Optimal Calories?



  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I think part of my problem is...I don't know what eating healthy looks like...I go to the grocery store and see all the colorful vegies, but have no clue what to pair them with and how to prep them for eating. The 14th was actually my first overnight at work, so not a good day...how do I tell what's processed and what's not? And where can I shop for healthy food for about $100/2 weeks for 2 ppl?
  • Daniellealaine
    Make sure that when you eat carbohydrates you eat protein at the same time. Eating carbohydrates by themselves will lead you to be hungry again shortly after. Eating carbs with protein will give your blood sugar a quick fix from the carbs, but the proteins take longer to digest and will leave you feeling more satiated.

    So don't just eat a green salad. Have salad with chicken, or some other protein source. Don't just eat crackers, have crackers with cheese. Don't just have a slice of bread, have bread with peanut butter, etc.

    This will help you to feel full.

    This is great advice! Thanks!
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    They say you should shop on the outside aisles of the grocery store, that's where the good stuff is. Once you get to the center, that's where most of the processed food is, all the canned and box foods.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    General rule of thumb - you should net above your BMR. Eating below creates TOO large of a deficit which is not a good thing. It puts stress on your body and can cause plateaus and a sluggish metabolism. It's not a starvation diet, it's a lifestyle. Fuel your body and workouts!!!!
  • CantarellaMiyani
    CantarellaMiyani Posts: 91 Member
    ...how do I tell what's processed and what's not?

    Well, the more they have to do to it to get it into that form, the more processed it is. A tomato isn't processed - it comes that way right off the vine. Canned stewed tomatoes are more processed, but still barely, it's just cooking them down. But check ingredients, for salt and preservatives. Ketchup, obviously making that is a more involved PROCESS. It's pretty intuitive, really. If you eat grains, well, they have to mill and bleach flour for white bread, that's heavily processed. For whole grain, there's less milling and no bleaching.

    A pork chop isn't processed. An Italian sausage, much more so. Just take a minute to think about what had to happen to the ingredients, to make them into the food you're holding.

    In a similar vein, you said you don't know how to prepare colorful veggies, for example. Keep them pure and simple, as much as you can. Steam them, sautee them in a little oil with spices, keep them looking like the gorgeous whole foods they are. Serve alongside whole protein - a chicken breast that still looks like a chicken breast, spiced nicely, or a piece of fish that is recognizably fish. Food tastes wonderful, once you've gotten over the sugared, salted, greasy, preservative-filled crap so many of us are used to.

    Food blogs are a godsend. I love skinnytaste.com, and primal-palate.com. And don't be afraid to experiment, see if things go well together. Food can be fun, I promise!
  • hrose1524
    I have a few suggestions that I think will help you.

    1. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water.

    2. Space out your meal to 3 hrs apart.

    3. Choose foods with fiber.

    4. Incorporate Miracle Noodles into your diet, you can add chicken broth or sauce or whatever, I buy mine on ebay. Its all fiber and no calories.

    5. Save about 50 calories for the end of the evening and when you get hungry eat a 1/2 cup of egg whites. That will stop you from being hungry.

    6. Drink a couple of glasses of coffee. Its a natural appetite suppresant.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    They say you should shop on the outside aisles of the grocery store, that's where the good stuff is. Once you get to the center, that's where most of the processed food is, all the canned and box foods.

    Yes, but...how do you prepare it and cook it? Lol...I literally grew up eatting mac n cheese every night (thats pretty much allcan i know howwhat to make) and working in the hay field during the day...started gaining weight the year we stoppd baling our own hay.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Here's a great recipe to try if you like shrimp.


    If you have two people you might even be able to half the shrimp. I would either half the shrimp or double the sauce. Then when it's marinating, add in a cut up green pepper, a cut up red pepper and a cut up red onion. By cut up, I mean chunks not small minced pieces. After it's marinaded for a whle, we just grill it up in a grill basket and it's delicious!!! Pair it with some quinoa and you have a yummy wholesome meal with little effort.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I have a few suggestions that I think will help you.

    1. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water.
    Not necessary if you are drinking other liquids or eating food high in water content. But it is a good starting point
    2. Space out your meal to 3 hrs apart.
    No reason for this at all. Eat at the times that it best fits your lifestyle, whether 1 meal/day or 7 meals/day, just hit your calorie goal each day.
    3. Choose foods with fiber.
    A high fiber high protein snack or meal should keep you full for longer.
    4. Incorporate Miracle Noodles into your diet, you can add chicken broth or sauce or whatever, I buy mine on ebay. Its all fiber and no calories.
    Why, unless you really like noodles and cannot finish your day without going over cals there is no point.
    5. Save about 50 calories for the end of the evening and when you get hungry eat a 1/2 cup of egg whites. That will stop you from being hungry.
    Or you can just do trial and error to you get use to eating your new way so you aren't hungry late at night, but this is a good tip, and will up your protein too.
    6. Drink a couple of glasses of coffee. Its a natural appetite suppresant.
    Coffee is also good as it can give you a boost of energy and help get you though the day, or a through a workout.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    So...question...does black tea have the same properties as coffee? I had a bad experience when I was four with my purple kool aid and my mother's coffee...I can't stomach either any more :laugh: :blushing:

    Btw, please pardon weird spellings...I'm using my phone to reply to you all, and thanks so much for all the advice so fr! I will check the sites ppl are posting when I get home tonight.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    Wow, just got home from a 14 hour trip from and back to home, and was very surprised at what my Caloric intake ended up being...and surprisingly, I'm not hungry...but I also didn't get to work out today...Hmmm...maybe I'm just too tired :D
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    From a quick peep at your diary - there's not enough variety. Often you've only eaten 4 or 5 things a day, usually one of them a slice of pizza!

    If you're new to making meals from scratch, look on that as a whole new adventure. I'd recommend buying a really simple how to cook book - you're in the US so I cant give a particular recommendation, but here in the UK Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food is the book I sent my daughter to college with - it starts from the basics and then gives suggestions for how to vary that.

    You don't HAVE to drink coffee if you dont like it!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    It's really, really easy to prepare veggies. A stir-fry is a go-to meal for me. Sometimes I buy the bagged frozen stir fry and sometimes I mix my own fresh veggies. I put a bit of water (or olive oil) in a skillet, add the veggies and just let them go! I honestly prefer my veggies a little more on the over-cooked side, but you can leave them with a crunch (they're better for you prepared that way). My thoughts are, it's better for me to eat veggies that are a bit overdone, than not to eat veggies at all! I will add some vegetable stock or some soy sauce for something different, although they are totally optional.

    You can add meat to the stir-fry for your protein. I don't eat a lot of meat, so I will prepare quinoa on the side which contains protein or I will add a bit of scrambled egg to my stir fry.

    Also just search for vegetable recipes on here or suggestions for recipe blogs. I like happyherbivore.com. Her recipes are all vegan so there are plenty of veggies to be had on that site! I modify them to include dairy or eggs if I want and I will serve meat on the side for my dad.

    Good luck!
  • shrinkinginQualicum
    If you need recipe ideas, also check the recipe section on the Message Boards tab in MFP. There are some great recipes there. And as far as Veggies go, like one of the above posters said, easiest of all: steam, sautee, boil if you must (but just an inch or so of water), and pair with a piece of meat and some rice or potato. I've started really loading my plate with them and cutting down the side dish and the size of the meat. That fills me up pretty well, and I don't feel like I'm leaving the table hungry. I'm also one of those that doesn't find carrots and apples etc a satisfying snack, so that's my downfall. If I eat enough at supper I can usually survive the 7:30 snack craving. It's mostly fake hunger anyway, more because of habit than because you're actually hungry. Feels the same though. If you have trouble ignoring it, try finding something to keep you busy until it passes. If I'm watching TV, that's the worst. If I'm doing something I don't even notice it.
    Good luck, and keep at it. It takes time to change a lifetime of bad habits!
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    On my way to the gym, then I'm gonna wander Hornbachers with the goal of coming home w/ at least 4 or 5 vegies I've never eaten before...won't be a hard feat since there are very few I have...I found a couple recipes on the skinnytaste website I want to try out...baked squash for a substitute for potato chips maybe? :D
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    Wow...got the quinoa someone recommended (only ever heard of it on Top Chef) and wowzers is that ever sweet! It was great! I made just enough for my husband and me to eat together. I was super excited, I've never had brusselsprouts, yellow bell peppers, green onions, or asparagus. Very rarely have I ever had broccoli. Over all, I told my husband we'll have this over and over :D

    Now...what of these veggies can I make with chicken? :D I guess I'll experiment tomorrow...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Wow...got the quinoa someone recommended (only ever heard of it on Top Chef) and wowzers is that ever sweet! It was great! I made just enough for my husband and me to eat together. I was super excited, I've never had brusselsprouts, yellow bell peppers, green onions, or asparagus. Very rarely have I ever had broccoli. Over all, I told my husband we'll have this over and over :D

    Now...what of these veggies can I make with chicken? :D I guess I'll experiment tomorrow...

    This made me smile, for 2 reasons.

    You are exploring new horizons, finding new food, not only excited about it, but finding it great to.

    The other reason - you are the one eating extra vegetables - not me! ha.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    That is so lovely to see you getting excited about vegetables :laugh:

    Have fun experimenting. Remember, there's loads of them out there, and you don't have to like every single one.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    That is so lovely to see you getting excited about vegetables :laugh:

    Have fun experimenting. Remember, there's loads of them out there, and you don't have to like every single one.

    Yea...we decided the yellow squash was WAY too sweet!