18 and Trying to be Healthy

Hi! I'm only 18 years old, and I weigh 220 pounds. Even my own mother is always commenting on how "fat" I am. I've been trying to exercise and be healthy for a long time. I've been on a swim team for 8 years, and I play water polo. I also am in a show choir that does some pretty physically exerting dance moves. I even used to go to the gym twice and week to do Zumba and weight-lifting, but it seems like no matter how much I exercise I only gain weight. I think the problem is my eating habits; I try to eat less and healthier, but I have really bad will-power and can't resist the chips or the cupcake. I try so hard and can usually make it a day or two, but then I give in to my cravings and binge, bad. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to control my cravings?


  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    My family is the same unsportive way, and we are also the same age :) It's so hard to resist the chips and the chocolate etc.. If there is any of it in my house 9 times out of 10 I will eat it so normally I try to throw it out when someone brings it in. (waste of $ I know). As for the cravings, I've started using appetite suppressants which work well for me when I use them, as well as having my favourite healthy foods around the house like almonds, bananas etc.. Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    For me, the "secret" is logging everything that goes in my mouth. If I don't want to have to log it, I won't eat it. It can't be a haphazard and vague idea of "eating better" until the next cupcake happens by. This is about making a firm commitment to a way of life and then making it happen every damn day. . . .making a choice between what you want for your life and what you want this minute.
  • sambyoung
    sambyoung Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 18 as well, and have been struggling with my eating habits for over half of my life. I get those same comments from my mom as well, but she masks it with things like "I'm just concerned about your health."
    Unfortunately, exercise alone won't do much if you are eating junk. It's like putting chocolate syrup in your car and expecting it to run well.
    One of my favorite mantras for eating well is to tell myself, whenever I wanna eat something bad, "Eat better now, feel greater later." This usually encourages me to put down the Hot Cheetos. :)
  • Leonidasrage
    Check out the book Body For Life by Bo Phillips. The eating plan there is not so much a diet as style. No counting calories, no measuring, just approximating portion size from a list of approved foods. Best of all, day seven is a Free Day where you can eat whatever you want in whatever amount you want. Weekly reward, easy to follow, wide variety of foods "allowed". Give it a look.
  • la_faerie
    Your situation is just about where I used to be! I can workout like nobody;s business--I LOVE the gym. But getting over food addictions...boy, it is HARD. I know that from experience. And honestly, the only way to make it get better is to stay consistent and come up with personal mantras to go by. My favorite is "Eat for long term goals, not momentary satisfaction." For some reason, that really clicked with me; "Is this cupcake's joy going to last as long as being healthy will?" It will get better with time, I promise. I would totally love to keep in touch with you if you're ever having a hard time or want to celebrate accomplishments!
  • Onipaa808
    Onipaa808 Posts: 19 Member
    I know how you feel. I had that problem too. I also had a problem of going to the gym; getting hyped to lose weight, and then lose all of my motivation to do it.
  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    Start eating oatmeal. You exercise so much your body needs that kind of complex carb. You also need to make sure you're not drinking your calories. You don't want to waste them. Good luck! :smile: