Calories / BMR, Fitbit, and being short.

You know how it says "sariannach completed her food and exercise diary for [date] and was under her calorie goal"? That might not actually be good for me. I'm 5'1.5", generally petite (I can shop in the kids' dept for shoes and gloves), and aiming for 120lbs. BMI says that a "normal" range for my height is 102-129, but I believe 120 is quite reasonable given my frame.

So, MFP says my BMR is currently 1391. My MFP-set base daily goal has *always* been 1200--that's what it was 18lbs ago when I started, and that's what it is now, 30lbs above my goal. I'm frustrated because on the days when I really don't do anything other than lie in bed and eat (yes, I'm getting treatment for anxiety and related depression), my goal number is also apparently the number to hit for healthy existence. For the last couple of months, I've mostly been going by the number provided by my Fitbit, which has ranged anywhere from ~800cal/day to 1600cal/day depending on how active I've actually been--on the "Kinda Hard" plan of a 750 calorie deficit, although I've switched that back to "Medium" (500cal deficit). I do have Fitbit/MFP configured to work together correctly, but I just feel like i can't trust MFP as much because it assumes I'll move my butt enough to earn the calories. I don't know!

I'm just getting worried that the super-low days are going to cause health problems. Once my insurance from school kicks in, maybe I'll go see a nutritionist and a rheumatologist. :-\

I'll admit it--I really don't exercise. I should. I do move my body around campus, especially for my student job doing IT support. But between classes, work, homework, cooking, and cleaning, I just can't find the energy/motivation to do anything else "hard" in my free time, or the money for a gym membership or equipment. I know I'll have to, at some point. [Today I'm proud of what I've already accomplished--and that my previous "skinny pants" (comfy black jeans) and my babydoll Tux (the Linux penguin) shirt both fit again. Breaking the fat geek stereotype FTW! ]


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Look at and click on week under calories.
    How many calories are you burning per week?
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Fitbit is doing site maintenance now so you can't get the info there, but you can look at your weekly fitbit update and it will have your weekly and average daily calorie burn.
  • sariannach
    Fitbit seems to be back up.

    The past week says:

    Total Burned: 13805 cals
    Total Eaten: 9038 cals
    However, the last week I've been going by MFP numbers because of these concerns. I figure at worst, I either maintain or gain a little, and if so, I can go back to Fitbit numbers.

    Here are a few earlier weeks for better data:

    week ending 9/11
    13701 cals burned
    7028 cals eaten
    daily average 1,957 cals
    best day 2,420 cals

    week ending 9/02
    13100 cals burned
    7653 cals eaten
    daily average 1,871 cals
    best day 1,980 cals

    week ending 8/26
    13834 cals burned
    8941 cals eaten
    daily average 1,976 cals
    best day 2,157 cals

    Given those are daily averages--some days the 750-cal deficit on Fitbit puts me very very low. For example, last Saturday, 9/15, Fitbit estimates that I burned 1640cal. (I did eat more than recommended by Fitbit that day!). But the 890 calories it recommends is clearly not even close to the 1200 I see everywhere else!

    My inclination is to try for a 500-750cal deficit on days when I am active, and to stick with the 1200 goal on days when I'm not. I'm just not sure whether that makes sense--is the bouncing up and down on goal numbers even a good idea? I do think it'd be good to see a nutritionist when my insurance is sorted out, which should be in another 4-6 weeks (financial aid).
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Fitbit seems to be back up.

    The past week says:

    Total Burned: 13805 cals
    Total Eaten: 9038 cals
    However, the last week I've been going by MFP numbers because of these concerns. I figure at worst, I either maintain or gain a little, and if so, I can go back to Fitbit numbers.

    Here are a few earlier weeks for better data:

    week ending 9/11
    13701 cals burned
    7028 cals eaten
    daily average 1,957 cals
    best day 2,420 cals

    week ending 9/02
    13100 cals burned
    7653 cals eaten
    daily average 1,871 cals
    best day 1,980 cals

    week ending 8/26
    13834 cals burned
    8941 cals eaten
    daily average 1,976 cals
    best day 2,157 cals

    Given those are daily averages--some days the 750-cal deficit on Fitbit puts me very very low. For example, last Saturday, 9/15, Fitbit estimates that I burned 1640cal. (I did eat more than recommended by Fitbit that day!). But the 890 calories it recommends is clearly not even close to the 1200 I see everywhere else!

    My inclination is to try for a 500-750cal deficit on days when I am active, and to stick with the 1200 goal on days when I'm not. I'm just not sure whether that makes sense--is the bouncing up and down on goal numbers even a good idea? I do think it'd be good to see a nutritionist when my insurance is sorted out, which should be in another 4-6 weeks (financial aid).

    You burn 1900 a day.
    Just cut 20% off that and eat that every day regardless of working out.
    youll lose the best amount of fat while maintaining lean mass.
  • SwimBikeRunMama
    It's important to eat at least your BMR. So that's the 1391 calories. Even if you're laying in bed, you're burning at least that. But that's what your body requires in order to function normally. You can set your calorie goal on here to 1391 (I have mine set for my BMR).
  • sariannach
    Thanks, both of you! I upped my daily intake and I'm starting to feel better and lose again!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member