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beginnner home exercise~please help

The sad thing is~ I am so out of shape, it is hard for me to continue exercise for over a minute without stopping for a few seconds to a minute. :embarassed: I am really looking for a beginner's out of shape workout program to start with, then when I can get through that, work my way up..I know it needs to be kinda fast-paced to burn calories, I have looked and looked, just wondering if anyone has anymore ideas..Also~ walking is a good source to burn calories? I can only walk for about a block atm without shear pain ripping through my shin area. Does anyone have any advice on how to get past this difficult first stage? I really need to get going. I feel like a failure because I cannot do much without the pain.( I really let myself get out of shape, it is embarrassing)..If anyone has advice or has been where I am~ please~ help me..Thank you for taking the time to read my story..and thanks for the previous answers girls~ those workouts are just a bit too much for me yet, but I'm trying to get there..Have a great day! :smile:


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Well I have no idea what the previous answers were, but I was going to say that when I finally decided to get myself back in shape after a looooong hiatus of couch potato-ness, I started walking and doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. The workout is only 20 minutes, so doable even with a busy schedule - but the trick is to start SLOW. Even with a 20 minute workout you can get an *kitten*-whoopin', especially if you're just starting out. I learned that the hard way and pushed too hard though my first workout, and could barely move for 3 days after that. :tongue:

    You said you have to keep stopping during exercise - no problem. Listen to your body and go slow. Use 2lb dumbbells to start with, or no weights at all, just do the moves without them until you build up some endurance. Take a rest when you need to, just pause, count to 5 or 10, and then get back into it. I wouldn't worry about stopping the DVD or anything, just pause, and then rejoin the gals on the tv. :)

    I'd do the DVD 3 days a week, and on the other days, go for a walk. Go as far as you can, go slow, and build up your distance. If your shins hurt, maybe you need new shoes? That can make a huge difference, even for walking.

    A lot of people here do or have done 30DS straight through for 30 days. Jillian has been quoted as saying it was never intended to be done that way, and that rest days are important. When I started out, I did 30DS 3 or 4 days a week, and walked in between.

    Make a reasonable plan, set yourself a reachable goal, and go for it. :bigsmile: You will be amazed at how quickly you can build up some endurance, flexibility and strength. As you improve and reach the first goal, you can set another one, with more confidence because you've already made it to your first goal. Slow and steady is the way to do it - helps prevent injury and burn out because you're not overdoing it. And rest days are important! Make sure you take at least one or two days off each week.
  • sarah32lee
    sarah32lee Posts: 5,272 Member
    Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :)
  • Great advice Amy! And thank you so much for letting me know that it is ok to start low and take pauses, this makes me feel more empowered knowing it will only get better :flowerforyou: ......Your insightful and positive encouragement has made me feel like I can reach my goal (one small at a time)....And as for the shoes, that has been brought to my attention by one of my fitness pal friends and in deed, I do need a better pair of shoes..I think I will start with the Jillian Shred and walking. Thank you once again for all of your time and it all really makes sense now!:smile:
  • Here's my input. Hope it helps. When I first had my "omg, I can't believe how out of shape I am, how did this happen" moment, I was drunk and playing dance central on the Xbox kinect. I used to be a dancer and there was no way my boyfriend should have been able to beat me on our dancing duel, especially when you throw in that it was lady gaga, one of my all time favs.

    Anyway, the next day I got dance central 2 and started doing a couple of dances everyday. Quick, easy and fun. Def got me moving around. I know that 2 has a fitness mode, can't remember if the first had it or not, though the calorie tracker isn't spot on since it doesn't get your heart rate. BUT enough of a boost to make you feel good (and, granted, I did always double the calories for that extra good feeling...not totally legit, but at first I needed anything to give me a boost so I would do it again the next day). The on work breaks, I would just wandered around the neighborhood. Just walking, not really fast or anything, just around. Sometimes for only 15 minutes, sometimes for my whole lunch hour. Did this, inconsistently, for around a month until I stopped being all breathless after a song or two or a couple blocks.

    Since then I've gotten my shape evolved (which I highly recommend) and UFC personal trainer (which I've just started and think its ok, but not as good as my shape). I really like my shape because it's so varied. I get bored doing the same old workout everyday and it has so many options. Classes (Bollywood, yoga, hip hop, etc), short and long versions of focused exercises routines for specific aras (abs, back, cardio, legs, etc), and some random things (games, a run the world thing, warmups). You can pick exactly what you wanna do, for how long, how much effort you want to put in, and the games are fun. The UFC isn't as fast and, honestly, the trainer guy repeats his lines a lot which is annoying. I also feel like I'm working out harder with my shape, but maybe UFC will get harder. I did just start it. Note: these 2 are exercise "games" but geared toward exercising not having fun. That's why I started with dance central, solely fun with a little working out thrown in to get me going. Both also have challenges for weight loss, endurance and strength training.

    Granted all of these things use the kinect for Xbox, though I'm pretty sure they are available for other game stations. I know some people think its silly to work out with video games, but it's working for me. Lost 10 pounds and built my endurance up. Went on vacation (and gained some weight back, but oh well ;) and my boyfriend actually commented on how awesome my endurance has gotten. We went for a bike ride and a hike and I outlasted him both times. Also, I live 30+ minutes from the closest gym and would rather save the $45 a month for all the tiny clothes I'll need soon. If you don't have a game station, this is possibly the most useless post you'll get back on this. But this, coupled with myfitnesspal, has been the only things to really work for me. As a side note, any time I'm feeling down on myself, I head over to the success stories for a high dose of "people really CAN do it, so can I!" juice. Whatever you do, just keep doing it! Good luck and let's meet in success stories one day!
  • Thank you Sarah..I will go google it now..It's awesome having help and advice :happy:
  • clrug0912
    clrug0912 Posts: 43 Member
    Why not start out with something fun and entertaining. Do you have a Wii? they have lots of dance games and workout videos alone. It may not feel like much to you but a short dance or two might help you built yourself up little by little. Also, I've never done it but what about yoga or swimming? I have a friend that swears by it and it seems pretty low impact. Or try googling 'low impact exercises'.

    Most importantly, don't worry about what you can't do, put more emphasis on what you ARE doing! When I had my baby and after the 6 week checkup, I was stressing myself out big time because I would think about how active I used to be and how I'm so far from that. One day I read the quote, "it doesn't matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch". It made something click and ever since then i've worried about me in the moment and being happy with what I am doing to work out because something is absolutely better than giving up.

    So, don't stress! And just focus on what you did do, because in the end all those little calories add up. :)
  • Wow ladies, I have been talking to my husband about getting a wii and the fit plus along with some other exercise games to do at home. So, that is awesome that you have mentioned this! And I know that this would be fun for my entire family as well when I'm not doing my work-outs..The only thing that was really stopping me was the fact that no matter how much I researched it, I couldn't really figure out if it would help burn calories. You are right~ I would be up and moving, getting endurance, etc...I will be purchasing one this week :happy: ..thanks everyone..
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Try setting a timer (physical or computer) for 10 minutes. Play your favorite fast music. March in place, walk around, do gentle calisthenics, dance. If 10 minutes is too long, try 5 minutes.

    Try to work up to 30 minutes over the day (3 10 minute segments or 6 5 minute segments). See if you can work up to 60 minutes of 10-minute or 5-minute segments.

    For strength training, try doing wall push ups. Look up modified plank exercises and see if you can hold the position for 5 seconds. Build from there.

    See where you are in a month.
  • That sounds like a great routine as well! I will be able to mix things up to get the most out of my workouts:smile: Thank you
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I highly recommend the Couch to 5K program! I could not walk more than 100 yards without being winded before I started. I just finished week 6 and can now jog for over 20 minutes! It's a great program for people who have been couch potatoes and want to get in shape!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I just sent you a message but I wanted to say that you're not alone! I remember trying to work out to those 80s aerobics videos and feeling so much pain in my legs after only 5 minutes I got discouraged and quit trying. Once I found something I liked to do, like dancing, I didn't feel the pain anymore. I was having too much fun. And that's when my fitness journey began, over 20yrs ago! Find something you like and don't be embarrassed...we've all been there!
  • Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :)

    Walk Away the Pounds - A girl at work started her workout from these (and lost 50 pounds). I've done a couple and they're pretty good to kind of ease you into the workout routine.
  • beckyb0724
    beckyb0724 Posts: 15 Member
    Everything I was going to suggest was already said. Just wanted to add that walking a block is better than not walking at all. The first step is the hardest and you already took it! Slow and easy, listen to your body, and find a way to make it fun. Best of Luck!!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I like to start with beginning yoga dvds. It is more slow paced and allows you to have sometime to really focus on yourself. You don't have to be extremely flexible to begin yoga, but the more you do it the more flexible you will become. Walking is also a great beginning exercise. Always challenge yourself to go longer a distance, more time, or varying walks so the scenery isn't always the same. Also, ask a friend to go for a walk with you, it's amazing how they can inspire you to do more :wink: You could also try things like wii fit or other active games to help. The key is to always challenge yourself to do more...
  • jamessasek
    jamessasek Posts: 2 Member
    i lost 120 lbs by diet and lifestyle changes only. things like walking over lunch, trying to take the stairs more. once i lost the weight i found it much easier to do workouts and became more of an athlete. i'd say focus on diet first. you can't change everything all at once.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I started by walking in place during commercials. 1 minute at a time. Slowly built up. Now have Biggest Loser walking DVD, a treadmill, and walk 30 minutes each morning before work.

    Just take it one minute at a time and then when that is easy add another. Breaks are great and please do not get discouraged or give up because you cannot do it all at once. You will get stronger and your exercise time will increase.

    I also have the Wii fit plus and love it. It gives you breaks while you decide what to do next.

    Good luck!!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Leslie Sansone, Walk a Mile or whatever.

    Even my mother could do this program. It's a work at home and it starts out really nice and gentle for those who aren't used to exercise.

    Here: http://www.amazon.ca/Walk-Away-Pounds-Leslie-Sansone/dp/B0007Z0OFY/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1348162045&sr=8-9

    That's the one my mother did.

    Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Leslie and am making no money if the OP buys these DVDs. I just think it's a good workout for out of shape people. :)
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :)

    I second this, she is a really great way to start off.
    As far as how to get through the first stage....just keep at it.
    I promise it will get easier.
  • Gennacy
    Gennacy Posts: 27 Member
    With regards to your shins, make sure you are wearing decent footwear and please stretch before you walk anywhere. I suffered from Shinsplints when i trained and had to stretch before and ice and stretch after!

    And its much easier to walk up slopes! so if you do get a treadmill, always walk on an incline. That said, im not a doctor, so i would advise you to visit a doctor to get a diagnosis!

    Edited to add..
    I have a Rowing machine and the first time i went on that i managed 2 mins at resistance 1, then spent the rest of the night coughing up. I kept at it, and now i can easily do 10 mins on resist 8 without losing my breath, (took me about 6 weeks or so)
    slow and steady, increase a little at a time, have rest days AND LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!! very important! :) You can do it!
  • All great advice so far!, i use the Element Weight Loss Pilates for beginners, its fantastic, although my legs ached a little the next day, so like anything take it slow and have fun :)