Pregnancy Nutrition and Exercise

jlnk Posts: 188 Member
Hello all,

I began 30DS September 1st, have lost 11.2 pounds thus far thanks to a change of eating habits and increased exercise, and have realized that I am pregnant. I'm super excited about all of that, but looking for anyone who may have had a similar experience.

Basically, I didn't lose my baby weight from #1 and decided to get serious Sept. 1. Well, now I am pregnant. I am overweight (currently 193.2) and would like to continue to lose. I'm diligent with my whole foods and attempt to complete vitamin intake each and every day, in addition to taking my prenatal. I also limit refined sugars. Currently, my intake is at 1300 calories a day. I know that an increase in caloric intake isn't necessary during the first trimester, but have thought of bumping that up to 1500. (I'm also still BFing baby #1) Obviously I will consult my doctor, but is there anyone out there who either gained very little or lost weight while pregnant? If so, how did you do it? Any insight is welcome...


  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Bump, curious as well!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Congrats! I have no experience but I'm interested in the suggestions... We are getting married in 3 weeks and plan on starting a family right away.
    I think the best advice would come from your doctor. Good luck!
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    My understanding from talking to my OB and a nutritionist is that a calorie increase isn't necessary, but that assumes you are already eating at your maintenance weight. It looks like you have lost 11 pounds in less than 3 weeks, so that is of course not your maintenance weight! Talk to your doctor. This is not the time for such a drastic weight loss; you will probably be in good shape if you change your goal to "maintenance" and be sure to eat back any exercise calories.

    Just looked at your diary - you are eating below MFP's goals for you. Definitely talk to your doctor. I didn't limit food intake during pregnancy; just ate when I was hungry (and sometimes I was VERY hungry). Gained about 25 pounds, was within ten pounds of my starting weight within about 12 weeks, with no effort on my part. My daughter is two, and I weigh 25 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant. Take care of yourself!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I was about where you are now when I got pregnant with baby #2. I gained only 18 lbs during the pregnancy, and about 1 month after she was born, I was down to 175lb. All I did was eat smarter - I didn't change my exercise (or lack thereof) at the time. I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just trying to eat better for the sake of the pregnancy. As the baby was gaining, I was losing. It wasn't obvious at the time, but it was sure obvious after!!
  • kkwebster
    kkwebster Posts: 40 Member
    I was seriously overweight when I was pregnant with my first (and only). I lost pounds at first and maybe gained 10 lbs total for the whole pregnancy.

    All I did was make healthier choices. Unfortunately I didn't monitor the exact number of calories (because I wasn't trying to lose weight at the time). I just know I cut out all soda, ate veggies, and stayed away from super processed foods (especially meat). I also walked and worked (as a teacher in a child care center) until the night he was born... so i stayed active.

    Our situations are very different though, so I don't know what other advice I can give you.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Instead of bumping up your calories, you need to determine exactly what your maitenance calorie needs are and eat precisly that!

    I've had 4 kids, and didn't watch my weight through any of those pregnancy's - oh how I wish I did!!! My plan now is to lose as much as possible before getting prego again, then I will maintain and add calories in the 2nd and 3rd trimester as advised.


    Also, keep exercising - anything you were doing before prego is fine to continue to do, but don't increase the intesity too will need to modify as your belly grows and makes things impossible.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    First, you are not eating for 2. The calorie increase will vary throughout your pregnancy with the highest amount towards the end. The total intake increase is not as much as you think it would be.

    If you were healthy and active pre pregnancy, there is no reason to continue the same routing during your pregnancy, with some obvious adjustments. I participated in the 5K portion of the Chicago half marathon last weekend. There were several pregnant women who ran the half marathon, and they looked great, post race.

    You need to discuss this with your OB?GYN and follow his/her advice. But in the meantime, drink plenty of water, continue your normal workout, increase the calorie count to no more than 1-200 calories until you can discuss it with your MD.

    While weight loss/gain is all about calories in calories out, for the next nine months, quality calories in vs calories out is even more important. Keep your diet healthy and you will not have an enormous task after you deliver. Plus your delivery will be much better when you are physically fit.
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi, I just have one pointer! I went to the doctors yesterday actually just for a regular check up and told my doctor that me and my boyfriend might try to conceive in a year or two. She told me if we do try to conceive to start taking vitamins with folic acid in them. She said she always stresses to patients who are trying to conceive or who are pregnant to take folic acid vitamins because it can greatly reduce the risk of the baby spina bifida. Just thought I'd let you know!
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Hi, I just have one pointer! I went to the doctors yesterday actually just for a regular check up and told my doctor that me and my boyfriend might try to conceive in a year or two. She told me if we do try to conceive to start taking vitamins with folic acid in them. She said she always stresses to patients who are trying to conceive or who are pregnant to take folic acid vitamins because it can greatly reduce the risk of the baby spina bifida. Just thought I'd let you know!

    Thanks for thinking to pass this along :-)
    I've been on my pre-natal since before my first pregnancy. You are correct, they are very important!
    Best of luck to you and your boyfriend. A baby is indeed a blessing.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    yeh, that whole eating for 2 thing is a no go when the second person is the size of a thimble!! I have had 8 children. With my first I was in college as a dance minor. I had 2 dance classes (ballet and Jazz) and a weight lifting class. You are right that you don't need extra calories in the beginning but make sure you are getting enough calories for your breast milk production (unless you are looking to dry up). Water is very VERY important. Exercise is VERY important. Denise Austin has a pregnancy workout video that I really like (it also has a postnatal workout). You should focus on maintance right now, not weight loss. Work on toning your muscles and kegel kegel kegel!!!! Best of luck! (check out as well, I'm Tanyasteve over there)
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I was about where you are now when I got pregnant with baby #2. I gained only 18 lbs during the pregnancy, and about 1 month after she was born, I was down to 175lb. All I did was eat smarter - I didn't change my exercise (or lack thereof) at the time. I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just trying to eat better for the sake of the pregnancy. As the baby was gaining, I was losing. It wasn't obvious at the time, but it was sure obvious after!!

    I'm thinking this sounds closest to my situation. I ate total GARBAGE with baby #1. Gained 50+ pounds! I'm in tune to what you've said here...I will focus on making healthier choices and keep my exercise going. I think I got caught up in the "oh your pregnant" line that is fed to many pregnant women with #1. I understand your point about as the baby was gaining, you were losing. That is why I would be ecstatic to gain as little as possible, heck even maintain where I am now. The weight would just be shifting location, lol.
  • dygitalgirl
    dygitalgirl Posts: 20 Member
    I only gained 10 pounds in my last pregnancy. I was overweight to begin with at 181 and my doctor advised me to make smart, healthy choices and drink my water. I cut out coffee laden with creamers & sugar, sodas, and much of my chocolate intake. I was uneasy for most of my pregnancy because with my first two I had gained at least 30 pounds each with minimal loss in between, but my doctor never showed any signs of concern (I worked with her so she saw how I ate, I never had to recount it to her). By the end of my pregnancy I was amazed that I had gained so little (191, for a total of 10 whole pounds) and we had a beautiful, healthy baby girl! It was only after her birth that I gained soooo much of my weight. This being a stay at home mom thing is not easy!
  • dygitalgirl
    dygitalgirl Posts: 20 Member
    I think I got caught up in the "oh your pregnant" line that is fed to many pregnant women with #1.

    I suffered this issue with both number one and two babies. People were always giving me food and saying "eat up, it's ok, you're pregnant!" and "you're eating for two!"

    With baby number three I learned how to politely tell people "No, thank you, Baby has all she needs."
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I must correct my own grammatical error...

    I wrote, "oh, your pregnant..." in one of my responses. It should have read, "oh you're pregnant."

    Sorry, I had to correct it!
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    This being a stay at home mom thing is not easy!

    No it is not! The kitchen is a dangerous place, not to mention the drive-thru! I would get bored/lonely/anxious and find myself throwing the baby in the car, hitting up fast food, and driving around. I had to do some serious soul searching after I did an audit of my bank account and realized I'd spent over $200 in one month on fast food. Talk about embarrassing! Glad to say that chapter of my life is o-v-e-r!
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    You don't have to eat for two, but you do have to eat for one! And eating at a deficit is not eating for one.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    You don't have to eat for two, but you do have to eat for one! And eating at a deficit is not eating for one.

    What would you suggest? I am currently eating at least 1300 a day (I don't always eat back my exercise calories.) I considered bumping that to 1500.

    Again, obviously I will consult my OB when I go in, but I'm just trying to get some feedback.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    here is the link to babyfit. Feel free to add me as a friend on either site.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    You don't have to eat for two, but you do have to eat for one! And eating at a deficit is not eating for one.

    What would you suggest? I am currently eating at least 1300 a day (I don't always eat back my exercise calories.) I considered bumping that to 1500.

    Again, obviously I will consult my OB when I go in, but I'm just trying to get some feedback.

    Eat at maintenance. If 1500 is maintenance for you, that works (though I am 205, and my maintenance is around 2200, so 1500 might be a little low?) This isn't the time to drop weight, though if you eat at just maintenance you will keep the weight gain in check. On MFP, you can change your goal to "maintenance" - eat that plus a good chunk of your exercise calories. The first trimester can be tough, I was super exhausted and actually not hungry a lot of the time. Some days I was ravenous and I just went with it, because I might have a few non-hungry/nauseated days coming up.

    Congrats, BTW :)