Lose 20 pounds by Christmas!



  • I'm in as well!! It has been 5+ years since I started watching what I ate and started to exercise. My starting weight and heaviest was 312!!! Thank you all for the motivation and post. Lets get it!

    SW : 312
    CW : 243
    Goal :223
  • lets lose it together!!! lets all be friends so that we can keep eachother accountable!
  • mexicalinina
    mexicalinina Posts: 19 Member
    I am definitely in!

    CW: 214
    GW: 195
  • I am in too!! We can do this

    CW: 170
    GW: 150
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    My SW was 238 (since MFP)
    My CW is 214
    Goal by Christmas 194??? No way, that can't be right... Is it possible that I can be in Onederland by Christmas? YES, I can! :) If I do this, I am going to buy myself an awesome dress for New Year's :bigsmile:
  • Just started my diet, and not doing it very healthily. I need help and advice. I always find out that I'm eating too few calories, but when I eat the recommended amount, I gain weight instantly. I'm 19 years old with the metabolism of a 40 year old. I would LOVE to lose 20 lbs by Christmas so that I can come home from college and feel/ look AMAZING. Might inspire me to cut my hair off, too! Make this group HAPPEN!

    SW: 143
    GW: 125
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Just to let you all know a group has been started for those of you wanting to do this challenge. If you go to Community, then groups on your top tab (under food), then where it says search for groups put in:

    3 Months = 20 pounds. Merry Christmas!

    Click on join group.
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    and you know..... 3 months... it is less than 7lb a month!
  • I'm definately in ,

    christmas goal 189
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I'm in!

    SW: 204
    CW: 189
    Xmas-GW: 169
  • oneakaqt
    oneakaqt Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, can you tell us the name of the already existing group? I'd like to sign up!
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I'd love to do this!
    SW 202
    CW 160
    Hoping to be 140 for xmas which would put me at the top of my 'healthy bmi' range and I'd LOVE that!
    I think its going to take loads of dedication and effort but hopefully can pull it off.
    Then I suppose I'll set a goal weight depending on how I feel at that weight.
  • I'll join!

    Cw:145 (maybe a little less)
  • Needing some motivation for sure... I'll give this a try!

    CW: 170
    GW: 150
  • kimixxdance
    kimixxdance Posts: 19 Member
    I would love to get to my goal by christmas! I'm only trying to lose 10 pounds, but I would love to be in this group! CW: 125 pounds.
  • lrlnss
    lrlnss Posts: 29 Member
    I want in! :)

    SW 163
    CW 160
    Christmas GW 140
    UGW 115
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    I will try my best! Just started and my own personal goal is to lose 15 lbs by the end of December so this would mean beating my goal! :)

    SW 253.6
    CW 250
    GW (by Christmas) 230
  • Exhalt
    Exhalt Posts: 41
    Starting Weight : 280
    Current Weight : 275.8
    Goal Weight by Christmas: 250
    Ultimate Goal Weight : 140
  • Sw 181
    Cw 177
    Gw 157 by Christmas. My bday is on Christmas too so I'm really hoping to reach my goal