Chalenge. Wanna join?

Ive been feeling like crap... I think I know why. I've been randomly getting dizzy and feeling like crap recently. After a lot of reading I've come to the conclusion it most likely artificial sweeteners... so I'm cutting them out.

Heres challenge part 1... One month of (to the best of your ability) cutting out Acesulfmae-K, saccharin, Equal, Splenda, NutraSweet, Sweet n' Low, sucralose, sorbitol, and aspartmae. Unfortunitly they are in A LOT of things. The ones I really suggest cutting out 100% are aspartame and sucralose.

If you have been feeling any of these side affects you maybe having a reaction to one or more of the ones listed above...
blurred vision, memory loss, anxiety attacks, seizures, migraines, dizziness, depression, vomiting, abdominal pain, and cramps are just a few.

challenge part 2

Cutting out artificial colors the main two are Red 3 (erythrosine) and Yellow 5 (tartarzine) but Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3 and yellow 6 are almost as bad as the first 2. Containing petroleum, tar, acetone and BUGS. Yes they boil bugs to extract the color. o.0

Good news is if you take challenge part one you'll mostly have challenge part two taken care of.

Anyone with me?


  • MelissaE1214
    MelissaE1214 Posts: 73 Member
    i am going to try out the artificial coloring!
  • Woah. I never knew that they boil bugs and extract the colors from them. That's pretty disgusting and bizarre.
  • cassmonster
    cassmonster Posts: 58 Member
    I havent had artificial sweetners (aspartame or sucralose) since about 1992....when I would drink a 2 liter of diet orange Slice soda a day. I started getting massive headaches and numbness of my face....that is all it took!!! Even with a piece of gum or one bite of something made "sugar free"....I know as the symptoms come on pretty quick!! Good luck.....!!!!!
  • Thanks Cassmonster! Its gonna be hard but I already switched off nondairy creamer to soymilk and am using sugar in my coffee. Going to pick up sugar in the raw at the store today. :)

    If you just copy the ones I listed out and print them on a sheet of paper or keep a copy with your shopping list it will make it simple when you check out items at the market.
  • alli_dalli
    alli_dalli Posts: 22 Member
    I know a lot of people are convinced that Aspartame is unsafe and that it caused all sorts of terrifying side effects when tested on animals. Might be just be urban legend and conspiracy theories but I've always wondered.... Its very hard to find out if these things are in our food. I'm gonna look thro my food cupboards and see!
  • alli_dalli
    alli_dalli Posts: 22 Member
    No idea how much truth there is in all the conspiracy stuff (probably not a lot!) but its scaring reading...
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    I am in! We are trying to eliminate processed food from our diets anyway so this is great!
  • I'm in! I switched to diet soda when I was following the gestational diabetes diet and have since had nothing but headaches after drinking one. Totally not worth it. I've spent the last month cutting back on diet soda to the point I might have a can once a week. I think I can cut the rest. I'll also keep an eye out on my other foods for the other sweeteners and colours.

    Great challenge! Printed out the list to keep on me while shopping. :)
  • I got a good deal of the info posted here from reading the 'Skinny *****' cook book then went and referenced the info other places. I believe it. I dont see a reason for keeping the stuff in my diet besides continuing to not think about what Im putting in my body. Im going through my cabinets now and not finding a ton of it here anyways... besides my soda and hot tamales. :(
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Woah. I never knew that they boil bugs and extract the colors from them. That's pretty disgusting and bizarre.

    That's what color Red40 in the ingredients is
  • How interesting...I did gulp down a diet green tea, and then about an hour later, for the first time ever in my life I was having a hard time reading a menu board-as to the other, feeling generally like "blech" I think it's the weight, but I am going to try cutting the artys out too...lemons and limes will have to suffice in water...
  • northo49
    northo49 Posts: 9 Member

    No Diet Coke for a month... yikes
  • I'm in! I don't let my children eat / drink the stuff, why am I putting the chemicals into my body? Thanks
  • My family stays away from all those things, so I am in. This is a great challenge.
    Does anyone know of any sugar free gum without the artificial sweetners? Is there any made with Stevia yet?
    Good luck to all of you :)
  • I found some stevia gum on amazon. Called SteviaDent .
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I am already doing a no consumption of anything that is chemically manufactured! No polysyllabic monstrosities of science have gone into my body in the past 69 days and down 68.5 as of last Saturday... It really makes a difference. Totally no white flour, sweeteners, or sodas... No preprocessed foods.
  • LunaSD
    LunaSD Posts: 18
    Little over a month and doing great! I actually took a sip of my husbands Diet Mt Dew the other day and it tasted sooooo nasty. I could taste the artificial sweeteners and it made me gag. How did every one else do? Are you going back or staying with it?