Green Smoothies

Hi Everyone!!! I back after a long, long time... Went away after getting stuck and started HCG injections whiched worked for me while they last, NEVER, EVER again though do the hair loss I suffered from it, after that my doctor put me on Phentermine which helped me past my platue and I have been maintaining where I am at but bad, bad me I haven't been working out... So now I am stuck again, probably because of the lack of workouts but I am at my lowest weight so YAY!!!!

Anyways it's time to get back at it because the Phentermine isnt working anymore...

SO, I have been wanting to try green smoothies and just for the sake of keeping track of nutritional intake I thought myfitnesspal would be good to get into again. Only problem is MFP has a REALLY low sugar intake for how much fruits you need to be consuming on the green smoothie train...

Is anyone currently doing green smoothies twice a day while being able to keep sugar intake low? Any recipes or suggestions?


  • mangusjm
    Although gI don't think it tastes so good, I still chug this sucker every morning! Keep me full longer and really does make you feel good!

    Kimberly Snyder, clinical nutritionist and author of The Beauty Detox Solution, says a plant-based diet is optimal for clear skin, renewed energy, and weight loss. We asked Kimberly what one food she recommends for weight loss and why, and she suggests her signature recipe for the Glowing Green Smoothie.

    Kimberly explains all of the benefits of her Glowing Green Smoothie and why it is a big hit among her clients:

    "In one delicious drink, we get the fuel to not only lose weight, but rejuvenate our skin, fight aging, and increase our energy. It's so easy; it's so simple; and it has worked for all my clients, from Hollywood stars to busy moms and schoolteachers.

    I often work as the nutritionist on different movie sets, and this amazing thing happens when I do: I start making the Glowing Green Smoothie, and the next thing you know, you look around and all the actors and directors and producers are drinking it every day, because they love the way it makes them feel."

    View the Glowing Green Smoothie recipe here.

    The Glowing Green Smoothie
    Recipe from: Kimberly Snyder


    1 1/2 cups water
    1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
    3-4 stalks organic celery
    1/2 head of a large bunch or 3/4 of a small bunch of spinach
    1 organic apple, cored and chopped
    1 organic pear, cored and chopped
    1 organic banana
    Juice of 1/2 fresh organic lemon
    Optional: 1/3 bunch organic cilantro (stems OK) and 1/3 bunch organic parsley (stems OK)


    Made up of about 70 percent green vegetables and 30 percent fruit, this smoothie helps you eat far more greens than you ordinarily could. Because we blend the greens and fruit for easy digestion, your body is able to absorb more of the vitamins and minerals without working so hard. Thanks to all its nutrients and fiber, the smoothie is incredibly filling, so it keeps you from reaching for that midmorning second cup of coffee and that bagel you really didn't want to eat.

    1.Add water and chopped head of romaine to blender. Blend at a low speed until smooth.
    2.Add celery, apple, and pear and blend at high speed.
    3.Add cilantro and parsley (which help chelate heavy metals out of your body).
    4.Finish with banana and lemon.
  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you for the recipe but the sugar intake is quite a lot on it especially concidering I should only be having 24 grams. Do people tend to ignore this when the sugar is coming from fruits?

    Cals: 473
    Carbs: 112
    Fat: 3
    Protein: 17
    Sugar: 56
    Sodium: 436
  • mangusjm
    For me personally , Since this shake it full of nutrients, fiber, and makes up 70 % of the vegies I need in a day.... I totally ignore the sugar intake for this. Another thing too is I don't drink a lot of it ( maybe 8 oz) because although it is so good for you, I really don't like the taste.

    Also I am not sure where you got the nutritional facts from?
    I got mine from here if you type in green glowing this smoothie will pop up its the Kimberly Synder one :)
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    You can adjust your sugar levels on MFP.
    I personally just ignore them. I think sugar from fruit is fine in my diet.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    although it is so good for you, I really don't like the taste.
    try one w/o celery maybe -- celery has a much stronger taste than other possibilities -- you might like it better without.

    cucumber for example could be substituted; it's really mild and refreshing.
  • mangusjm
    Thanks and I agree with you on the sugar intake!
    I will try cucumber thats a good idea!!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    We all have a green smoothie everyday. We call the 'Shrek' smoothies to make it funny for my 7 year old.

    I ignore my sugar recommendations for the day. It's way too low as it's in so many things. I just try to limit my refined sugar aside from my piece (or two) of dark chocolate every night. :)

    The base I use is:

    1 banana
    1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
    3 cups of baby spinach

    then I'll add any combination of the following:

    frozen berries
    motts unsweetened fruitsations

    Basically whatever we have in the house. This usually makes a full blender and we split it between 3 people.