what makes a good or bad server?



  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    I must be a total geek. I actually thought this thread was going to be about computer hardware.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    bad servers
    - grumpy
    - monotone
    - doesn't refill drink
    - doesn't apologize for mistakes sincerely (I know sometimes it's the kitchen's fault, but when they are bland in their apology its annoying)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I reserve the right to tip according to how I think the service was. My wife and I eat out at least once a week - sometimes with out the 8-y-o, and other times with her.

    My biggest pet peeve with service is this: you asked me if I need anything else and I requested something, do you think you can get it to my table BEFORE I finish my meal?

    I know that some servers are new or inexperienced, and I expect that. I tip 15% for regular service, and I tip 20% for exceptional service. If you didn't bring me something I asked for, especially more than once, it's 10%.

    If it is the kitchen's fault, I don't hold it against you.

    And one more thing. I don't' mind if you are friendly at all - I even enjoy it, but we didn't come to hear your life story.
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I must be a total geek. I actually thought this thread was going to be about computer hardware.
    Lmao! :laugh:
    MFPBONNIE Posts: 94 Member
    Interesting topic. My last restaurant dinner was extremely busy at the time. This poor guy was practically running, trying to serve people. Three ladies came in apparently at their lunch time and expected him to serve them and get them out to get back to work. They were rude to him, asking for one item at a time, making comments about having to get back to work - I felt sorry for him because the work is hard, and mean people just make it worst. these workers have feelings. He kept it professional at all times. On my way out I complimented him on his hard work.
  • oker673
    oker673 Posts: 139 Member
    If they don't check back with you. (or people at the table get their drinks 10 minutes apart). I am talking about one person getting their drink and the other not getting theirs even after a ten minute wait.
  • Personally, I've eaten at high end, and not so high end places... The BEST service I've ever had was in Disney World. At that is across the board. Just being friendly and attentive is probably hands down the best way to earn your tip, and my respect. If you're acting like my being there and ordering food is a hassle for you, that's a sure fire way to make me NOT want to give you my hard earned cash. I will admit, when we ate at a somewhat empty french bistro in Disney, the waiters standing in a row against the wall watching us all eat was a little... well uncomfortable. But the service was great :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    You know what annoys me as a restaurant employee? People who let their kids run RAMPANT. Coloring all over the table, crumbs everywhere, silverware thrown around, food and napkins all over the floor--it looks like a tiny tornado hit. I get that kids can be messy, but sometimes I think parents don't even CARE that their children are inconveniencing other people.

    I think annoying things that customers do is a much more interesting topic, to be honest!

    The kids running all over the restaurant. I can deal with kids making a mess (I hate it, but for the toddlers and babies I just deal), but seeing a little one going crazy and tripping servers is horrible.

    My gripe about servers is when the place is dead, but they'd rather talk in the kitchen and do as little service as possible. I had that happen twice, I think. Our waitress took us to a table, brought our drinks, and hid out in the kitchen. I had to flag down someone else for food.

    Now, I really hate the gratuity built into the check. The service is always crap. No one cares because they get their tip regardless of doing their job or not.

    I've worked on both sides of it, so I do cut more slack than my friends do.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Personally, I've eaten at high end, and not so high end places... The BEST service I've ever had was in Disney World. At that is across the board. Just being friendly and attentive is probably hands down the best way to earn your tip, and my respect. If you're acting like my being there and ordering food is a hassle for you, that's a sure fire way to make me NOT want to give you my hard earned cash. I will admit, when we ate at a somewhat empty french bistro in Disney, the waiters standing in a row against the wall watching us all eat was a little... well uncomfortable. But the service was great :)

    Hah! One of our servers trained at Disney! He's such a sweetheart, but whenever he talks about working at Disney (some business internship, I believe), it sounds like they practically brainwash the people to be smiling, Mickey-obsessed minions of joy. Both creepy and entertaining.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    You know what annoys me as a restaurant employee? People who let their kids run RAMPANT. Coloring all over the table, crumbs everywhere, silverware thrown around, food and napkins all over the floor--it looks like a tiny tornado hit. I get that kids can be messy, but sometimes I think parents don't even CARE that their children are inconveniencing other people.

    I think annoying things that customers do is a much more interesting topic, to be honest!

    this^^^^ Or how about oneing you to death... they can't ask for everything they need at once , they see you busy yet every time you bring them something they decide they need something else to go with it... Or how about the cheap old ladies who want hot water only and they bring in their own tea bags!!!

    Down here it's ice water, Splenda and a lemon! And you know what gets me as a host? When you walk a group to their table, and they look at EACH OTHER and say, "Oh, is this okay?" Like there's not a reason I walked you to this particular table. Oh, sure, just sit anywhere.

    haha exactly!!!! If you want a seat yourself place try McDonalds... Or how about they come into a nice restaurant and expect their food to come fast....hello most of these places everything is made from scratch meaning it takes a little longer if you want perfection
  • OhKelsey1
    You know what annoys me as a restaurant employee? People who let their kids run RAMPANT. Coloring all over the table, crumbs everywhere, silverware thrown around, food and napkins all over the floor--it looks like a tiny tornado hit. I get that kids can be messy, but sometimes I think parents don't even CARE that their children are inconveniencing other people.

    I think annoying things that customers do is a much more interesting topic, to be honest!

    this^^^^ Or how about oneing you to death... they can't ask for everything they need at once , they see you busy yet every time you bring them something they decide they need something else to go with it... Or how about the cheap old ladies who want hot water only and they bring in their own tea bags!!!

    Down here it's ice water, Splenda and a lemon! And you know what gets me as a host? When you walk a group to their table, and they look at EACH OTHER and say, "Oh, is this okay?" Like there's not a reason I walked you to this particular table. Oh, sure, just sit anywhere.

    You know what? I've done that before and it's because you are leading me to a section that is full of screaming babies. I'm sorry but I do jot want to sit any where near that. You, as the hostess,, can clearly see no one in my party has children so why on earth do you think we would want to sit near them?

    Or, you took me to a booth and me and my fat eating partner aren't sure we can fit our fatness into it.

    I was not your hostess. But there is a system in place for a reason--servers come in at different times, some sections are empty, there's a rotation, etc. YOUR host was just doing her job, and I sympathize with her.

    As for people being too big to fit at a booth, that's a really horrifying experience for ALL PARTIES involved. I try to avoid it as often as possible.
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    Keep my glass filled. That's about all I ask.
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    Down here it's ice water, Splenda and a lemon! And you know what gets me as a host? When you walk a group to their table, and they look at EACH OTHER and say, "Oh, is this okay?" Like there's not a reason I walked you to this particular table. Oh, sure, just sit anywhere.

    Well I must admit that although I worked in the restaurant business as a chef for over a decade in my younger years and completely understand why the seating is rotated in a certain order in some places, if they try to give me a seat where I do not want to sit I just take the opportunity to sit somewhere else. I usually eat at nicer places so I will be particular about my seat. As far as a good server my expectations are not that high. Just check back in a timely manner, I like to always have a drink in front of me, know the menu in case I have a question, and do not try to rush me.. Any server that does that gets about 25% or more tip from me. The quickest way to not getting a tip, which I have only done twice, is to ignore me completely or stop by every five mnutes to share some hard luck story about your personal life or your significant other leaving you (yes this happened).
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    You know what annoys me as a restaurant employee? People who let their kids run RAMPANT. Coloring all over the table, crumbs everywhere, silverware thrown around, food and napkins all over the floor--it looks like a tiny tornado hit. I get that kids can be messy, but sometimes I think parents don't even CARE that their children are inconveniencing other people.

    I think annoying things that customers do is a much more interesting topic, to be honest!
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I must be a total geek. I actually thought this thread was going to be about computer hardware.

    Same here bud. I am disappoint.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I must be a total geek. I actually thought this thread was going to be about computer hardware.

    ha..my first thought, even though i knew what this was really about, was low population is the worst thing you can have for a server. and the best servers are PVP. :)
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    I have never considered any of my experiences as poor service. I always tip 20%. I never assume that someone is just being a jerk and slacking off at their job. I'd rather assume first that they probably are just really busy, and that everyone makes mistakes. I think it's kind of rude to expect a server to be a mind reader and know all of your personal preferences when you come in to eat.

    I completely agree! My poor Mom was a server just because she was bored, and on Christmas she had to work...(a woman who rocked a 4cttw diamond on her hand and drove a 2012 Camaro, and NEVER had to work in her life.) Anyways she was busy, and some random dude behind me called her slow. I almost caught a felony. I mean how dare him...she was just busy.
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    I'm not that hard to please. I do however, hate when they don't talk loud enough. Oh, and not giving me a refill in a timely fashion. That's it.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Last night we went out and our server was terrible he would pop up ask a question and have his back to us walking away before I could even reply.

    He asked us if we wanted desert a good 5 minuets after we got our meal too .
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I like the ones that think they have such a great memory they don't have to write your order down....and then they invariably forget something you ordered. :grumble:

    As for napkins, the b/f asks for extra every time we are out for a meal. If the server forgets, he gets up and gets his own....plus a few extra to take home.

    Me? I just like someone who is friendly. I used to work in retail and even if I was having a lousy day I always had a smile for the customer. Its seems I only get friendly servers 50% of the time.