Women only, PLEASE

I'm doing everything I should be doing. Exercising. Eating right. Everything. But... I'm still not losing weight. I gain a pound. I lose it again. And the cycle begins again. I'm just stuck. And, I have been for almost 2 weeks. I don't know what's wrong. It's starting to drag me down. I feel bloated. TOM was supposed to visit about a week ago, and it still hasn't. There's no way there can be a reason for that. I guess it's just stress. I feel even more stressed, though... and at times I just feel like giving up.


  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    Cycles can be delayed for a number of reasons including stress, changes in exercise and diet, even a sudden change in weather can affect it.

    If you are not losing anything maybe you need to add extra exercise or lower your calories, how many calories are you eating each day and how many calories do you burn ?

    Don't give up !
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Have you tried to go see an endocrinologist? Maybe they can help.
  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    Hang in there! I was between 72 and 73 for three weeks, with no drop. In the past three days I am at 71.5kg. :) Just hang in there, keep track of what you eat, and it will drop sooner or later.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Cut your sodium and drink MORE water. You do not have to gain weight just because its that TOM. I lose 1-3 lbs every week without an issue even during that time. Your sodium is almost always over the (already) really high limit set by MFP. Sodium will cause you to retain water thus slowing your loss rate. The bloated feeling you have is quite likely due to the water retention because of the sodium and lack of water :)
  • lorettarailing
    lorettarailing Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the frustration also ... I gained half a pound this week ... don't want to feel discouraged but do.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    You may want to cut your sodium. You might also want to change up your routine. Different exorcises, different times, different foods, different drinks. Keep up the good work! You really can do this.
  • OMG. This post could have been written by me. I am demented. I have lost just over 70lbs since May 2011, which I know is great, but for the past five weeks I haven't lost a pound. In fact as of this morning I weigh two lbs more than I did a fortnight ago!!

    I go to the gym or cycle to work (8 miles each way) every working day and try to keep as active as possible at the weekends. I stick to my 1200 calorie allowance and yet it's not shifting.

    My fear is that I will lose my motivation and give up. I still want to lose another 45lbs, so this isn't a struggle with those last pesky few pounds. HELP!!!!
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Honestly, I think the only thing to do is just try stepping it up a bit, and hang in there. it will test how much you want this. not everyone loses the same way. Some lose and gain very quick, others not so much. I've made a lot of changes too but the scale isn't budging. I just know I can do more (I know, it sucks) and I'm just going to hope for the best. I feel like its harder for me to lose AND gain, my body likes to stay where it is, but my BMI says I'm right at the beginning of the overweight range, and I'm looking to be more in the middle of the healthy weight range.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I really like all of the advice given by PP. I just looked at your diary for today and that soup is extremely high in sodium. Would it be possible to make your own soups from scratch? I almost never eat canned foods or processed meals any more and it's amazing how much lower cal it is to do so.

    Keep pushing AmberJo, you've got this! If you want to ask any questions, feel free to message me any time.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Cycles can be delayed for a number of reasons including stress, changes in exercise and diet, even a sudden change in weather can affect it.

    If you are not losing anything maybe you need to add extra exercise or lower your calories, how many calories are you eating each day and how many calories do you burn ?

    Don't give up !

    I have a goal of 1470 calories a day. I usually match that... but, after burning extra calories from exercise, I'm usually short by 200 or so net calories. It differs from day to day, though.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Have you tried to go see an endocrinologist? Maybe they can help.

    Everytime I go to a doctor, they tell me all of my blood work is normal. Everything is always "normal". I was diagnosed with PCOS, though, and put on birth control. After my blood pressure started going up, I ended up quitting the birth control when they told me that was the cause. So, that's not being treated right now. I guess that may be the problem.
  • conservativek
    conservativek Posts: 74 Member
    Don't give up, Amberjo!!!! I have had trouble with TOM ever since my first. I won't go into the details, except to say that my cycle is COMPLETELY irregular. Sometimes once a month, sometimes every other month, and sometimes missing in action for three months at a time! That being said, here's my point. I started my diet/exercise plan just after my TOM ended. Three good weeks of diet and exercise later, I'd lost four pounds. At my next weigh-in, I'd GANIED five pounds! I was so frustrated. I hadn't cheated, and everything in my diet was the same. I didn't realize that I was having PMS. When TOM finally decided to arrive, I dropped those 5 pounds right back off, and am continuing to lose weight just as before. My point is, keep exercising and eating right, and see what happens after TOM. Don't let those PMS pounds discourage you. They may just drop right off ;)
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Cut your sodium and drink MORE water. You do not have to gain weight just because its that TOM. I lose 1-3 lbs every week without an issue even during that time. Your sodium is almost always over the (already) really high limit set by MFP. Sodium will cause you to retain water thus slowing your loss rate. The bloated feeling you have is quite likely due to the water retention because of the sodium and lack of water :)

    I've been trying to drink more water. Some days are better than others. I need to quit making excuses, though, and just carry a water bottle with me at all times. I'm also trying to find recipe ingredients to substitute for higher sodium ingredients.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I really like all of the advice given by PP. I just looked at your diary for today and that soup is extremely high in sodium. Would it be possible to make your own soups from scratch? I almost never eat canned foods or processed meals any more and it's amazing how much lower cal it is to do so.

    Keep pushing AmberJo, you've got this! If you want to ask any questions, feel free to message me any time.

    Actually, that soup is homemade. Me and my mom never realized how high in sodium it was until we looked at the recipe after putting in on MFP. Today's portion is the last serving left from what we made the other day. From now on, we've decided we're going to switch some of the ingredients around for lower sodium substitutes. I guess it's trial and error. We're also going to start making just some pure vegetable soups.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Don't give up, Amberjo!!!! I have had trouble with TOM ever since my first. I won't go into the details, except to say that my cycle is COMPLETELY irregular. Sometimes once a month, sometimes every other month, and sometimes missing in action for three months at a time! That being said, here's my point. I started my diet/exercise plan just after my TOM ended. Three good weeks of diet and exercise later, I'd lost four pounds. At my next weigh-in, I'd GANIED five pounds! I was so frustrated. I hadn't cheated, and everything in my diet was the same. I didn't realize that I was having PMS. When TOM finally decided to arrive, I dropped those 5 pounds right back off, and am continuing to lose weight just as before. My point is, keep exercising and eating right, and see what happens after TOM. Don't let those PMS pounds discourage you. They may just drop right off ;)

    Thanks for the encouragement, conservativek. It's good to know I'm not the only one who has problems with this, and that it will even out and get better. I wished I was more like those ladies who say they never gain during TOM, though. That would be really great.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I really like all of the advice given by PP. I just looked at your diary for today and that soup is extremely high in sodium. Would it be possible to make your own soups from scratch? I almost never eat canned foods or processed meals any more and it's amazing how much lower cal it is to do so.

    Keep pushing AmberJo, you've got this! If you want to ask any questions, feel free to message me any time.

    Actually, that soup is homemade. Me and my mom never realized how high in sodium it was until we looked at the recipe after putting in on MFP. Today's portion is the last serving left from what we made the other day. From now on, we've decided we're going to switch some of the ingredients around for lower sodium substitutes. I guess it's trial and error. We're also going to start making just some pure vegetable soups.

    Sounds like a great plan! It is definitely all in trial and error, finding recipes that work and you enjoy and coming up with a bunch of basics that you love and continuing to grow from that.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
    I was just diagnosed with PCOS. Hav e you done any reading about it? If not you should. Women with PCOS are often insulin resistant. Meaning, we have to eat way less carbs to lose weight. It is also about the quality and distribution of those carbs. Once I understood how it worked, I started tweaking my diet. I started with 45-60 grams of carbs per meal, and 15 per snack. That was too much. Then I went to 30-45 per meal. Still no weight loss. I am now on day two of being grain free getting my carbs from fruit and dairy only at the recommendation of two women on this site. I read a very informative book called The PCOS Diet by a women named Hilary Wright. Alot of things go along with PCOS that the average doctor does not know about. If you have good health care, seek one out. And start doing some research. And friend me if you want. Good luck!!!!!
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Hormones are a bummer aren't they? I think you just need ot give it some time.

    All in al it looks like you're off to a great start your exercise calories are much higher than mine usually are. =) If this is a new intense workout you may be retaining water in your muscles. I was WAY out of shape when I started I lost water weight right of then came to a stand still for 3 weeks!! and every time I have an insense workout it seemed to get worse but I think this week I have finally broken that cycle. My point is it takes your body time to get used to your new routine. Keep at it and keep tweeking your menu to get a little more healthy every day it's all about little changes and things you like that you can keep up in definitely b/c if it's no fun you will eventually stop. My diary is open if you want some ideas. and feel free to freind me if you just want to chat and keep motivated.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
    I just looked at your diary. While that may be an ok amount of carbs for a regular person without PCOS, my guess its way to many for you. Try shifting to a higher protein diet. I bet you have some success. Hang in there!
  • Believe me I know the feeling, but my problem is slightly different. I do not have a gall bladder anymore and ever since it was taken out I have not been able to lose true and real weight. I lose a few pounds and then gain them back. I hate this yo yo effect like crazy. Don't give up, I am sure going to keep trying. Even though some times I wish I could just have it all sucked out and do it that way.