
I am having trouble drinking all the water that everyone says you need. Don't get me wrong I am quite happy to sit here at work all day sipping on water, but how long does it take before your body gets used to?? I am rushing to the toilet about 10 times a day at the moment!!! (I never used to drink any plain water a day). It also seems to make my tummy look bloated too.


  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    well, i definitely had to work up to it but several things will help....definitely increase your activity level. Nothing makes you want to drink water more than a good sustained sweat. Trust me, you'll WANT to drink water the more you perspire.
  • sparrow70
    sparrow70 Posts: 25 Member
    Same here! I start of by using a 32 oz cup w/ straw (like those water pitcher mugs that they give u if your in the hospital) & it seems like I get it down quicker, plus don't have to fill up a cup a million times. To be honest I use crystal light or other calorie free packets to get all of my liquids in. Even my tea I count as water (my husband says it is water anyways- I make it mainly water- 10- 15 teabags per 3 gallon lol). Even the store teas r always all too strong 4 me. yesterday with water & tea water I drank 16 cups, seems like a lot, but when I'm using this big mug it is only 4 fill ups. who needs to excercise- spent all day running to bathroom. I'm pretty immobile (stay n bed all day), so at least i'm getting up lol. Makes u so full though.
  • lilkayaker
    lilkayaker Posts: 37 Member
    It doesn't tale that long, Water flushes the system and if you rarely drank any your kidneys are probably doing the happy dance and using to flush out a lot of biuld up! keep chugging!!!!
  • orangefour
    orangefour Posts: 55 Member
    The only time you will stop peeing so much (while drinking a lot of water) is when you are sweating it out instead. I drink around 90-100 oz a day and am constantly peeing... except when I'm working out and sweating so much. Then like PP said you want to keep drinking it like it's going out of style! :)
  • charlybu
    charlybu Posts: 47 Member
    It will get a little better with practice, but more water = more trips to the bathroom. I'm a choir singer, so I'm a big water drinker. Maybe instead of sipping all day try to drink two glasses of water with each meal so your bladder isn't constantly full. That will also help you feel full faster.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    You should be peeing fairly clear at least 8-10 times in a 24 hour period for proper hydration. :smile: Its annoying, but no more annoying than having a fat gut & *kitten* from mere water retention! It can literally have the appearance of fat on the body. It also banishes cellulite.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I started carrying a bottle every where I went. I drank maybe two a day. Slowly that increased to 4 then 7 etc.. Now I drink at least a gallon a day and I carry a gallon jug every where I go. Yes, its annoying even for me, but I gotta have my water and id rather just carry my jug then lug around a cooler fool of bottles. It will certainly have you going to the bathroom a lot, that does decrease some as you get use to drinking it but I still go at least once an hour. You just have to build up to it. It took me months to actually work up to a gallon a day. Maybe close to a year.
  • LeCycliste
    Hi, just read up about it, to much water can cause problems, but the right amont helps break down lactic acid, its just getting the right balance and you dont want to be running to the loo all the time either
  • orangefour
    orangefour Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, just read up about it, to much water can cause problems, but the right amont helps break down lactic acid, its just getting the right balance and you dont want to be running to the loo all the time either

    You have to drink very high quantities w/out sweating or peeing any of it out for it to be harmful.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, just read up about it, to much water can cause problems, but the right amont helps break down lactic acid, its just getting the right balance and you dont want to be running to the loo all the time either

    You have to drink very high quantities w/out sweating or peeing any of it out for it to be harmful.

    Yes, it takes A LOT of water in a short time to be harmful.
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    It doesn't tale that long, Water flushes the system and if you rarely drank any your kidneys are probably doing the happy dance and using to flush out a lot of biuld up! keep chugging!!!!

    Hee hee! That made me reach for my water bottle! Keep dancing lil kidneys of mine, I promise to take better care of you from now :drinker:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    There's no scientiic evidence to support the 8 glasses a day recommendation


    Your kidneys flush out the toxins, not loads of water
    Of course you need adequate water but food provides most of it

    Some say that drinking lots supresses hunger but it sure doesnt for me
    Some say your body can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst - I can!

    I think the reason that many put so much significance on drinking lots is because its relatively easy. It's damn hard to exercise. It's damn hard to resist eating all the lovely foods - it's quite easy to drink another glass of water and give yourself a high five
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I was like you, I literally only drank cola or lemonade all day and then I changed to drinking water and watery cordials. I literally peed 21 times in a day once and it was a nightmare, though the visiting the lavatory was good exercise lol. I took about 4-6 weeks before I stopped needing to rush to pee every so often, now 8 weeks in, I go about 8 times a day give or take (I don't literally count.) It will calm down and you will feel better for it x
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    There's no scientiic evidence to support the 8 glasses a day recommendation


    Your kidneys flush out the toxins, not loads of water
    Of course you need adequate water but food provides most of it

    Some say that drinking lots supresses hunger but it sure doesnt for me
    Some say your body can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst - I can!

    I think the reason that many put so much significance on drinking lots is because its relatively easy. It's damn hard to exercise. It's damn hard to resist eating all the lovely foods - it's quite easy to drink another glass of water and give yourself a high five

    There is no question that most people do not drink enough water. There is also no question that drinking adequate water is good for your over all health. Is 8 glasses a day a myth? Maybe. But the majority of people could stand to increase their water intake, thats a fact.
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will continue supping the water knowing my kidneys are having a good day xx
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will continue supping the water knowing my kidneys are having a good day xx

    But you're misleading yourself

    "You shouldn't worry that you have to drink a certain amount of water to keep those kidneys functioning well," Dr. Swartzberg said. "Our bodies can really adapt to a small amount of water or a large amount."

  • C00lCountry
    I don't worry about the amount as much as how I feel or urine itself looks.
    If my urine is very light to clear, I am good.
    If gets darker, I have to drink up more.
    Where you live makes a difference as to amount you need too.
    If it is hot out and very low humidity then need more.
    If it is rainy and cool, well you won't sweat as much or evaporate as much either.

    Enjoy and keep on working at it.
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will continue supping the water knowing my kidneys are having a good day xx

    But you're misleading yourself

    "You shouldn't worry that you have to drink a certain amount of water to keep those kidneys functioning well," Dr. Swartzberg said. "Our bodies can really adapt to a small amount of water or a large amount."


    I'm not misleading myself at all, I wasn't moaning about trying to drink loads of water (i'm actually enjoying it). I just wanted to know how long it would take before i didn't need to keep going to the toilet!!!!

    Have been drinking about 10 glasses of water a day for 3 days and already feel less sluggish in the mornings. Whether that is the water or the diet or the exercise I have no idea but whatever it is i'm not gonna change a thing!!
  • LupaNera
    Well when working but in summer i can drink nearly 4 lt of water. In winter I normally I drink around 1.5 lt excluding coffee and milk and when exercising about 2-21/2 lt.
    For me is like I drink 4-5 times a day, a huge amount... I can easily drink 1/2 lt of water in 30 seconds or less. I start believing I'm a camel.
    And every time I drink I go to bathroom :D.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    It's surprising how much better water makes you feel :smile: