carbs or calories or both

So, I have been doing low carb since January and happily counting carbs, protein and fat. But since joining MFP where it shows my caloric intake, I am surprised at how many calories I am eating.

I have upped my fat intake since to try and drop some calories, but should I be worrying about them any way???


  • stormsusmc
    stormsusmc Posts: 228 Member
    Read through the thread I have here. I have a few links of information.

    Under the nutrition area, check out the link that has to do with enhancing low carb diets.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    ideally what you want is to find a caloric number that works for you with a defecit...from there you eat sufficient amount of protein depending on goals to preserve muscle mass then fill the rest with either carbs, or fats ur choice.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member

    I am low carb, higher proteins and fats and and have been since December 2011. Working for me, what about you!

    53 yrs old, 5'9" and 118 pounds....great blood work at the dr.
  • You definitely should be aware of the number of calories you're eating. Regardless of carbs/fat/other macros, calories are still calories.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I don't subscribe to the view that is only about calories in/out, I think that the body can deal with reasonably varying calorie intakes and still work it's way into fitness naturally. We wouldn't be here if that wasn't the case.

    We don't HAVE to put on 100 calories worth of fat if we consume 100 calories 'too much' one day, the body can, and does, find other ways of using it.

    Once the metabolism is working well that is. If you have underlying issues then you can create a significant deficit and still not lose.

    But, calories count at some point, of course.

    So, it's a question of where your metabolism is at and how many 'extra' calories you are consuming.

    Most low carbers find it easier to create a calorie deficit should they feel the need because they are just not that hungry.

    That's been my experience anyway, I'm on a bit of a calorie binge right now in fact just to keep my metabolism up there.

    Still losing though ;)
  • Yes Julia, definitely working since Jan 2012, and love it, but wanted to drop a further couple of kilos.

    So when I started using this site and saw my calorie intake nearly always sat just over 1200, when it should be on or under, I didn't know if I should be worried or not.

    Apart from cutting out my much needed soy latte's, I don't know how I can cut anything else out. I am Gluten Free as well.
    As I said I upped my fat intake with fat bombs a couple of days ago, and that seems to have started things off again.

    But just thought I would ask the wider community what they thought.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have upped my fat intake since to try and drop some calories
    This confused me, more fat is more calories surely ?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    So when I started using this site and saw my calorie intake nearly always sat just over 1200, when it should be on or under, I didn't know if I should be worried or not.

    Without knowing your full stats it is hard to give you a definitive answer but if that is what you are consistently eating a day then you don't have much to worry about - I am pretty sure that keeps you comfortably in a calorie deficit.

    Keep doing what has worked previously. If it stops working then look at your calorie level.
  • Gav149
    Gav149 Posts: 2 Member
    Perhaps we over complicate the app. Set your goal don't exceed the calories you are allowed. Quite simple
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    You did not state if you are working out or not, but I do know since I started eating healthy carbs my workouts are much better, I am still losing and I all over feel better. I think you have to be very aware of your body and it's needs. You need the proper mix of all of them if you are going to get healthy (notice I do not say the "d" word), it's a life style change for sure.

    I am low carb, higher proteins and fats and and have been since December 2011. Working for me, what about you!

    53 yrs old, 5'9" and 118 pounds....great blood work at the dr.
    great post.
  • Thanks for all the replies guys.
    Along with working full time, I would usually be doing two work outs a week, but because of an existing injury and conflicts with family and friend committments, I have not been able to do this for a few weeks now.

    My over all health and fitness is good, and I am having no trouble maintaining. Its just that because I had not counted calories for a long long time, it came as a surprise at how many my "well balanced" carb and protein intake was actually worth.

    If I am being really honest, the thing that gets me over the 1200 limit per day is my addiction to soy latte's. I have at least two sometimes three a day, depending on how busy or cold it is. I was curious to see what every one else here was doing.