
Questions for the experts. I have set my weight loss goal. I have been given a number of calories I am allowed per day. I have lost 11lbs thus far.

The question...Do I need to recalculate calories based on my new weight ? If so, how often ? Once a Month ? Once a week ? Every time my weight changes ?

I am just trying to remain efficient.

Thank you for reading.


  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    I think, but I may be wrong, that MFP recalculates automatically. Not sure how often though!
  • Deisel1974
    Deisel1974 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok, cool. Thank you.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    I think I read somewhere that MFP recalculates after every 10 pounds lost, unless you are already at the minimum of 1200 calories. It will not go below that for health reasons.