If you go over your calories...



  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Great question!! it all depends, if you've been consistently staying under or AT calorie goal than that one day over is perfectly fine (IMO). But If you've been fccking up than what I usually do is go for a really high calorie burn (2 hour bike ride) and eat back like half the calories, I'll net under 1200 but I'll recover well and keep my protein high.
  • georgie181
    just to point out I would NEVER eat under 1200 cals a day, ever, this is bad!!!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Listen to your body - your 1200 calories is more than likely way to low for you size/shape/amount of exercise. Take a look at the roadmap and see how much you can eat and still loss weight. Can you live on 1200 for the rest of your life?

  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I try to have it even out at the end of the week.
    For me if i go over by 100 cals in a day i dont stress to much, just realize if it becomes a habit i wont lose as much that week.
    For me this is more about gradual loss, so i'm happy if i to just see the numbers go in a downward trend.

    Totally this, especially the gradual loss thing. Over/under here and there to more or less even out over time, resulting in consistent loss. Same with weighing myself. I don't stress if I'm a pound or two up now and again -- momentary ups are not worth stressing over.
  • Collinco
    Forget that day and start fresh the next day!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • willowdancer
    If I go over my calories I usually try to workout until it balances out. If I can't, I'll start fresh the next day.

    I do this too. If I go over my calories I will drink more water (don't know why exactly, it just makes me feel better about it) and I workout or try to take a walk or anything active. And I always start fresh every day. This is a very vital detail for me; every time in the past I had tried to balance the day before with the next day and it left me feeling over whelmed and like I was failing. Every day for me is a clean slate and a new start. I try to make my best of every day, but if I mess up and don't do as well as I liked I will make a note of it and try to make tomorrow a better day.
  • ladonnaiman
    i go over my calories everyday but work it off with the wii ... does anyone know if the wii really works ?
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    eat the next day, i'm not going to starve myself the next day because I was over the day before... that would cause me to overeat eventually.
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    Semi OT: how close to your goal do you (as in the general you, all of you, not someone specific) think you need to be? I'm never going to hit 1200 dead on, and most days I'm coming up on the short side by a handful of calories. Like 2 - 39 calories shy of 1200. Today it would have been 89, but I decided to eat two pieces of chocolate so now I'll be 11 over. How close to your calorie goal do you get before you say, "Yeah, that's good enough"?

    its hard to be spot on i was often a little under so i changed my cal goals to 1250 and i am happy as long as i stay with in the 1200-1250

    i rarely go over my goals but if i do i just start fresh next day
  • morganmcclure75
    one day, do you try to undershoot them the next day to 'make up' for the day before? Or do you just start fresh the next day? Yesterday I went over my calorie goal by 400. I don't know what the deal was, but I was just SO hungry and ate a crap ton of chicken for dinner. Plus, I didn't go to the gym. So, today I burned 650 calories at the gym, so that will give me extra calories to eat in order to still net 1200. Should I try to eat pretty low cal today since I went over yesterday - that way it will all kind of balance out? Or should I just start fresh today?

    I always treat each day as a new start. The days I go over, or know by the time dinner comes I'll go over, I'll try to burn off the excess. If I still go over though, I don't beat myself up over it, just try to learn from the pervious day.
  • mreilly013
    mreilly013 Posts: 36 Member
    I try to average my calories out throughout the week. That being said if I go over by a couple hundred I try to lower my calories a bit the following days, maybe by like 50 calories or so, nothing drastic. Sometimes I'm crazy hungry and other times I hit a certain calorie amount and I'm like blah food. But if i look at my weekly number and I'm in the +/-range of about 200 I feel like I'm doing fine and it averages out.
  • Dodorap
    Dodorap Posts: 6 Member
    I find it difficult on weekends,. I'm usually good during the week but come weekend, I cant resist food my schedule is always all over the place.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    Semi OT: how close to your goal do you (as in the general you, all of you, not someone specific) think you need to be? I'm never going to hit 1200 dead on, and most days I'm coming up on the short side by a handful of calories. Like 2 - 39 calories shy of 1200. Today it would have been 89, but I decided to eat two pieces of chocolate so now I'll be 11 over. How close to your calorie goal do you get before you say, "Yeah, that's good enough"?

    its hard to be spot on i was often a little under so i changed my cal goals to 1250 and i am happy as long as i stay with in the 1200-1250

    i rarely go over my goals but if i do i just start fresh next day

    It would be very hard to exactly hit your target every day - unless you sit there at end of day counting out single calorie items like one grape or tic tac at a time, LOL

    I aim to be under by 100 or less or over by 50 or less. But now and then am over by bit more,say couple of hundred. If most other days were under, then the weekly average will still be right and that is good enough for me.