Anyone here to gain weight?

I'm 23, 6ft, and 131lbs... For a guy thats pretty skinny, and it shows.

I've always been like this and eating is a real problem for me.

Here to try and put weigh on by keeping track of what I'm doing, and trying to make sure that what I eat is putting the right weight on, not just fat.

Anyone else here to do the same? or is it all loss?


  • ScaryMari
    Hello! I think most of us are here to lose weight, but we all want to become healthy! Here is a forum that may be helpful to you in your gaining endevor:

    Good luck, take care!
  • dracomantis
    dracomantis Posts: 2 Member
    Looks like that forums pretty dead mate.

    Thanks anyway.
  • mjzzyzoff
    I'm not here to gain, but I want to say good luck on your journey! I'm a big believer in eating healthy no matter what your weight or goals, so feel free to add me if you'd like. I know a lil bit about nutrition ;)