A week of Binge then starve



  • batigol1985

    here is an article that I just came across that you may found helpful.
    Good article...can definitely see my own predicament here...in terms of becoming obsessed by food ingredients and recipes..have spent hours online and in bookshops just reading recipes....thinking wow...im going to try that...then doing nothing about it. In fact I have a cupboard of ingredients that I constantly add to but rarely use....keep promising myself that some day I will cook THAT recipe as a treat...even though its a healthy meal (e.g hummus, tuna steak and salsa).

    And yep....Im a guy :)
  • dorkusmalorkus
    what helps me is making sure my surrounding environment is stable, clean, organized. that every person in it is positive and supporting of a healthy lifestyle. no bad habits. eat clean. youll feel proud of every day and what you consumed and feel even better!!!!! its been about a month-month and a half since i last binge/purged. getting rid of some of those bad influences (people majorly) helped so much! and getting on an understanding level with everyone of what your serious intentions are helps a lot. my husband stops badgering me to buy ice cream and eats healthy like i do (with a few exceptions)