To the people in relationships



  • annekejohnson
    annekejohnson Posts: 49 Member
    I just wish I could find a spouse or S.O. to argue with over meals HAHA... No really, when I had a BF who worked at Krispy Kreme I found it VERY difficult to stay on diet as he would give me the aw come on... just this time... I love you the way you are.... ya that's why you walked away huh u ........ Ok well enuf of that... :)
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    My solution is you eat what I cook, if you dont like it starve!

    That's what my mom used to say. And we ate it!!! :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I did 95% (more like 99%) of the cooking already so I still do that. If he doesn't want to eat it, that's fine, he doesn't have to. But I'm not cooking anything different for him. He's the type who can sit on the couch and eat a piece of cake while he watches me run for 30 minutes (true story) and he still weighs LESS than me. He's only about 20 pounds overweight yet he complains it's because he got his father's "bad" genes since his mom and brother are both very thin and can eat "anything" (Yeah, right. I've seen his mom eat -- and while, yes, she can eat "anything," she also eats a TINY amount of food. So, yeah, that's why she's thin. And his brother's in the Navy... so he exercises like crazy... so yeah, that's why he's thin... but, you know, I don't want to hurt my bf's ego by clueing him into those things :tongue:). He's lost over 20 pounds in under 5 months just because I'm cooking healthier foods. He keeps saying he's going to start working out but I've yet to see him do much more than a couple of reps with his dumbells.

    So, really, I just ignore what he's doing if what he's doing isn't supporting my weight loss. Sometimes he goes on kicks when he'll eat nothing but breaded chicken sandwiches and potato chips for 2 of his 3 meals for several days in a row. I'd like for him to be healthier because I love him and I want him to be with me for a long time, but there's really nothing I can do to force him to do better for himself. The best I can do is to do better for myself, ignore anything he's doing that could be detrimental to my goals and progress, and hopefully he'll be inspired by me or something.
  • epcollet
    I agree! He can order what he wants when you eat out, but if you are cooking, he should eat what you prepare just in larger portions. That is the definition of being supportive.
  • 3littlegirls
    My hubby needs to lose weight but isn't on the program (yet).. but I'm in charge of making suppers (I"m a SAHM, he gets home from work as i'm putting supper on the table). I also have to make meals that make my three kids happy. But I make sure I have a good protein, a good veggie, a carb, and I measure my portions properly.I'll add something to my meal if its missing something (like last night, it was noodle night.. so girls and hubby got a good portion of noodles, some had sauce, some didn't, and with bread.. I added a chicken breast to mine, and skipped the bread). I make family favourites (like Meatloaf) with new calorie friendly meals.
    My older girls (3yr old doesn't really care) and hubby are very supportive of me and help as much as possible.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    My hubby is supportive if I need/ask for it but otherwise he does his own thing. Meals are easy, we've been eating healthy dinners for a long time. Snacks are a different story. His definition of snack is pizza, sub, combo meals etc. I think he's been suffering a bit because he'll ask me what I want to have for snack and when I reply "apples and peanut butter" he doesn't look impressed lol. Whatever! Last night that's what I had and he ate a half a bag of Doritos. Lucky bum can eat whatever he wants and he weighs the same every time he gets on that scale.
  • DoubleAA
    My hubs is a rather skinny man. He doesn't really worry about a diet. However he can be a a real pain in my *kitten* when it comes to MY diet.

    He'll come down to the basement while I'm Sweatin' to the Oldies (I love that TAPE!!) while eating potato chips!! Or if I've got Julian Michaels screaming at me he'll munch on cookies!!

    When it comes to cooking though, I'm going to fix enough for me and him, if he doesn't like it he's on his own. Which is just fine with me because now I have lunch for the next day :laugh:
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Both my husband and I gained roughly 20 lbs each after marriage. I grew up in large family so trying to get the portions right for 2 people took me a while.

    My sister told me about this site, and after only a few days I have grown to rely on everyone's support and blogs. I go to the gym, at first not very much, but am committed to going at least 3 times a week. My husband wants to start running again but has no desire to go to the gym with me, he prefers running outdoors. And iam not a big fan of the outdoors.

    We dont have the same tastes in foods, i would like to try more healthy meals( i.e fish) and he likes simple foods.

    One meal we can definitely agree on is seasoned pork loin w/ greek salad on the side. The first time i made it my husband said he could eat that up any day of the week.
    Any type of meat would probably be okay

    I dont know the nutrition on the greek salad but here it is if you want it.

    Dice: Tomatoes, Red onion, Cucumbers and olives
    Sprinkle with a small amount of lemon juice, basil, salt and pepper
    Add a small amount of reduced fat Feta Cheese
    Thanks for your post and the recipe! I love greek salad...I usually get it from St. Louis Bread Co. (Panera Bread)
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Wife and I are both on the program so it's easy for me. I cook what we need to do what we're doing.

    However,,, we have a couple other people living in the house that are not on the program, and they like to eat a little differently. What I do is put the shoppy list on the fridge, and if you want something put it on the list and if it's reasonable and Wife and I can resist it I'll get it.

    Then when I cook, I cook plenty of good healthy stuff, and if you want a side of crap with garbage sauce, the mic's in the corner. Knock yourself out.

    Sometimes I go ahead and cook a side dish for them that D and I aren't gonna touch, but it's rare. Mostly they eat what we eat, and if they don't like it, the kitchen's in there - clean up when you're done.
    I need to borrow you so you can come get some stuff str8 around here. I am going to have to adopt this thinking. I told him the other day that he needs to drink his Wendys shake before he makes it home....
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    My hubby is supportive if I need/ask for it but otherwise he does his own thing. Meals are easy, we've been eating healthy dinners for a long time. Snacks are a different story. His definition of snack is pizza, sub, combo meals etc. I think he's been suffering a bit because he'll ask me what I want to have for snack and when I reply "apples and peanut butter" he doesn't look impressed lol. Whatever! Last night that's what I had and he ate a half a bag of Doritos. Lucky bum can eat whatever he wants and he weighs the same every time he gets on that scale.
    I feel your pain! This is what I go through....
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    My family eats what I cook. It's either that or they can eat cereal for dinner. LOL Seriously, when making my meal plan for each week, I keep their likes and dislikes in mind and try to cook healthy meals the entire family will enjoy. I search the internet and buy cookbooks with family-minded recipes.

    I only buy one bag of chips and one other snack per week for my family to munch on. When it's gone, it's gone and they have to resort to healthy snacks. For me, knowing that I am feeding my body healthy and nutritious snacks and meals is priceless. It's all about your mindset and attitude. I can't force my husband to eat healthy, but I always encourage him to eat better. Good luck with your endeavors and I wish you the best!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    This is awful, but my husband is such a bad eater and very, very picky. He will not eat chicken, pork, or fish. He will not eat any veggies except for lettuce, I have never seen him eat a piece of fruit, and he will not eat any two foods mixed together. After 15 years of trying to change the way he eats to no avail, I have moved on. I cook whatever I am going to cook for me and the kids, if he eats great, if not there is always peanut butter. The only important thing about meal time to me is that we sit down and eat together as a family.

    Believe me....... it took me a looooonnnngggg time to get to this point with his eating habits!
    Wow....I think yours might be a tad bit worse than mine. The only veg mine will eat is lettuce (not in a salad - just lettuce by itself) and green beans....that's all folks. He will eat meat...he loves steaks, ribs, chicken and only catfish....he will not touch tilapia or salmon, etc. His ideal meal is meat, potatoes and green beans, followed by some baked cookies... :sad: But because of his job requires him to be busy, and he is an active sports nut he never gains......
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My solution to picky eaters and different dietary restrictions is for everyone to cook for themselves.

    I or my husband make a bit extra of our own meal for our 4 yr old, otherwise everyone makes whatever they want for meals.

    I cooked a big dinner almost every single night for many years, and as they got older, I heard more and more..."ewww" and "I don't like X" and "I dont' want that, I'll have a mac & cheese instead", so I quit. Literally, told them all that I QUIT being chief cook and bottle washer. Ya'll just help yourselves!

    Hubby and S21 are fine with it. S21 is actually learning to cook interesting dishes (I am more than willing to teach any of them) like Chicken Piccata and Shrimp Scampi. Hubby is on a low sugar, low carb, extremely limited cholesterol diet, so he can't have certain foods the rest of us can. And he hates most he's on his own. He also has portion control issues, so I have to be very careful of the snacks I bring into the house.

    My D14 is the only one who dislikes this meal plan. She doesn't like anything I cook, but she doesn't want to make her own and she refuses to eat anything that looks even remotely "healthy". No whole grain, low sugar, veggies, or anything else that the rest of us eat. She's been existing on boxed mac & cheese and frozen waffles (full sugar fake syrup required!) and frozen burritos. I'm refusing to buy more than 1 meal (each) per week of that junk, insisting she eat healthier stuff the rest of the time. Talking to her about preservatives, fat, diabetes, heart issues, chemicals, pesticides, etc...falls on deaf ears. She says she doesn't care about all that, as long as it tastes good. You'd think she would be overweight, but she's not. She's actually rather small for her age, probably due to her picky, finicky eating habits.

    If you looked in our freezer you'd find lean beef, fish, chicken, shrimp, morningside products, Kashi meals, and a variety of single serving veggies (peas, corn, brussel sprouts, broccoli+chz, green beans). Our fridge has Milk, juice, water, eggs, nitrite free luncheon meats, cheeses, grapes, strawberries, pears, cheese sticks, cottage cheese, sauces and condiments. Pantry has an assortment of pastas, canned soups (MSG free), brown rice, baby potatoes, red onions, cereals (kashi, oatmeal), canned beans and veggies, applesauce, raisins, bananas, apples, oranges, and about a hundred different kinds of spices and seasonings (plus baking goods ie: sugar, whole wheat flour, etc.)

    Boy....I babbled on, didn't I? Cooking is fun though, when you only have yourself to please :)
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    We have 2 refrigerators....I don't even need to say anything more. :laugh:

    The only true struggle that we have is about Salmon. Yes, Salmon. I eat it probably 3 or more times a week. I love it! Not only will he not eat it but he will follow me around and make this huge production about how it stinks up the house. It doesn't stop me...just open a window dude! Sheesh!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I grew up in a family with 7 children, and even though I am second oldest, you had to learn to fend for yourself. Since we almost always had 2 younger kids in diapers (no disposables, no diaper service, 1 bathroom), my mother was never much in the mood for special requests. Asking her to make something for you to eat usually resulted in a 20 min tirade about how you were lazy and demanding. So I learned to make simple meals for myself--by the time I was 7, I could at least make fried eggs, pancakes and oatmeal (along with the obvious toast and cereal).

    I moved out when I was 18 and have always followed more "alternative" eating habits, which require that you do a lot of your own cooking and food prep.

    So I don't have a whole lot of patience or sympathy for men who are unwilling or unable to cook for themselves, and I *especially* don't have patience for men who not only won't cook for themselves, but then place demands on those who cook for them.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    My girlfriend and I eat the same foods. She does the majority of the cooking and I usually have bigger portions. We also cheat together on the weekends....maybe a little too much but we are getting back on track!
  • JaneanAriel
    JaneanAriel Posts: 55 Member
    My SO is so greedy, the man will eat all day long if he could! He pretty much eats whatever I cook. I usually just have the meat and veggies, skip the carb and drink water. He'll eat a piece of cake or burger right in my face and so "Oh my Bad" lol. But, it's all good.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Hubs made the eating switch with me (food swaps, cooking methods, not eating out) but has yet to workout on a regular basis with me. He's very supportive of me, but thats where it stops.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Exactley, if you are hungry enough, you will eat it! :)
    I'm not a short order cook!
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    My husband has never been very overweight, but always had a little extra he wanted to lose. I think when I hit the 50 lb. mark he started to look at himself and he asked me to show him about this "calorie counting" thing that I use. It's pretty easy for him to lose though. He lost about 25 lbs. without putting in nearly the effort that I had to. He started out only going to the gym once a week. Now he goes 2-3 times, and he asked me to show him how to weight train, so he's even started to incorporate that.

    He's definitely not very intense about this process (like I am), but that isn't really his personality. He respects that I can't have certain foods in the house, and doesn't bring stuff home.

    As far as cooking, I've integrated a few new lower calorie dinner recipes, but mostly I just eat what everyone is having, but a smaller portion, and I usually end up not eating bread or extra carbs. He's decided that he REALLY likes having a thin wife, lol, so it's worth it to him to support me in this.

    Something funny....he's a teacher and during the holidays he gets insane amounts of junk food. I guess after a couple of weeks he got tired of having a constant tummy-ache from eating all of it, so he laid it all out on his desk and told his students, "Take it! Take all of it. I can't eat anymore of it, and if I bring it home, my wife will kill me." :laugh: