Running outside only



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I try to only run outside except when it is too cold to do so. Any other weather is running weather. In fact I have been running in rain storms the last couple of days. For cold weather layer up, light cotton hoody, beanie and gloves. How weather light clothes with a runners shirt to wisk away wetness so you will sweat more and keep cool.

    What do you suggest for running in the rain? I don't mind getting soaked, just don't want to be weighed down. :)

    No cotton hoodies! In fact, avoid cotton altogether if you can. In the fall I'll usually run with a wicking base layer under a light half-zip top and if it's really windy or raining I'll wear a running shell (look for one with reflective striping on t it for improved poor weather / night time visibility and think bright /high contrast colours . When the weather gets colder a fleece layer under you shell will probably suffice but everyone has different cold tolerances. I don't know how cold it gets in TN but where I live we'll get down to -30 or -35C in the winter - a decent hat (preferably fleece lined) and warm gloves are a must.

    Get yourself a headlamp too - the newer generation of LED ones are light and bright and they keep on coming down in price.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I only run outside.

    I personally don't care if it's dark, I prefer to run when it's cooler but visibility is a bit of an issue for me in the dark. Also, my husband freaks out and starts driving around to look for me and makes me go home if it gets dark out and I'm not back yet. :/

    But the weather is another issue. Heat/Cold don't bug me too much but bad rain, ice, snow etc. are going to be an issue and I'm going to have to break down and just run on a treadmill at the gym. Not looking forward to it though. I prefer to be outside.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I use a reflective jacket, and a portable clip on flashing taillight. :-)

    I use a wicking base layer and the jacket. Wool socks.
  • tephey
    tephey Posts: 44 Member
    I usually only run outside. I would suggest getting a buddy or joining a running club. Great way to meet new people too. As far as weather conditions go, i don't make excuses. I live in Houston and run in the summer. A few weeks ago the index was 111 and i had my water bottle in hand so i didn't dehydrate. Winter isn't much of a factor for me down here. You can do it!

    I think that is what I am trying to do. To eliminate all the excuses before they come up. That way I don't have any. : )
  • LuckyTerrier
    LuckyTerrier Posts: 73 Member
    I'm just starting to run, but I've been doing outdoor fitness walking with my dog for awhile. One thing about exercising with a dog is that no matter the weather, the dog has to go out, so I've been out in all kinds of rain, snow, cold, etc. The best thing I've found for rain and snow is a lightweight rain jacket to keep you dry. Also, as you get going, listen to music or something so you can get "in the zone" and avoid being distracted by things like bad weather
  • tephey
    tephey Posts: 44 Member
    I try to only run outside except when it is too cold to do so. Any other weather is running weather. In fact I have been running in rain storms the last couple of days. For cold weather layer up, light cotton hoody, beanie and gloves. How weather light clothes with a runners shirt to wisk away wetness so you will sweat more and keep cool.

    What do you suggest for running in the rain? I don't mind getting soaked, just don't want to be weighed down. :)

    No cotton hoodies! In fact, avoid cotton altogether if you can. In the fall I'll usually run with a wicking base layer under a light half-zip top and if it's really windy or raining I'll wear a running shell (look for one with reflective striping on t it for improved poor weather / night time visibility and think bright /high contrast colours . When the weather gets colder a fleece layer under you shell will probably suffice but everyone has different cold tolerances. I don't know how cold it gets in TN but where I live we'll get down to -30 or -35C in the winter - a decent hat (preferably fleece lined) and warm gloves are a must.

    Get yourself a headlamp too - the newer generation of LED ones are light and bright and they keep on coming down in price.

    Thanks for all the info!!
  • planetrunner
    Like many others, I only run outside. And for whatever weather amusement value it's worth, I live in Canada.

    Learning how to run in any weather from +40C to -40C takes time of day experimentation and layered clothing choices. On the latter, basic core layer wicking fabrics are good choices all year round, which are pretty light if you're drenched by the rain, sweat or snow. Just make sure to have on some reflection material or lights of some sorts when it gets dark.

    In terms of footwear, for the winter, I would suggest looking into trail running shoes (ex. La Sportiva) in lieu of running shoes. The added grip coupled with taking smaller strides and being lighter on your feet is a good way to prevent slipping. However if regular running shoes work, use them.

    In terms of running in the country, I'm envious! Great to hear your have your canine companions joining you. My most enjoyable runs have been with my dog (or a friends) in cottage country in the middle woods. So far, we've not been eaten by bears, chased by moose, or pranced upon by dear. Phew...
  • likemeinvisible
    I only run outside. If it's cold I'm cold, if it's hot I'm hot and when it rains I'm wet. I try not to get caught in the dark, but if it's dark I can't see. I can still run :)
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    I only run outside. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 515am and Saturday mornings at 730am. I have a 'night light' for runners that have have attached to my jacket and I wear reflective shoes and bottoms. You sould check out Road ID. They have a lot of items that are geared for outdoor athletes. Good luck to you on your running!
  • fields69
    I only ever run outside. I run at 5am, so heat is rarely a problem. I hardly ever wear tights, it's rarely below 0 where I am in the UK, has been -4 C or so a few times though. I love the rain, I wear technical polyester gear which doesn't get too heavy.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I live in New England and run outside year round. I can't run on the dreadmill for more than 20 minutes without wanting to jump out a window. Get good winter running clothes (no cotton) and a good flashlight or headlamp and reflective jacket or vest. Mace or a dog or a running buddy if you live in an urban area. It's actually very soothing to run in the dark. I run with my light off and only turn it on when a car comes (I live in a rural area with no street lights, so my eyes adjust to the dark and I can see pretty well, especially with snow on the ground). Hearing coyotes makes me pick up my pace, but other than that I love running in the winter!

    Yes those stinking coyotes! They come right up to our house! I have a Great Pyrenees, so hopefully this will keep them away.

    I am far more afraid of the 2 legged beasts than the 4 legged ones, although my attitude migh change if those coyotes ever came out where I could see them! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I do wear a balaclava when it's colder than 15 or 20 degrees F. It makes it easier to breathe. Yaktraks work for icy conditions, although usually just waiting and running the next day means the ice is gone, or enough sand has been spread on it that I can get traction. My coldest run was at -10F. I was perfectly comfortable after about 10 minutes, although it was chilly to start!
  • whatever33
    Running outside way tougher!! Treadmills easier, so you will be ahead of the game if your running outside per my experience!!