It seems I've hit a 'plateau'...?

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to MFP but have been training for approx 5 months before i found you. I was 19 1/2 stones (276 lb) when i started and happen to be in a position where i can train for a few hours a day while at work.
I'm now down to 230 +- and seem to have hit a wall?
I'm well and truly under my net calories and have read that i may not be eating enough?
I'm eating regularly, on a lot of protein shakes (2-3 a day) and i'm getting close to my caloric intake. I'm burning anything between 1000 - 1500 cals a day a feel great!
I have also read that i may be carrying / retaining a lot of water? (i'm drinking a minimum of 5 litres a day) and sweat like mad when i do a distance cardio workout, which is most days to be fair.
I'm just a bit stumped why the fat is not going as fast as it was?
Any ideas?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    How long has it been since the scale moved?

    You could be retaining water - your muscles use fluid for repair. Take a couple of rest days and weight again and see if that helps.

    Also, I think you are right about not eating enough. You are burning a TON of calories on exercise days. And you are only eating slightly above what you burn. So that leaves you with a "net" of only 200-400 calories (on the days I looked at). That could be your problem.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    From what I'm reading here...I will be honest, I'm not sure you will lose to much more weight. I'm assuming that if you are burning 1000 to 1500 calories a day, you are doing weights as well as Cadio.

    Are you keeping track of measurements...particularly the larger muscle groups? You may be bulking up in muscle rather than losing weight.
  • Wow, that was quick......:o)

    Thanks for the quick replies!

    I'll look into the food intake further, i still need to get more info on the starvation mode thing?

    When i get home (i'm currently in the Indian Ocean on a rig) I'll jump in the sauna and then weigh in.......? At least i will have ditched my excess water.

    I don't go too heavy on the weights (twice a week) as I'm naturally a big lad any way, but with the amount of bike work I've been doing lately it wouldn't surprise me if my legs are bulking up so I'll measure them in the morning?
