


  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    I am a PRO at this. But you're doing the right thing by reaching out. I'm kicking butt this time around and there is no way I could do it by myself. You're welcome to friend me if you'd like. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon!
  • Don't be ashamed. We all go through it, well at least most of us do. Just remember; when you have a bad meal, the day is not lost, and when you have a bad day, the week is not lost. When you fall off, dust yourself off and get back to it.
  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    Feel free to add me. This is absolutely my MO. I pulled a muscle Monday and so when I was laid up Tuesday and Wed, I went a little over on my eating and just thought "stuff it" and went way over. (like 500-1000 calories each day with NO exercise). I am back on and better now but hate the fact that I do those things. If you'd like to add me and we can help keep each other off that "ledge" I am certainly down for that. :) Stick with it and have a great weekend.
  • Roderunr
    Roderunr Posts: 65 Member
    I'm that point right now in my life! Any or all of you, please feel free to add me - I could use your support!

    I joined MFP last year and logged on for a week - I just came back this week and so far, I'm loving the conversations and support!
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    There is no shame in trying. Food is a hard thing to beat. But one day you'll get to that point where the only thing that matters any more is your health and your happiness. Then food no longer seems all that important. That's what happened for me, at least. After 16 months and 83 pounds, it's still a struggle, but it's one I'm winning. :) You'll get there, too!
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I find, as I lose weight, that the emotions I was stuffing with food start surfacing. If I don't deal with the emotional baggage, then I tend to want to start stuffing again...and gaining weight. I've been amazed to find that the emotions I was dealing with when I was 175 lbs start coming up again when I get to that weight, the emotions I was dealing with when I get to 190 lbs come up when I get to that weight, and so on... So, for me, it's like my body weight is a road map to my unresolved issues. You've been given a lot of good input here. For what it's worth, I suggest you take a look at what is going on for you emotionally. I started with keeping a daily journal about my feelings, especially when I wanted to get off track. Eventually it was helpful to me to see a counselor for awhile. Now I find it a lot easier to recognize and deal directly with my emotional upsets than to eat my way through them...

    Best wishes!
  • kaylanlynnNW
    kaylanlynnNW Posts: 122 Member
    You will do better.. I have the same problems.
  • This is EXACTLY where I am right now. I've been doing Jenny Craig and using MFP along with that program. I've lost 51 pounds in about 5 months. And then all of a sudden, I hit a wall. The last 3 weeks have been up and down the same few pounds. It's gotten me in a slump. I'm familiar with my work, I do great and then when there is a struggle (which is going to happen) I get frustrated and sabatoge myself. It's frustrating that I can't seem to get and keep control of this situation. It is however, very comforting to know that I am not alone. That a lot of people have the same struggle. We just need to keep on keeping on and remember that 1 week doesnt undo all of the success we've had over the last few months.

    Sometimes that is easier said than done.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • I don't know what my problem is. I do great for awhile and then when I don't see results I want, I say screw it and go back to my bad habits. I end up gaining more weight than I lost. I have done this my entire life!

    I really want off this roller coaster. I am making another attempt to get healthy. I am tired of being fat and uncomfortable.

    I hope my current friends and new friends won't give up on me and will give me some encouragement.

    Anyone with this same problem is welcome to add me.

    I promise to do better this time :-)

    Don't feel ashamed. Change is never easy. Just think about what you gain by being a healthier version of you and remember that everything in life takes patience and dedication. Weight loss, marriage, parenting, school, just about everything. Just get the information you need to start your adventure and do it with realistic expectations. :smile:

    Here's a good place to start to know how much you should be eating:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • I agree with Eccentric Dad....well said! :smile:
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Same here. At some point I realized that I can't have both - everything I want to eat and to be thin, fit and healthy. They just don't go together. So I had to pick one. Health it is. I have bad days and bad weeks but I always get myself back on track. Being large and lazy feels horrible!
  • Don't feel bad we all go through this, i have been with MFP for nearly 2 weeks now and actually feel it's doing me good, i think having other people in the same situation helps a lot, it's good to support each other. add me if you like.