Looking for Insanity workout buddies!



  • I am starting month 2 tonight. Plan on taking a month off of Insanity once completed to do running and lifting and such... but then it will be time for round 2!
  • I just ordered it TODAY! Would love some motivational buddies! I am scared lol
  • I just started doing it today! you can add me if u'd like. By the time i got around to the basketball jumps set i thought i was gonna die lol, but I did finish it and I feel so good for doing it... nowww I just pray I'm not too sore tomorrow!!
  • Add me guys, ive lost about 35lbs doing consistent rounds of insanity, & asylum. Keep at it guys!!
  • Perixi
    Perixi Posts: 116 Member
    Im on day 12 of insanity feel free to add me :)
  • day four of insanity for me, never been a gym fan al though work has kept me active my calfs and lower part of thighs are aching a fair bit but gonna keep going. why im enjoying doing it i cant work out for the life of me, got a multigym near on a year ago and think have managed 10 mins on it a couple of times and got bored and couldn't motivate, but insanity seems different, not managing to do it till about 8 at night so after a day turning it on seems a chore but by the first set of the warm up im feeling motivated and im determined to go the full course, feel free to add me anyone
  • How is everyone doing so far who started this 2 weeks ago? I am on week 3 day 3 and while I cannot see physical results, I can notice a difference in my stamina.
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