Issues with losing, no gallbladder?



  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    If you're at 1200, which will already be below your BMR, and not eating all exercise calories back, your body may just need some more nourishment. Most women need more than 1200 for a sedentary lifestyle, not counting any exercise.

    Try upping your calories to 1500-1700, depending on your BMR.

    ^^^ yep, I agree.

    I had my gallbladder removed in 2005. It hasn't made any noticeable difference in how I lost weight.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed and as you can see by my ticker, it is not hindering my weightloss. I eat an average of 2000 calories per day and I have been losing pretty consistantly.
  • I also had my gallbladder out this year and have put on 14 lbs. Now i know that i had been eating very poorly at first bc after the surgery i finally felt so good. Your post sounds exactly like what i have been experiencing for the past 3 weeks to a "T". I did the low carb thing and lost 5 lbs in 6 days. i continued on it for 6 more days and gained back 2 lbs. I then switched to low calorie, keeping my calorie intake under 1500 and stepped up my workout to 3, 3-4 mile runs a week. i have now gained back all the weight!!!!! i am beyond stressed out about this! i ,like you, have always been able to loose weight fairly well when i put my mind to eating well and stepping up my activity level but it seems that noting Ive tried is working. I am committed to this and will not give up. Please let me know how things turnout for you and what your Dr. says. Thanks again!
  • masirahmo
    masirahmo Posts: 30 Member
    I'll jump in with the crowd and say that I too have no gallbladder - it was removed in 1980. It was so full of stones the surgeon said they could have had a good game of marbles!

    I've never really had a problem losing weight despite the gallbladder thing, so I don't think it's really an issue. Other factors are now hindering my weight loss but I never even considered including the fact that I didn't have one. Would be interested to hear more about these digestive enzymes though - wonder if they would help my sometimes chronic heartburn? :bigsmile:
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    No gall bladder here either, and having no gall bladder has nothing to do with weight loss. In any way. Some people have to watch what they eat or cut out certain things, other people have absolutly no side effects and can eat like they did before, but it doesn't make you gain or hold onto weight.
  • I had my gallbladder taken out 7 years ago and I have no issues losing weight.
    You've been tracking for 5 weeks - gotta chill
    You've admitted eating hasn't been perfect - are you being 100% honest with yourself?
    But mostly - you gotta chill out and keep going no matter what the scale says.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I had my gallbladder out almost ten years ago. I don't think it has anything to do with not losing weight. Age definitely does. I am 37 and the last five years I have noticed a marked differnce in my ability to lose weight. I have to work much harder at it. I would say the initial weight loss on your Atkins type of diet was mostly water. It is tempting to cut calories way low but in the long run it is not a life style most people can stick with. About a month ago I upped my calories from 1410 to 1620 because my weight loss seemed to be stalling and I was hungry all the time. I also have been working out pretty hard so I eat back most of my exercise calories. On the days I workout I eat over 2000 calories. The first week I didn't lose much, but the last couple weeks I have lost close to five pounds. Yay! I eat whole healthy food and if I want a treat, I have one. Nothing is restricted just taken in moderation. Diets don't work long term for me. This time I am changing my lifestyle and trying to eat in a way that I can do for life. Good luck on your fitness journey. Don't be discouraged, sometimes it just takes time to figure it what your body needs.
  • I had my gallbladder out a year ago. I have beenn 8 stone for the past 22 years and am 38 now. I have battled all my life to try to maintain and put on weight. Usually, the slightest cold or tiredness would lead me to losing weight and it would make me so depressed. Since i had my gallbladder removed i have noticed i dont lose weight anymore, but i dont put it on either, which is great. I have read many posts where people have said they have put on weight and now i am panicking in case i slowly gain weight, as i have spent my whole life trying to do the opposite and never knew what it feels like!
    I would say that you should look at you diet as the reason why your average person has their gallbladder removed is because they are overweight due to bad eating habits ( i know from personal experience that this does not apply to everyone). Maybe if you are prone to putting on weight before the gallbladder removal then it will be a bit harder to lose it? Then again, some people lose weight after the removal as their body doesnt digest the fat properly. If you have a low calorie intake, surely the body must lose weight as you are not taking in enough calories? Another possibility is that some may have thyroid problems that can stop them from losing weight.