as I do lose weight I have another baby and have to start all over. Since my last child I have had a hard time losing the weight. 5 weeks ago I started working out again and 1 week ago I started a little to no fat diet with it. At first I gained 6 lbs, but now I've lost 7 so I am finally making progress. For an example of my diet and excersie I run/walk, turbo fire, p90x, exhale core fusion, and spin bike. I mix it up daily so my body doesn't get used to the same thing. I never do less than 50min. of exercise a day. I also get annoyed and bored easily so changing it up helps with that. As for my diet I don't eat more than 1200 calories a day. I eat canned progresso soup. I grill chicken and bag it . I eat chicken with 1 wheat tortilla, over steamed brown rice, or over a salad. I eat turkey sandwiches with lettuce and very little mayo made with olive oil. I eat fiber/protein bars, and I only drink water, zero calorie vitamin water, and zero calorie vitamin mixes. This is just an example of my diet. Your progress is amazing already, congrats!

    Hi Honey, God Bless You and I love You!
  • 2BabyMama
    Hi! I am a stay-at-home mom as well to a 4.5 year-old daughter and a 22-month old son. I had used this site about a year and a half ago and really liked it, but fell off the wagon. I just started back and would love to find other SAHM's to support one another on this journey! :). Feel free to add me. Carrie
  • inGodaloneItrust
    Me too, except 6 kids! lol

    My starting weight today is 261.

    Would love to be your friend, I'm sure we'd have a lot in common.
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    I have three kids and that's all I can handle! But I try to eat pretty clean (limit the processed foods). I'm not perfect, but this is not about perfection. For me, It's about consistency, and I want to keep going and do the work--every day.
  • Nini152
    Nini152 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so pleased i found some other mom's on here, I have 6 kids and am from wales in the uk. My body has been on a cycle of loosing weight and being pregnant for the last 10 years. I love being pregnant and having a large family, but we decided our family was complete and so i was steralised last summer. I dont look massivley overweight but my bmi is obese - now down to overweight. I am short (5'1") so cant carry lots of excess weight. After having the kids i feel i finaly have my body back and want to get fit and be strong and healthy. I have started lifting weights at home (I have found a great gym that i can go to when my girls are in their gymnastics class, but havent been yet as i am worried i wont know how to use the equiptment!!!) and eating clean. I am making progress but quite slowly. I supose its better that way though. I feel i have much more energy than i have in the past. My youngest just turned 3, I work full time. My main problem is eating, or finding the time to eat ( i work 2 jobs and go from one to another with no break (my day starts at 6.30am getting kids up and ready and ends late) . I used to go all day with no food then pig out when i came home which is not good at all. I have to be organised and plan and prep the next days meals the night before. I eat a clean and make homecooked family meals ( its cheaper and healthier). Good luck with your goals everyone. xxx :wink:
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    SAHM to 4 kids here! Ages, 17, 10, 7, and 4. Feel free to add me and good luck. Congrats on your loss thus far.