Looking for Insanity workout buddies!

I'm looking for others doing Insanity to help me stay on track.


  • Hey There! I just started Insanity on Saturday and today is Day 3. It is kicking my butt!
  • I'm on week three and its still kicking my butt. lol. I know it will be worth it in the end though.
  • I started today as well!
  • sjacobson1013
    sjacobson1013 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on w2d1 - would love some additional support.
  • Im on month 2 week 2. Will be doing another cycle aftet this; Keep at it Guys!!
  • Just took the 1st Fit Test last night, and I'm ready for my first workout tonight. I could use some motivation and buddies to keep me accountable. Add me if you can help me out! Thanks
  • Am on w1D4 today. It is tough but I really like it after the fact when I can catch my breath again. lol. Keep it up!
  • stacey1981
    stacey1981 Posts: 39 Member
    I am in my last week, and will be repeating it again! Add me if you want!:)
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    starting month 2 tonight! WIsh me luck, LOL! :O)
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Week four round two and loving every minute of it still!
  • What is insanity workout? I just started a 6 week kickboxing class and am looking for something that will help keep me going when it's over.
  • Day 1 month 2 for the second time feel free to add me
  • stacey1981
    stacey1981 Posts: 39 Member
    Insanity is an intense 60 day program that focuses on performing long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest. No equipment is needed. You use your own body weight.
    What is insanity workout? I just started a 6 week kickboxing class and am looking for something that will help keep me going when it's over.
  • Added all of you :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I just finished round 1 and plan to start round 2 next week! Feel free to add me if you want. ; )
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I just finished my hybrid of Insanity and P90x. I have a support group on FB if you like to join at https://www.facebook.com/groups/208245232614146

    Next week I am starting Insanity Asylum

    Anyone of you can come join my group.
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi i just started too day 3 today and in soo much pain. Looked at tomorrow and it looks
    a bit slower so yey for day 4 well im saying that now but might be saying something
    very different tomorrow.
  • can someone explain the insanity workout to me !!??? please
  • Hey guys! Add me up! I just did my first Fit Test yesterday, and as we speak getting ready for my very first workout!

    Let's keep at it!
  • doing the insanity/asylum hybrid... LOVE insanity systems more then the p90 systems, but both are equally butt kicking if you do them right!!! Max recovery today after work...

    add me if you want :-)