Best NSV...kinda long..sorry

BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
edited December 2024 in Motivation and Support
After losing 100 pounds, then plateauing for 5 years, then starting to gain for no reason, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos. The meds have allowed me to lose about 11 of the 25 I gained, but it's slowed down to about a loss of 1 to 2 pounds a MONTH! At that rate, NSV's are the only V's I'm having these days! I am active...cycling, running, paddleboarding, hiking, lifting weights, doing aikido and ballroom dancing. I eat right. Some days I am frustrated to tears by the slooooooow movement of the scale, and the pudge clinging to my stomach like some sort of alien parasite that just WILL NOT die. It all feels kind of pointless sometimes. But...

My daughter drops my grandson off at my house every morning on her way to work. I "walk" him to school. It's across the street from my house. He is 5 and just started kindergarten and there are things about his gramma he just takes for granted. Each morning, we cross the crosswalk at the end of my driveway and go through the back gate of the school yard. Then he looks up at me and says, "C'mon Gramma! Race!" We take off and sprint across the soccer field and then the blacktop at the other side, until we reach the dirt playground on the other side of the school. I can still stay ahead of him if I want to, but its a challenge. I generally stay even with him and if he gets a step or two ahead of me, he weaves back and forth in front of me so i have to slow down to keep from tripping over him and killing myself. It won't be long before he's out running me though. The schoolyard is full of parents who wait with their kids until the bell rings. Most of them half my age. I am 51 this November. They look at me like I'm crazy when we come dashing and giggling on to the playground. But my boy will always remember that gramma ran him to school when he started kindergarten.

Last Sunday we were at my parents house, way out past the outskirts of town. Its a spread out neighborhood. It was just dusk and an ice cream truck came by. We could hear it out front. The kids had never had an ice cream from a truck. My dad tossed me some money and said to take them out and get them one. By the time we got out there, the truck was headed down the street. I put the three year old on my shoulders and the 5 year old and I jogged after it. I figure the cliche jokes about a fat lady chasing an ice cream truck were over ridden by the fact that I was carrying another human being on my shoulders. We had to chase the sucker a half a mile, but my kiddos got their ice cream.

When I was almost 300 pounds, I didn't even walk half a block, let alone half a mile. And I didn't sprint anywhere! I may not weigh what I want to weigh or look like I want to look, but I have given my grandchildren the gift of a healthy, active gramma who is going to be around for a long time. Who sets a good example of active living by taking them on 5K Color runs, bike rides, hikes, horseback riding, river rafting, rock wall climbing and any other activity that strikes me. My grandson has been in the dugout on my softball team since he was 3 weeks old. Last year he was our bat boy. He does the Junior mile at my 5K runs. My three year old granddaughter is doing her first competitive run this October. She's doing a Jr Half mile. She's more of a water girl and loves to go boarding with me. The boy isn't keen on boarding but loves to run. We all did the Color Run 5K in Sacramento earlier this summer and they and my 2 year old great niece are doing the Color Me Rad 5K along with my husband and I this weekend.

The scale may not be moving, but I am, and I'm giving my grandkids some great memories. And I think that's a pretty great NSV.


  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    you are absolutely right - that is the best kind of NSV! Congrats on getting and staying healthy... your grandson will treasure these memories, as well as all the ones you're still to make.
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story with us! You are a great gramma
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Thanks guys. I originally started because I wanted to look better, but feeling better and being able to do fun stuff with the kids was a surprising side effect!
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    What a fantastic NSV and you are right, your grandchildren will always remember that time you all chased the ice cream truck.
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    I am so proud of you. These are great NSV's. You should be proud of each and every one! Keep on moving!!!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    This post was so much fun!

    What a great gift to your grandkids, your kids, and YOU. Congratulations on all the fun memories you're making!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Wow... super wow! Seriously impressed here! You rock, Gramma!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    That is a terrific NSV. Thank you so much for sharing and keep on keepin' on! It's not just about the number on the scale but about the total package of your life that comes with dropping the weight!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,854 Member
    That was great. Thanks!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    AMEN! You're awesome and so right - you're giving them so much more than you can know; happy memories, a love for an active lifestyle, a great example to follow! Inspirational!
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Fun memories for the kids! They are proud of you I'm sure.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    That is awesome! Kudos to you for appreciating the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives. :flowerforyou:
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    You are the COOLEST grandma EVER! I'd say that's DEFINITELY a victory. Awesome work, lady! :)
  • Awesome and what a wonderful attitude!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    BEST nsv ever!!!!
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I love you janet and your NSV. You rock
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    You're awesome! It will take for your grandkids to be older, but WOW the memories you're giving and the relationship your building with them. My kids lost their only grandma(my mom) in July and they feel it sooo much. She was alot like you sound. Always doing stuff with them and being silly/crazy with them. my youngest won't know her except for what my 2, 7, & 8 yr olds tell him. So keep doing what you're doing. My 2yr old still talks about grandma because she always made them feel so loved. And know your kids are prob proud as well, even if they don't say it. I know it sucks not seeing the scale move but being the kinda grandma/mom you are is pretty darn awesome! Be proud.....think this is the best nsv I've read!
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    You are such an awesome grandma! Your post actually made me tear up a little bit, as I remembered my own great-grandma. Your grandkids are so lucky to have a grandma who is so willing and wants to do things with them and expose them to so many great things!
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    Great NSVs!!! Have a blast at the Color Me Rad 5k!!! I just did it for my first 5k on the 8th. It is a lot of fun and my daughter was a volunteer at the 3k marker to make sure mom got doused with pink (she's not a fan of running anything other than short sprints).
  • wavdawg4
    wavdawg4 Posts: 139 Member
    That is a GREAT NSV! Thanks of sharing!

    You totally sound like an awesome grandma to have, and those memories will last a lifetime!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    This is a great story...thanks for sharing!! =) You are awesome and setting such a good example for your grandkids! I am also diagnosed with Hashimoto's & share the same feelings about the weight loss & scale! Kudos to you for never giving up!!! =)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Those are no small victories - those are AWESOME! What fantastic memories you are building with your family!
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Very touching & completely inspiring! Thanks for sharing! :happy:
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    It think you are an inspiration, an awesome grandma...and giving your g-kids same great memories!!!!
  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    LIKE LIKE LIKE!!!! WTG grandma!
  • You are definitely an inspiration and it must be great fun creating such wonderful memories for your grandchildren.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    You guys are the BEST! Thanks for the love!:love:
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