Sober October

Not quite sober, because I know I would fail. But I'm planning on not drinking from sunday to thurdsay. Only fridays and saturdays allowed. That will be a big one for me anyhow as I usually have at least 2-3 beers or few (5) glasses of wine each evening.

Anyone with me?


  • dominikaro
  • dominikaro
    Come on people, I need some support here!
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    But it's Octoberfest!!!

    How can you have a sober october??

    That said, I really don't drink that often. And when I do, its rarely more than one drink. I may have one drink every two weeks, so I'm not totally concerned. lol. And usually it is after a hockey game where I've burnt many calories and don't worry!
  • I am totally with you! However, this will be easy with me because I have slowed down on my drinking. I use to be like you drink a lot but when I wanted to have the success, see the results....I had to stop. Now, I maybe have one to two drinks a week. It is all about what you want...I am here to support you :)
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I'm trying to do the Sunday through Thursday thing too. I have been doing much better compared to a few months ago but I could probably still drop a drink or two. Last night I was not going to be having any drinks but ended up at a friends house and she poured me a glass. Couldn't be rude and turn it away. :smile:
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    I'm still working on sober September's at the moment! If and when I get through that, I then went I'll consider this. I :-)
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    I'll do this with you!!! Me and bf normally have 2 nights of heavy drinking and at least 1 indoor session a week! I started my diet Monday and so far haven't had any alcohol. I was thinking of having one drinking session a week, trying to not drink as much as I normally do on that one session.

    Think we are going out Friday night so will let you know how we get on!!
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I have done really well with September, but vacation starts Oct 13. For that week I will be drinking some. I will resume the no alcohol deal when I get home. The world just might end if I go to the BVI and not have a painkiller. :drinker:
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I drink maybe once a month now but I fully support you! There was a time when I tried to not drink on Mondays only, and I couldn't do it. I think not drinking Sunday-Thursday is a great goal to have and I'm here for ya!

    Edited to add: If you go out just get a club soda with lime so nobody gives you crap about not drinking. The bartenders never charge for it because they admire the fact that you are "giving up" (nothing to give up...) your evening of drinking to drive your drunk *kitten* friends home, and also takes the liability off of them!
  • madfatcat
    madfatcat Posts: 6 Member
    I am in! Still struggling with September but the drinking makes both my diet and exercise useless. I am getting seriously frustrated with my lack of will power. Started taking Kudzu supplement yesterday, which is supposed to reduce cravings for alcohol. I hope it helps...
  • bluebellkarma
    Hi i'm definitely with you on this one. I'm determined to reduce my red wine intake, my vice of choice, for once and for all. It's not just the empty calories from the wine, it's that once I have drink, then I want to eat Kettle Chips and dip and my willpower goes out the window. Wine, crisps and dips are my three biggest diet saboteurs.

    I agree with others here too, that alcohol tends to screw up one's exercise routine as well.

    Happy Soberoctoberfest!
  • amcmullan
    amcmullan Posts: 148 Member
    Im on the same schedule so Im with you!! We can do it!
  • dominikaro
    Thank you all for support! We'll see if I'm strong enough:) Alcohol is not only calories but it also makes me weaker so my workouts are not as intense as they could be.
  • legaline
    legaline Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in! I had been thinking about cutting back on weekday alcohol so this is great motivation.
    My biggest problem is not just the calories from alcohol, but what ends up following! After that second glass of wine, I always end up eating more dinner or dessert. Alcohol is not only calories for me, it leads to poor food choices as well.
  • dominikaro
    I agree! When you drink at some point you just need to have a snack:)
  • CantarellaMiyani
    CantarellaMiyani Posts: 91 Member
    I will also not be COMPLETELY sober, but here are my guidelines:

    I may have up to two lower-cal drinks (wine or spirits, no mixers),
    IF I am in a social setting where drinking is expected, and
    IF it fits into my macros for the day.

    And I will absolutely do this with you, for October and onward! Good luck!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    I have been sober for 110 days.. I know I won't be drinking in october either! =)