Is it possible??? Toning minus weight training



  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    What about exercises not focusing on the lower half of your body? chest press, chest flys, tricep dips, lat pulls, sitting row, pull ups, pushups, etc. I think most of these do not use much of your back but check w/your doctor. At least you will have a toned upper body :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have been doing HIIT and other circuit style training for about 6 months and I have added weight training for 3 weeks now and I am loosing where I have been wanting to loose for months, like that bit of fat under my breasts, theres a line forming there and the shape of my ribs are show now when I stand tall! My arms look better then they have since I was a teenager and my shoulders are rounding and looking mega sexy! celulite is almost completed gone on my legs and even the inside of my thighs look great. My stomach still doesn't look amazing but damn it looks loads better! after 2 c sections I am finally starting to apreciate my body again and don't want to stop, I have done so much research into non surgical ways of improving of even deminishing that apron you get from having this surgery (especially when coupled with weight gain) is to strength train, so I am standing by this until I have a low enough body fat to see if this will work for me, if not then a mini tummy tuck is hopefully all I will need!

    (by the way thats not me in the profile pic lol and if you know JNL you may recognise her, will get a pic of me up soon promise)

    Would sound good except I can't do sprints or running (I have patellae tracking disorder. can't run for the rest of my life, sad....). You mentioned, though, that you have added weight training with this. Not sure if you read my OP....:indifferent:

    Yes, good for her - but doesn't help you! I do body weight circuit training. I don't know anything about your back injury, but you might look at Nerd Fitness on You Tube and see if some of the circuits are things you can do. I hope so! I'm sorry you have to put your training on hold. Good luck!!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    didn't read the thread, but here's my opinion:

    "Toning" is a function of lowering body fat with respect to lean mass. Weight training works by protecting lean mass, sometimes even increasing it. If you can find any resistance exercises that you could perform, perhaps body weight or resistance band exercises, that would be ideal. If you can't do things with specific parts of your body, you could try to do other things that do not aggravate your injury.

    Also, a small calorie deficit has been shown to preserve lean mass better than a very low calorie diet, so I would make sure your settings are at a half pound a week.
  • starrlette
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Can you go see a physical therapist? I'd hate to see you injure yourself taking advice from people that don't have any experience with that kind of injury.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    you burn the fat and whatever muscle you have will be more visible. If you want muscle and changes to body composition , you'll need resistance training as well. But if you are fine with the muscle you already have, just shed the fat and put that muscle on display.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Yoga and Pilates, but I would suggest a class where the instructor can tell you if certain poses are ok for your injuries.
    I was thinking of these as they would also help strengthen your core to support your back in future.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I read though most of the posts. Definitely check with your doctor to see if you can start with some resistance bands or body weight exercises!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Doctor told me I need to keep working out. If I don't, my back actually gets worse from inflexibility. I was not allowed to workout for 9 weeks and am now cleared and encouraged to do so. My diet is fine, but the 8 weeks, even with adjustments, I started to gain. I'm one of those that no matter how good I eat, I NEED to workout to lose.

    I'd check with your doctor, then, to find out exactly what you can do. My husband has a couple herniated discs in his neck, and has the same issues, but he has a printout from the doc on what he can't do. Basically... he can stand and walk, until it gets better. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Heal your back. If you like to swim and have access to a pool, ask the doctor if that would be all right, but even then there may be restrictions.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Yoga and Pilates, but I would suggest a class where the instructor can tell you if certain poses are ok for your injuries.

    This :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    weight training tells where the nutrients you consume need to go... if you dont weight train carbs wont make muscles fuller and pull skin tighter if you are in a lean state.

    Sooo...pretty much I'm SOL is what you are saying. :explode:

    I wouldn't say SOL, just delayed a little bit. Allow the healing...My mom has herniations in L4 and L5 and there are times she's practically paralyzed. Follow doc's orders, REST it, and when you're ready start again with a physical therapist before you go back to a trainer. I had a horrendous car accident in 2000 and was diagnosed with chronic severe back pain and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel and arthritis in my left shoulder. I row 22.5 each side now. All because I found a physical therapist back in 2008 who knew what he was doing. the shoulders flare up from time to time but I train with heavy weights and am doing P90X right now so that's to be expected lol. 6 months in the grand scheme of things isn't a long time, especially with what's at stake!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Try water aerobics!
    It's really easy on your lower back. I have fibromyalgia, a healing broken foot and toe and have had shoulder surgery so idk if I'll ever be able to use free weights myself. When I went to water aerobics, I loved it and it really is a workout if you use resistance weights and stay in the deep end of the pool the entire time. My class lasts an hour. I would also lift myself out of the water by holding onto the diving board to work my arms more. I'm hoping to use weight machines in a few weeks. Maybe that is something you can do? At least with the machines you have more control than with free weights.

    Good luck!
  • LiftHuff
    I will echo the recommendations for checking with a PT or Md for authorization to try Yoga, Pilates, swimming, and bodyweight exercises. You don't need a whole lot of work to remind your body to Please Not Eat My Muscle while your deficit chips away at the fat. Worst case scenario; you lose a little LBM along with the fat through regular diet, and then have to build it back again when you are well.
  • LiftHuff
    I'm hoping to use weight machines in a few weeks. Maybe that is something you can do? At least with the machines you have more control than with free weights.

    Be careful of machines. Some of them can force your joints to move at fixed angles that are improper for your anatomy.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Water aerobics will help, or maybe you could do floor exercises? I lay on the floor and do leg lifts (with or without ankle weights) to tone my thighs, glutes, etc...
  • farklf
    Hi! I swim with webbed gloves called Darkfin. It is increasing my muscle definition something crazy. I am a former football, wrestler and karate guy, Yea , I was fat but I could move.:) Swimming with these gloves is amazing! It creates extra resistance in a smooth and safe environment, I also use short fins to work my legs.

    If someone wants to get buffed, I suggest swimming with webbed gloves and using short fins. I swim front crawl and a back stroke. No muscle fatigue. I also do an elliptical at lunch and a walk after work. everything in moderation 3 x 40 M-TH 2 X 40 F and easy 90 walks on SA/SU. Everything is fun. And Stretching before and after elliptical and walk.

    Sorry for the long winded! I guess I am excited.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I have been doing HIIT and other circuit style training for about 6 months and I have added weight training for 3 weeks now and I am loosing where I have been wanting to loose for months, like that bit of fat under my breasts, theres a line forming there and the shape of my ribs are show now when I stand tall! My arms look better then they have since I was a teenager and my shoulders are rounding and looking mega sexy! celulite is almost completed gone on my legs and even the inside of my thighs look great. My stomach still doesn't look amazing but damn it looks loads better! after 2 c sections I am finally starting to apreciate my body again and don't want to stop, I have done so much research into non surgical ways of improving of even deminishing that apron you get from having this surgery (especially when coupled with weight gain) is to strength train, so I am standing by this until I have a low enough body fat to see if this will work for me, if not then a mini tummy tuck is hopefully all I will need!

    (by the way thats not me in the profile pic lol and if you know JNL you may recognise her, will get a pic of me up soon promise)

    Would sound good except I can't do sprints or running (I have patellae tracking disorder. can't run for the rest of my life, sad....). You mentioned, though, that you have added weight training with this. Not sure if you read my OP....:indifferent:

    Yes, good for her - but doesn't help you! I do body weight circuit training. I don't know anything about your back injury, but you might look at Nerd Fitness on You Tube and see if some of the circuits are things you can do. I hope so! I'm sorry you have to put your training on hold. Good luck!!

    ty! I will deffo check this out.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    wow. so many comments since I just got back from Zumba! LOL! Thank you all for suggestions!

    1. calories are already at deficit (I have custom calories entered in MFP already...not the MFP generated).

    2. water aerobics/swimming. Why didn't I think of this? :blushing: embarrassed...since my husband swims. HA!

    3. Yes...yes...I understand the toning things vs. muscle definition vs. blah blah blah...misuse of words! It's like saying "burning fat!" without going in the aerobic threshold calculations and whatnot to determine sugar vs. fat burn. :-P It's just a use of words...sorry!!! I understand that has now opened up the room to trolls. LOL!!

    4. I will ask my doctor about the resistance bands and upper body. Just been worried that any upper body would still have an indirect impact on my back. Good things to look at though.

    5. DEFINITELY not going to overdo things on my back, I take 2 ibuprofen a day for the swelling, stretch it often, and my husband does lifting around the house (even the little stuff because we ALL know the little things are what usually set us over...).

    I just know overall, I really truly miss the weight training and lifting....guess I just have to admit to myself I need to SUCK IT UP!!!!

    Thank you all again so much for you input and honesty! Another reason why MFP rocks!!! :drinker:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Can you go see a physical therapist? I'd hate to see you injure yourself taking advice from people that don't have any experience with that kind of injury.

    Exactly my thought.

    Why are you asking an internet forum what you should do for a herniated disk? Heaven forbid you follow some of this advice and get hurt worse.

    Your doctor told you that you should exercise.. so he should be the one telling you what sort of exercise.