


  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    I keep an old shaker at work and fill that 4 times a day. It holds 600ml of liquid, and I fill it past that, so I take in about 2.5l a day of water, before I even get home for training. That's another shaker of water there. Couple all of that with the various other drinks during the day and I'd be looking at over 4litres a day, easily.

    After a while you don't even notice it. You just do it. I even miss it and feel bad when I don't have water near me at my desk at work.
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    I never used to drink water either... and other fluids probably didn't even come up to 1litre a day either. Its probably been 3 months now since i started drinking 2 litres of water a day and even after 3 months i still need to constantly go to the loo every 10 min or so. Irritating but drinking water has helped me loose body fat and still going strong.
  • LDragonfly1980
    LDragonfly1980 Posts: 22 Member
    I am not intentially being gross but before drinking lots of water I would live on Cups of coffee and coke and pretty much no other liquid. I had sugar puff sweet smelling and dark treacle coloured urine all the time and only peed twice a day ( once in the morning and before I went to bed )

    Now I am drinking plain water I am peeing about 8 to 10 times a day, including during the night which I hate having to get up on a cold night for a pee!! BUT its almost practically clear and my skin looks less greasy and much fresher..which is probably the food doing wonders too, but I really think its the water thats the key.

    I find that a glass of water with food makes me feel full too.

    I hate plain water and struggle with it...but I try my best, sometimes I manage 4 glasses...sometimes 8. But I just think whatever I have, it was a damn site more than what I had before so it must all be good :o)
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will continue supping the water knowing my kidneys are having a good day xx

    But you're misleading yourself

    "You shouldn't worry that you have to drink a certain amount of water to keep those kidneys functioning well," Dr. Swartzberg said. "Our bodies can really adapt to a small amount of water or a large amount."


    I'm not misleading myself at all, I wasn't moaning about trying to drink loads of water (i'm actually enjoying it). I just wanted to know how long it would take before i didn't need to keep going to the toilet!!!!

    Have been drinking about 10 glasses of water a day for 3 days and already feel less sluggish in the mornings. Whether that is the water or the diet or the exercise I have no idea but whatever it is i'm not gonna change a thing!!

    I don't blame you - of course you should keep drinking lots if it makes you feel better. Just don't be under the misapprehension that drinking lots of water is better for your kidneys than drinking a small amount - it's not
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member

    some days I drink more, some days less!
    consider that most of our evolutionary needs took water from our food and plant matter!

    8 glasses a day - meh, some days I need more, some days less.
    Whilst people complain that the thirst mechanism makes you hungry, it's probably for veggies to get the water, not the sugar packed OJ!

  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    I drink a lot of water (the equivalent of 8 - 12 glasses a day) and it seems to work well for me.
    The only suggestion I would have is to drink very small amounts very often, rather than gulping a bottle of water once during the day just to "be done with it".
    After some time, you will get used to it and won't need to go to the toilet too much.
    consider that most of our evolutionary needs took water from our food and plant matter!

    I agree with this in theory, but I believe that we need to drink more than average to balance out all the caffeine, salt and stuff that is in processed food that animals or our ancestors didn't have. But in general, I agree that we are built to flush our body naturally without overdoing it. (Which is why I don't believe in cleanses or hydrocolon therapy either).

    I should add that drinking a lot of water is very important to combat high blood pressure.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Don't forget that fruits and veggies also have water in them. If you eat a lot of these anyway, there's some of the work done for you!

    But yes, be kind to your kidneys! Now I'm imagining little kidneys with top hats and canes tap dancing. HA!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    I should add that drinking a lot of water is very important to combat high blood pressure.

    Again this is just one of those things that is thrown around and labelled a 'fact'

    "So the bottom line is that, generally, increasing the amount of water that is consumed will not increase the amount of sodium lost by the blood, so blood pressure will not be lowered.

    In fact, drinking water can actually cause a very short term increase in blood pressure in some people, particularly those with some types of very low blood pressure. This is only temporary and has no long term impact on blood pressure.

    Keeping hydrated is good for health, but overhydration has no benefit for lowering blood pressure"


    So it doesnt appear to have any effect at all so I'm amazed that you would think it was VERY important!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Don't forget that fruits and veggies also have water in them. If you eat a lot of these anyway, there's some of the work done for you!

    But yes, be kind to your kidneys! Now I'm imagining little kidneys with top hats and canes tap dancing. HA!

    Your kidneys will see no difference between drinking a small amount of water and a large amount
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Don't forget that fruits and veggies also have water in them. If you eat a lot of these anyway, there's some of the work done for you!

    But yes, be kind to your kidneys! Now I'm imagining little kidneys with top hats and canes tap dancing. HA!

    Your kidneys will see no difference between drinking a small amount of water and a large amount

    I typed that more for my benefit since I've changed my diet to low carb lifestyle. Gotta flush out those ketones!
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    ive been drinking minimum of 64 oz daily since i started here at MFP on September 11th, I have a straw cup that holds 24 oz, i drink one first thing in the morning...second one is with lunch and third one is with dinner..i am constantly making bathroom trips, it is rather maddening! Its been 8 days and its not letting up one bit as of yet.
  • mindphluxxx
    I've only just started drinking water properly again and I completely agree with the many trips to the loo!!!

    I'm trying to swap some of my caffeine-filled drinks (I love coffee and diet coke/pepsi) with water instead, so although I'm not quite up to 8 glasses a day, I'm increasing a little every day and hopefully will be reaching the target of 8 glasses sometime within the next couple of weeks.

    I've found always having a bottle of water in my handbag is helping- If you're out and about and thirsty, it's easier to have some of that than to go into a shop and buy something else!
  • ksb221
    ksb221 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome info. Thank you for finally quantifying a sample time line for acclimating to the increased water consumption. I have been very frustrated trying to get through these last few pounds to my goal, so decided I should jump on the water bandwagon. I usually drink 8 glasses of water a month.... for the last week I have been drinking 8 glasses a day..... and I have put on 4 pounds! UGH..... and going to the restroom at least hourly. Everyone says it takes time to get used to it, but I thought that meant a few days or a week - and I was ready to go back to my dehydrated days. Thank you for saying it might take a couple of months.... I will try to stick with it. I have not noticed any differences in my skin or appetite after my first week in waterworld, but I guess I need to be patient.... not one of my strengths these days. Thanks again for a timeline that makes me feel like all may not be lost....