Looking for friends to help motivate each other!

Hi! I'm a 26 year old female, I live an extremely busy work life and have let myself go... I am ready to get back on track. I joined a gym today and joined this site. I would love to find some friends to just chat with and keep each other
Motivated. If you live close
Maybe even get together and be active together! Message me!!


  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Welcome I can totally relate I have a very busy schedule. I have let myself go for a long time. This site is awesome I been using it for the last few months and have lost 40 pounds it def makes you more aware of everything you put in your mouth. One point a few years ago I weighed 350 lbs I am at 171 lbs and still pushing hard. The motivation and encouragement you get on here from your friends will keep you going :)If you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)

  • mamabosha
    I am 47, ibit older than you. So far in the past few months, I've lost 47 lbs. If you don't mind an older MFP friend, you can add me.
  • SSPal40
    Great job Nadia. I'm not sure what my heaviest was. I just know that I no longer hurt when taking a few steps. I can walk around the mall now; still not at the preferred pace yet, but getting there.

  • SSPal40

    We are in the same age range. Just turned 44. I am looking to improve my back health. Great job on the weight loss to date.
  • SSPal40

    You look great already, but image is a personal thing. Feel free to look at my profile that is not completed yet by the way.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning ladies. 38 here...count me in!
  • 65Fa5tback
    Count me in guys, new myself. Keep up the great job guys!!!