Advice please! DVD programs

I am considering getting a workout program on dvd. I have at least 40 pounds to go and need some structure. I was thinking about these ones: Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme, Insanity, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution... any other suggestions? My husband has Tapout XT so I guess I could do that, but for some reason it just doesn't appeal to me... Anyone have experiences they would like to share about any of these plans? Any advice is greatly appreciated! :)


  • What is your current fitness level? When I very first started working out to DVDs I jumped right into Insanity thinking my previous running would make it simple. I couldn't even finish the "warm up". I plan to re-try this program a bit later.

    I have done a variety of Jillian Michael's DVDs for the past 6 months and just started her Body Revolution. So far the first few workouts are simple, but the program works for me, and it does get a lot more intense in the later weeks.

    Just my $.02.
  • Of course everyone is different; these are just my opinions...

    Of all the exercise programs I've completed so far, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred worked the best. Lost the most inches and felt super strong. I didn't love it while doing it (it's hard work!!) but it's only about 27 minutes a day.

    I completed Ripped in 30 after 2 rounds of the Shred. I found some of the moves awkward and it didn't click with me like the Shred did, for some reason. I also lost strength on it coming out of the Shred.

    The Firm Express was too easy, and did nothing for my body. I think I seriously deconditioned when I did this program.

    TurboFire is an absolute blast. I completed the program as outlined. Unfortunately my eating was not great throughout the program so I did not see the results I was looking for. However, I fully intend to rotate some of her cardio DVDs back into my routine at some point as they are so fun. Great calorie burns!

    Chalean Xtreme gets rave reviews from most....but I detested it. I completed the entire program and saw gains in strength and some body recomposition, but unfortunately I really felt my upper body bulked up. They say this isn't possible for women, blah blah blah...but my upper arms and back got bigger despite some weight loss and I didn't like the look of it. Plus I dreaded the workouts so I knew it wouldn't be a keeper in my fitness collection.

    I am currently on Phase 2 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and it is kicking my rear end, much like the Shred did. I have to say the 30 minutes goes by incredibly quickly...thank God, because I fel like I am dying through parts of it.I am almost at the end of my fifth week and have lost inches inmy waist, hips, and thighs already, so it is definitely working.

    So that's my experience in a nutshell. Perhaps it would help if you gave some background on yourself-what your goals are and what kind of workouts you tend to like?
  • Thank you for the info! Well I have completed the Couch to 5k program, but I have been slacking lately. I have the 30 day shred and have done it off and on. I can do the first two levels with some modifications. I plan to do the 30 day shred every day in October and start a new DVD program after that to keep me on track through the holidays. I am looking for something that will help burn fat and build muscle.