Endomorph Meal Plans

Morning! So Ive done all kinds of poking around on the internet about endomorph body types. Ive come to the conclusion that this may be why its been such a long and difficult journey just to loose 10 lbs in 6 months. Through all the research and articles Ive read I cant seem to find a compiled list of the types of food I should be eating. Ive found that I need to be eating smaller meals more frequently, and that I also need to have about 50% of my calorie intake as protien, 30% carbs and 20% healthy fats. It was suggested to me that I try a gluten free and semi vegitarian type diet. Does any one have any suggestions or sample meal plans or even just a list of suggested foods?

I appreciate any advice or suggestions


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Less calories in than you burn = weight loss, it's that simple, blood type diets, body type diets etc are all fads, Every body 'type' needs a healthy diet, simple.
  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    I would have normally agreed you with you but in my journey I have found that certain foods make me feel better than other foods. I also know that too little calories will cause your body to store fats and do the exact opposite of what your goal is. Ive been working out with a trainer for over 6 months and have lost very little ... I admit my overall fitness has greatly improved and Ive lost 2% body fat but I feel I would have greater results if I found the correct combination of foods for me.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I didn't say too few calories, I said less than you burn, yes with too few you will plateau. I think without seeing your diary nobody can comment but diets based on body types have been greatly disproven, the only reason the work is by limiting calorie intake like any other healthy eating plan.
  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    I average 1200 - 1500 calories ... I havent logged my diary in about 2 weeks maybe more mostly because due to some personal issues I wasnt eating ... but please feel free to look at previous weeks ... I need to lose at least another 20lbs or 5% body fat before I can join the military and I am getting greatly discouraged LOL
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Somatotypes are a bunch of voodoo nonsense that people tend to use as excuses. Assuming no intolerance or medical conditions, eat foods you like, getting adequate amounts of proteins and fats while maintaining a consistent caloric deficit and profit
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Somatotypes are a bunch of voodoo nonsense that people tend to use as excuses. Assuming no intolerance or medical conditions, eat foods you like, getting adequate amounts of proteins and fats while maintaining a consistent caloric deficit and profit

    ^ This, entirely.
  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    Ill take some voodoo nonsense if it means I can meet my goal LOL =)
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Ill take some voodoo nonsense if it means I can meet my goal LOL =)

    Voodoo won't help you meet your goal
  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    Yea I know I know ... hard work and dedication ... I get it ... sort of ...

    A girl can dream big though =)
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I average 1200 - 1500 calories ... I havent logged my diary in about 2 weeks maybe more mostly because due to some personal issues I wasnt eating ... but please feel free to look at previous weeks ... I need to lose at least another 20lbs or 5% body fat before I can join the military and I am getting greatly discouraged LOL

    This thread makes my head hurt. You say you were on 1200-1500 and the last 2 weeks you have been not eating? You wonder why your body is plateauing?

    How about you calculate your TDEE subtract 20% from that and eat at that number consistently everyday without worrying about anything else and watch yourself drop weight. It is so simple...people just try to make it so complicated because they dont see results the NEXT day.
  • IceDragon72
    It sounds like you are not eating enough.

    Endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph are all BS excuses...it saddens me that Penn and Teller (who I usually agree with) promoted this concept on their "Bull****!" episode about dieting.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Somatotypes are a bunch of voodoo nonsense that people tend to use as excuses. Assuming no intolerance or medical conditions, eat foods you like, getting adequate amounts of proteins and fats while maintaining a consistent caloric deficit and profit

    ^ This, entirely.


    If you feel like you have an intolerance to a certain food, then see your doctor who can run tests. But your body type does not determine your macros. Voodoo is a good way to describe that line of thinking.
  • TrackMum
    TrackMum Posts: 4 Member
    I will actually increase my calories every 2 - 3 day to maintenance level, eating my full allotment of calories for one day, then decrease by no more than 20% again the next day and repeat. This tricks your body into not going into conservation mode because you are always eating too few calories.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    Read this and find out how many calories your really suppose to eat.

  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    Ok I guess I should be more clear ... I know why I havent seen any progress in the past month or so between stress and a diminished appetite. Im perfectly aware that I did more damage then good.

    I appreciate everyones insight and opinion.

    I recognize that I am not as educated in nutrition as I would like to be. So Im sorry Im grasping at "voo doo nonsense" and "excuses." I am not a patient person. I do want to see results right away, I know that line of thinking is illogical. However on the same hand prior to this I was working out 5 days a week and eating 1500 or so calories and I lost NO weight.

    Ive had my thyroid tested and its normal.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How do you know how much you have been eating? According to your diary, you do not log your food.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Factors that will cause you to "lose no weight" while exercising:

    1) Eating too few calories (improperly fueling your body)
    2) Eating too many calories (improperly weighing and measuring your food intake)
    3) Thyroid issues or taking certain medications

    As you've ruled out 3), it's either 1) or 2).
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    You might like to check out "Choose to Lose" by Chris Powell www.chrispowell.com. If the body type thing is to be believed, I am also an endomorph. I have tried countless diets and am lucky no matter my starting weight to be down 1-2 pounds in a month. Stupid monthly bloating would undo all my hard work and not make it worth it.

    In anycase, I've been on CTL since June. In my first month (only on the program truly for 2 weeks of it) I lost almost 10 lbs. I'm down 30 lbs in 100 days. Mr Powell suggests that his "diet" can allow a person to lose 1% body weight each week, so for me that was a target of about 2.5 lbs/week. I have been been down 2-3 lbs/week almost every week since starting the plan.

    The first two weeks I did with my mom, and I found it hard.... but she helped me through. Then, once I got home, my first week on my own solidified that I can really do this. Now, it is "old hat" and I can see myself eating this way for the rest of my life. The beauty of his eating plan is that over the course of 48 hours you'll eat complete nutrition. Cheese is my downfall, but I can have it every other day, so I can say no easily on the days I "can't" have it.

    Feel free to check out my food logs. I only recently joined mfp, so I only have a couple of weeks on there. But, you can look if you want. :)
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    How do you know how much you have been eating? According to your diary, you do not log your food.

  • lorraine_2015
    lorraine_2015 Posts: 42 Member
    im an endomorph too. I observe that It make me feels better when i don't eat white grains. I replace my rice with sweet potato. I loose fat on my face and I always feel full