
Well I slipped a little last night. My daughter had gymnastics 45 minutes from home. Afterward, both my daughters were hungry so dad, out of habit, swung into McDonald's. Funny part was I got them something healthy but dad not so much. So this morning I couldn't help myself but to get on the scale. Not too bad, didn't lose anything but after slipping didn't gain either. Don't want to get back into those habits, so time to get back on track.


  • Deisel1974
    Deisel1974 Posts: 19 Member
    I truely WISH there was something that was good for you that was as convenient as McD's. It would solve some obesity issues I think.
  • bowling_king_82
    bowling_king_82 Posts: 29 Member
    Well, the kids had apple slices. Not too bad for a fast food snack, but who knows what additives there are in them.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    The worst part of McD's is the sodium, which can add water weight and of course the sauces and bacon, etc...

    I am sensitive to certain artificial food color and those apple slices are packed with fake color.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    i am fast food addict...especially for mcdonalds...and the bad thing is i always get the big mac meal super sized !! BUT i havent done that in over a month now!!!!!!! and now i find myself not even craving it which is awesome for me....but if i were to go, i would have a yogurt parfait and maybe a fish filet.