
I don't know what my problem is. I do great for awhile and then when I don't see results I want, I say screw it and go back to my bad habits. I end up gaining more weight than I lost. I have done this my entire life!

I really want off this roller coaster. I am making another attempt to get healthy. I am tired of being fat and uncomfortable.

I hope my current friends and new friends won't give up on me and will give me some encouragement.

Anyone with this same problem is welcome to add me.

I promise to do better this time :-)


  • I know how you feel. I'm guilty of that as well. As soon as my weightloss slows... I get back into my old habits and give up. I've been doing MFP for a little over a month and have loved the support on this site. I'm determined this time to stick with it.... Good luck and keep your head up... you can do this!! I'll send a friend request so we can help each other. :)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I don't know what my problem is. I do great for awhile and then when I don't see results I want, I say screw it and go back to my bad habits. I end up gaining more weight than I lost. I have done this my entire life!

    I really want off this roller coaster. I am making another attempt to get healthy. I am tired of being fat and uncomfortable.

    I hope my current friends and new friends won't give up on me and will give me some encouragement.

    Anyone with this same problem is welcome to add me.

    I promise to do better this time :-)

    Don't feel ashamed. Change is never easy. Just think about what you gain by being a healthier version of you and remember that everything in life takes patience and dedication. Weight loss, marriage, parenting, school, just about everything. Just get the information you need to start your adventure and do it with realistic expectations. :smile:

    Here's a good place to start to know how much you should be eating:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Jeff331
    Jeff331 Posts: 15 Member
    I am guilty of this also. I have only been with MFP for a week but I really feel this is going to work this time and the community here is awesome support. You can add me if you like.
  • HotelWife
    HotelWife Posts: 26 Member
    Sending you a friend request! Been there! :)
  • Rage4lightning
    Rage4lightning Posts: 72 Member
    I have done that so many times.

    I've been using MFP for nearly two months now. It's my best record! This website has been a fantastic inspiration for me. I hope it will be the same for you.

    The difference for me, personally, is that I'm no longer counting on the scale to tell me when I've made progress. I'm taking measurements instead. If I wasn't doing so every two weeks, I'd have no idea that I've lost 9.5 inches over the 8 areas of my body that I keep track of. That's huge progress as far as I'm concerned! But I've also only lost 8 pounds. No way would I be able to keep my spirits up with 8 pounds in two months. Those inches on the other hand...

    Anyway, I'm sending you a friend request. I admit I'm not the best at keeping all of my food logged, but I've learned a lot about watching what I'm eating and making myself move!
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    That is my life story. I talked my daughter who is 28 to do MFP. So I would do very low carb, very healthy eating and lose faster then her then go off and binge. She has lost 30 pounds since Christmas she only has 15 to go. She ate what she wanted. She made good choices but would have a kids meal from mcdonalds including the fries. If she knew she was going out with her friends she would eat salads and fruit during the day to keep the majority of her calories for the evening plus she would work out an extra 30 minutes that 300 calories is two glasses of wine.

    She would lose 2 pounds in a week and I would lose 4 or 5. Guess what I am 5 pouns heavier then when I started 8 months ago and she is still down.

    Smart kid making it a way of life. Now time for me to learn from her...
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I think a lot of us have the same issues or we would all be a size 2! I would be happy to have you as a friend:)
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Oh, dear...I could have wrtten your post!! That is (or should I say, was) me to a T! Don't ashamed - you are NOT alone! We can do this...together! Add me as a buddy and we can encourage each other!
  • We all do it! Sometimes I feel like I sabatoge .... I get to my "goal" and then I pig out and gain back a couple :( Wish I knew why I did that..........

    We're all here for you!!!!
  • I am doing this to help monitor my sodium and such. I am 42 149 lbs and have had 3 heart attacks and a quadruple by-pass all in the last 3 1/2 mos. I work with a group of girls always dieting, and they go thru the same thing. One thing I have learned from them is when you get to the stopping point, just continue it will pass. Everyone does the same thing, you just have to keep going and the loss will begin again. Good luck to all, you can do it. If I can quit smoking cold turkey after 25 yrs of smoking, you can do it. :)
  • lorriannly
    lorriannly Posts: 37 Member
    Wow, it looks like a lot of us are (or were) in the same boat. Please add me as a friend and hopefully we can encourage eat other to stick it out this time :)
  • Cgiznsky
    Cgiznsky Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just as bad! I was done to 5 pounds from my goal, but became comfortable and complacent. I've added back almost all of the weight. Really trying to get it under control and keep it off for good! Anyone else can add me too.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I also have been through this and totally relate to you. What I have learned is taking baby steps, having short term goals like I want to eat little to no junk food today or I want to workout for an hour today etc. helps. Do all you can in a day. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow live for now and make sure its worth it! Being patient is the key. Working hard for it is what makes the journey all the better. This isn't going to be easy or quick. So just keep your head up and take it day by day. Good luck to you :)
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Don't fret....Life happens....

    I have a host of family health problems at the moment...It's derailing me...It shouldn't, I know better...But I'm not giving up...Neither should you, so keep on going......
  • ktbollman
    ktbollman Posts: 32 Member
    girl...welcome to my's very, very frustrating. let's be friends :) we can help support each other!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I'm very familiar with this :-) The last time I lost weight and stalled in the 170's (down from the 230's) I got frustrated and quit. Since then, I have spent some time in therapy and I think I've figured out a few pitfalls.

    1. I really just want to be healthy--for life. I have a number of familial risks, in fact, my sister and dad are type 2 diabetic. My father and my grandmother have had strokes. I want to limit my risk factors, which means health and fitness for life.

    2. It's okay to take a break--for a few days, or even a week.

    3. "Cheating" doesn't mean failure--see #2

    4. If I'm not seeing the results I want over several months, it's time to evaluate the process. Am I logging? Am I exercising? I'm I measuring my foods? If so...maybe it's time to switch it up.

    5. If I'm not seeing the results I want over several months, AT LEAST I'VE MAINTAINED!!

    6. I try and really evaluate all components of what I'm eating. If I feel like I'm hungry, is it because I've been eating too much carb? Or am I not eating enough fiber? What about water? Over time, the trends are easy to see. It's been really easy to quit in the past when I feel like I'm deprived.

    7. Measure in other ways: Not just waist, hips, etc. My resting heart rate has decreased. My feet no longer swell at work. My blood pressure is fabulous (although I've always been lucky this way). My risk factors for disease are lowered--cholesterol, triglycerides, etc are all fantastic.

    Finally, admit and acknowledge where the problems lie. If your struggling, admit it. Don't make excuses for it. Just acknowledge and accept it. This is HARD, and not always fun.

    Feel free to add me.
  • We're all guilty of this to some degree.....Shame shouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind - but unfortunately tends to consume us

    Accountability - being responsible for what we do to our bodies - this 'term' finally clicked for me & MFP has helped with that tremendously!!!

    The thing I constantly remind myself is - I certainly didn't gain 80+ lbs overnight - it's definately not going to come off overnight! Slow and steady wins the race

    I am 25 lbs into my lifestyle change journey....I have surrounded myself with positivity & support - I even 'announced' my lifestyle metamorphosis on FB - so I'm putting myself out there and letting people know that I AM doing this and I WILL succeed - because now I really have everyone watching....which brings me right back to my new favorite word: ACCOUNTABILITY

    Feel free to add me anyone - my only request is that you include your real name - I like to know who I'm friends with!!

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I think everyone goes through some version of this, although I've never been overweight. I think that my habit of weighing myself several times a week has helped.

    A month ago a relative came into town and in her presence it was particularly hard to resist the urge to eat inconsistently with my plan. But I was aware of the weight increase and as soon as she left I started to work to take the extra couple of pounds off.

    Even if I don't track my food I weight myself at least three times a week. It's important that I not be in denial.
  • debibj
    debibj Posts: 4 Member
    I have been on a weight roll-a -coaster my entire life. Every year, I put on more and more weight. When I reached 50 years old I realized I lost control and I needed help. I was 160 pounds overweight with several medical issues. So, 1 year later, on August 20th, 2012 I had Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Surgery. I am 4 weeks post op. The first 3 weeks were rough and you really have
    to want this before you consider this life style. Before when I gave up I would gorge myself in bad food. Now, it is impossible for me to eat anything which is not good or more than 5 ounces. My small stomach is my new tool to achieve weight lost. I have lost 26 pounds so far!

    I was hoping to connect with someone like me or close to me to share my journey. :wink:
  • amcmullan
    amcmullan Posts: 148 Member
    We have all been there sweetie! But this site is amazing! It helps you see others going through the same struggles you are and seeing them get through it and the success they have makes you realize you can do it too. We all need to learn some patients. Changing your entire lifestyle and body is no simple task and it will take time! Good luck! Feel free to add me! :happy: