30 mins a day and 5lbs per month anyone interested :)



  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    Hey everybody. It's been a week now right? I'm only down about half a pound at this point. Over the weekend it looked like I was down more but I was weighing in a little later (it's the weekend).

    Is everyone still at it? I'm still doing my elliptical and watching what I eat.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I think you're right. It has been a week. I haven't lost any weight this week, despite my many workouts. I'm getting a new workout video tomorrow to supplement all the cardio I've been doing. Hoping the weight training will help me get off this plateau.:grumble:
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Count me in. I have been trying for 60 or more minutes of exercise a day and managed it most days in January. The five pounds a month is a lot tougher for me, but worth a try.
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    hey wednesday clubbers :) well even tho i didnt really do much exercise this week due to my bad back ( crappy mattress ) i`ve manage to lose a pound and a half wooohoooo :) how is everybody else doing? did anyone weigh in today ???
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everybody. It's been a week now right? I'm only down about half a pound at this point. Over the weekend it looked like I was down more but I was weighing in a little later (it's the weekend).

    Is everyone still at it? I'm still doing my elliptical and watching what I eat.

    way to go decker :) well i am still on it and i`m sure people have just been busy. yup 1 week down and were making progress. :)

    yoga : we all plateau and i definately think that because u dont have that much to lose and your pretty active already those last pounds will take time but sticking at it is the best thing. i wish i were as active but my back is better so it seems so am back on the exercise :)

    welcome newbies of course you can join. :) so can i have weights again lets see where were at :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks Selinee and congrats on your pound and a half! Way to go. Glad your back is doing better too.
    My workout video arrived today and instead of doing work, I sat and watched the whole thing! LOL I wanted to know what to expect and learn about the form I need to use because it is primarily weight training. Now I can't wait to get home, take my "before" measurements and get started with the program. Woo hoo!
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    My weight was right back to 190.0 as of yesterday morning. This coming week will be better I'm sure.
  • fishykisses
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • JennSchn
    Is this where we check in? My suckiest week ever but at least I stayed the same at 181.
  • taye4ever
    I'm up for the challenge, me & my partner just started working out and are trying to live a healthier way. Not just for the moment but for a lifetime.
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Hello - hope i am not too late. I am on another thread for 10 lbs but at this point I seem to be going 5 lbs at a time so I figure if you don't mind - i would like to join...:flowerforyou:

    2/4/10 SW 203.6lbs

    If I make the 5 by the 26th or 27th woohoo that would put me below 200lbs:drinker:

    I weigh in daily but I saw you want Wednesday weigh date so I am right on schedule....GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY.

    p.s. You are doing jullian Shred - have your knees hurt at all?:frown:
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    hey all well a mixed bag for us all this week but , hey this week is another week :) were all here to support and i have extra time this week so i`m always here if anybody needs me :)

    yoga : good luck with the new dvd, weight training helps alot but dont stress if the scales dont change as your muscles weigh more than fat :)

    decker: everyday is a new day :) start the day fresh dont worry about the weight you havent lost think about the weight you WİLL lose. just keep going we all knnow what a struggle it is :) easy to gain but the worst to lose.

    fishykisses congrats on your weightloss what a motivator.

    jenn: at least you didnt gain :) staying the same is good too. clean start this week.

    welcome taye : good luck to you and were all here to help and motivate each other. can you give me your weight stats so i can log them?

    chesire hi :) it`s never too late and the more the merrier. i`ve logged your weight with the rest of ours. to be honest not my knees but my thighs ached at first the next day and i was so winded while i was doing it :) but overall think its a good workout . are you from the u.k ? if you are there is a dvd by kate lawler and its boxercise and it makes you sweat so bad and not painfall to joints.
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    heres where we stand girlies :)


    seline: 178
    yogarunner : 150.8
    simone: 148.8
    fishykisses : 171
    cheshire: 203
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks for the summary Selinee! I know it's the day after our weigh in day but....I have to share! I've been frustrated with being on a plateau for many weeks. Today I am down to 148.8! Finally below 150! Woohoo! What have I done differently? I have done one ChaLEAN Extreme workout and have had Shakeology for one meal yesterday. Hoping these two changes help me continue in this direction! Have an awesome day everyone.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    It feels good to break a nice round barrier. :happy:

    Today I was back down under 190 to 188.4. I think some of that change is just a difference in water weight. I'm consistently lower though. My eating is under control yesterday and today. I had one treat yesterday and nothing (for treats) so far today.

    Typically, Friday night is pizza night. I'll just go easy on the pizza.

    I wanted to say thanks for the summary too. It'd be nice to see start - current - goal. I know where I am in this 5-pound challenge but I don't know where everyone else is.

    Decker: S190.0 - C188.4 - G185.0
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Good Idea DeckerP!

    YogaRunner (Risa) S:150 C: 148.8 G: 145
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    sorry ladies your right will def do in the morning have just started a bar job so have been sooooooo busy as all but 2 staff have left and have been thrown into the deep end. first thing tom morning ::)
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    Hello.....is anybody out there?

    I'm still at it. 30 minutes on the elliptical in the morning and another 30 minutes in the evening. I'm not sure if the calorie count it gives me is correct but I record it. I'm not sure how many calories the snow shoveling is worth but I see the results on the scale I guess.

    Slowly but surely the scale keeps dropping with little bumps up and down. I'm don't know that I'll make the 5 pounds by our date but we'll see. My 190.0 starting weight was newly achieved so it may be a bit harder than someone with a "fresh" start.

    Check in and say hello folks.

    Decker: S: 190.0 - C: 188.6 - G: 185.0
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'm still out here! My weigh in today is S:150 C:149 G: 145. I'm loving doing the ChaLEAN Extreme but can't wait to add in my running once we thaw out from these massive snow storms. Mail service has been suspended completely for my entire state and won't resume until next Tuesday! My running team is supposed to begin its weekly training runs this Saturday for the new season...we may all need cross country skis!
  • JennSchn
    I am in the middle of a family emergency so I will hopefully be back next week.