Flabby Sagging Butt

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone here HAD this problem. I don't mean just flabby but sagging flabby. No muscle at all. I have never been sporty and although I am skinny (56.5 kg / 124.5 lbs; 1.7 m / 5.5 ft tall), i struggle with this problem. I have started with squats, lunges 3 months ago and am now in week 3 of P90X. I see results all over my body except for the butt. I do realize that it takes time and i am prepared to keep on going for as long as it takes and still carry on to keep it, but what i want to know is .... how long will it take before i start seeing results? 6 Months? 12 Months??
I would like to see before and after pix of anyone who had the same problem and finally achieved their goal. This would be such a huge motivation to me.
FYI - I exercise 6 days a week with P90X. Before P90X I did cardio every second day and squats and lunges every other second day.


  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    I am no expert but find it difficult to work on my behind too. I have a tendency to let my quads do all the work :( might you be doing this?
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    I definitely feel the workout. My butt even hurts the next day so I doubt that could be the problem. Maybe there is just way to much flabbiness (fat) loose skin ext that it will take extra long to see results. This is kinda why I am hoping to see pix of others whom actually achieved transforming their flabby saggy bums to a lifted round slightly / muscular bum.
  • Are you doing Squats/Lunges with weights or just body weight?
    Also a bit confused, are you 5 foot 5 or 5 foot 7?
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    The 1st 2 months i did it without weights. Doing it with weights now with P90X ... I am 5 foot 5 .... in Meters I am 1.7
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    The Glute bridge or barbell hip thrust has been shown to produce multiple times the Glute activation that either squats or lunges do. If you want to hit a particular muscle, train it directly. As already stated above a lot of people will be quad dominant on squats so you are not getting as much work from these muscles as you think.

    if you are doing forward lunges start doing mostly backwards/reverse lunges these will work the glutes harder also


    Keep squatting as well obviously as it's still a great exercise.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I have this issue, too....I don't have any pictures to share, but what helped for me was squats/lunges with heavy weight (really focusing on making sure I was engaging my glutes), running, walking a steep incline on treadmill, and cycling.
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    Thanx so much for the advice. I don't go to the gym for this though. I do it all at home. Im not even sure i know what barbell hip thrust is lol

    @ sarafil - when you say heavy weight ... what weights do you use?
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    I have this problem too. I'm 5'4", 108lb, 44yrs old but with the *kitten* of an 84yr old! :cry:

    There is literally nothing there but skin and bone. I'd love a bum that stuck out a bit or even just to have cheeks with a bit of definition instead of just being flat with wrinkles.

    I'll be interested to see some before & after photo's too.
  • Im 5 foot 5 too :) It's 1.65 in metres though.
    'Heavy' weights depends on the person, I was told (I take no responsibility for this advice!) that I should be doing 5 sets of 12 squats with weights heavy enough that the last one of each set was a real effort, when it got too easy to move on to heavier weights. I was using dumbells, but my heaviest got too light for me so my husband is looking to get me some sandbags to squat with (I really struggle to work with a bar!)
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thanx so much for the advice. I don't go to the gym for this though. I do it all at home. Im not even sure i know what barbell hip thrust is lol

    read the link I posted, these can be done at home.
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    Lol Yes i know .. I just rounded the amount to 5 foot 5. I am 5 foot 577 ........
    Thanks so much for the advice. I will try push myself harder with more weights. i dont have a bar at home so the dumbells must do :-)

    Please girls help out with some photos if you can!
  • I've been doing a squat challenge the entire month of September to help lift my butt and strengthen my legs...and it's working...

    On September 1, I started with 25 squats...every day I add 5. I'm up to 115 squats a day.

    FEEL THE BURN!!! :drinker:
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    Thanx so much for the advice. I don't go to the gym for this though. I do it all at home. Im not even sure i know what barbell hip thrust is lol

    read the link I posted, these can be done at home.

    Thank you ... will do :-)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I definitely feel the workout. My butt even hurts the next day so I doubt that could be the problem. Maybe there is just way to much flabbiness (fat) loose skin ext that it will take extra long to see results. This is kinda why I am hoping to see pix of others whom actually achieved transforming their flabby saggy bums to a lifted round slightly / muscular bum.

    Try the Butt Bible DVD - I swear you will see results, and a lifted booty!!
  • what about if you weigh 215 lbs. is there a possible way that i can do squat and lunges and lose my stomach at the same time?
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    I've been doing a squat challenge the entire month of September to help lift my butt and strengthen my legs...and it's working...

    On September 1, I started with 25 squats...every day I add 5. I'm up to 115 squats a day.

    FEEL THE BURN!!! :drinker:

    Thats awesome ... i can also only do about 25 squats but i do about 3 sets or so.. Hopefully i will be able to up it too :-)
  • lilati
    lilati Posts: 5 Member
    Try to squeeze in the Brazillian Butt Lift exercises, I think that should help :)
  • MadzP
    MadzP Posts: 28 Member
    I definitely feel the workout. My butt even hurts the next day so I doubt that could be the problem. Maybe there is just way to much flabbiness (fat) loose skin ext that it will take extra long to see results. This is kinda why I am hoping to see pix of others whom actually achieved transforming their flabby saggy bums to a lifted round slightly / muscular bum.

    Try the Butt Bible DVD - I swear you will see results, and a lifted booty!!

    Thank you :-) I will try it out!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Deadlifts with a heavy weight are brilliant for the behind, as are kettlebell swings.

    If you're doing 25 squats at the moment, you should look at going heavier and doing fewer reps - you should be able to do no more than 8.