"Secret Ingredient" in Orange Juice



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    The main problem with all foods is the pesticide residue they contain. Recently, some orange juice makers had their juices rejected by government watchdogs (imagine that--they were actually doing their jobs!) because of unacceptably high levels of fungicides---which are known carcinogens. Cancer used to be a disease of the fifth decade or later. Now, we have a lot of women getting breast cancer in their twenties and thirties and because they are so young, the cancer is particularly aggressive and lethal. Twenty or thirty years of exposing their bodies to carcinogens in food and our environment are the likely cause. Our ancestors rarely got cancer because they ate pure food and lived in a pure environment and because their immune systems were particularly strong (in the past, a large number of children died of infection of one sort or another---they didn't live long enough to get cancer).

    A couple that we knew BOTH got bowel cancer last year. The wife has already died and the husband only has a couple of weeks to live. They were both 64 when they got the diagnoses. Their parents lived into their eighties. In fact, both of the husband's parents are still living--both are 87. The husband's brother is also dying of a rare defect of the immune system. All the chemicals in our environment and food have made forming a normal immune system impossible. Our children need to be protected from the onslaught of those chemicals as their bodies form.
  • bluecowgirl
    I'll take the high calorie orange juice!!! YUM!!!! over an orange any day!!!
    I have a huge textural problem with foods in my mouth, ugggg (salads look so yummy but it's just not ment to be) and 99% of oranges I just cannot do, i only like clementines during certain months else they get that stringy feeling too

    also, in spring/fall when allergies are out, OJ can help clear your sinuses, i'm juessing the actual fruit can do it to... but the juice is such a treat cause I only drink it in the spring time when I can't breath and omg afterwards i can usually breath!!!

    My client also loves Oj's but in the spring time an extra shot of OJ helps her immune system too with allergies
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    i thought this post would be about vodka

    if you let OJ go a month past its experation date it tastes like vodka

    If you let it go even longer, it takes on a greenish tint and practically carbonates itself. It feels like that same bubbly popping sensation, anyway.