MapMyRun, RunKeeper, Nike+, which one is best??

I have been using MapMyRun and my time and distantance is NEVER the same - I followed the trouble shooting suggestions of turning off my wifi and still same issues. I even upgraded to the app you have to purchase thinking it would be better, but same issues. Anyone have great success with one over another? If I'm doing something wrong please suggest something!!


  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I had issues with MapMyRun also. I use RunKeeper now and haven't had any issues thus far.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I used to use the mapmyrun one, but I liked the runkeeper app better. I only have used the free ones though. They're not too much different, but I guess it's just personal preference.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I personally like Nike+. I've used MapMyRun before, but it didn't have the ability to use my itunes playlist - I had to toggle back and forth between the music and the running app (it was the free version....not sure if paid version is different).

    Nike+ syncs with facebook - and if your friends "like" your running status, you will hear cheers! Kinda cool! And it also lets me track my mileage on my shoes, so I know when to replace them. It lets me set an itunes workout and you can also choose "power songs" so if you are struggling, you can tap the powersongs button and it will play something that will help get you back in gear again. I liked those features.

    As far as dislikes - the GPS was sometimes slightly off. My running partner and I both used Nike+, started our runs at the exact same time, ran right next to each other the whole time, and at the end of the run we might be a tenth of a mile off. So, that wasn't great.

    Overall though, it's a really good free app!
  • bhawkins0617
    bhawkins0617 Posts: 46 Member
    I didn't like MapMyRun at all! I have been using iRunner for several months and I find it to be reliable and user friendly.
  • Observer74
    I use nike since the last three years. In the beginning I used it with a sensor, now without. I really love it. Even bought a fuel band now. Got a lot of information from their site.

    The nice thing is, like LoraF83 says, facebook, powersongs and your personal records. The only bad thing is the GPS. from time to time you really need to calibrate it. I use my GPS watch for that.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I've had no trouble with MapMyRun but I do expect that it wont be perfect since its just an app on my phone. At least it's directionally correct and that's ok for me since I'm not competing at anything. The Nike app sounds really cool though, may have to try it again.
  • danimal5867
    You've left out my favorite. Endomondo is the one I use every day. I've only had two workouts that seemed to be in error due to GPS signal being lost (I was running just before a thunderstorm cut loose) but I was able to edit those. I have tried mapmyrun and runkeeper but endomondo was the only one I was willing to pay for to get the premium version.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I used to use Nike+ when I owned an iPod and a doo-hickey that went in my shoes. Since owning phones with GPS I have been using Adidas miCoach. Been using it for about 2-3 years (first on iPhone and then on Android) and have had no problems with it whatsoever. I find the web interface a bit clunky (it's really flash dependant) but then I only really use the app, so it really isn't an issue for me.

    I like the fact that you can set training goals for it. ie set to run a half marathon and tell it when the race day is and it will schedule a workout programme for you and give you reminders of what you're meant to do and when. It will include interval work, distance running, recovery running, rest days and tapering for the week before the race. I haven't run a race for a few years, but I used this for my last half marathon and it worked really well.

    It also tracks other activities such as walking and cycling and I have used it successfully for those things, too!

    It doesn't seem to be as popular as other apps of this kind and I've often wondered why.....
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    How about Runmeter/Cyclemeter?
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I used to use RunKeeper until I had the GPS ping off something a mile away and then back to me about 5 different times. Hard to track when it says you ran a mile in 1 minute!! Oops. So then I tried MapMyRun. I didn't mind it, but again, the GPS was really off. I mean... REALLY off. I could run the exact same route three different times and get three different mileages.

    So then my friend recommended Endomondo. Love it! I have been using that since May and have had no problems at all. I know exactly when it will tell me I hit a mile, because it's the same every time! Plus I like that my friends can get on there and send me a message while I'm on a long run and it speaks it out to me through my earbuds. Once during a very long run, around mile 11 my friend texted "good job, keep going" and it really helped me squeak out the last five miles!!!! It's all personal preference, but Endomondo is my favorite so far.
  • volamena
    I used Endomondo and Runkeeper, if both apps are good and easy too use they are not really reliable though. I've tested them with a running partner. We both started at the same time, ran the same speed and distance right next to each other and yet there were differences in speed and distance. I can't tell if it comes from the app or the phone (gps) but it wasn't accurate so now I just use it for fun not really to train.
  • melindadunston
    I have compared my time and distance to my friends with running watches and Endomondo is pretty accurate. I used to use Mapmyrun but found Endomondo much better. It also interrupts your music and tells you each mile you run and how long it took where mapmyrun does not!
  • Hmocc
    Runtastic is good
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    I don't run, but walk. I tried MapMyWalk (the equivalent of MapMyRun), totally useless every time. Runkeeper though has been brilliant. I'm going to look into this Endomondo app though, that everyone is talking about lol.
  • chrstnamarie
    I use RunKeeper, and have had one issue with the GPS. It could have had something to do with me remembering to turn off the WiFi during my warmup rather than before my run, but it didn't mess up until 10 minutes later, so who knows. I'm a beginner runner and have normally been doing 2.25-2.5 miles of running/walking. That one time though apparently I went 5 miles (at and average of 5min/mile, yeah right)...some of that mileage was even over water!

    Haven't had any issues since though.
  • danimal5867
    One more plug for endomondo: They have an excellent online community including regular challenges of various kinds. There have been times when I've reconsidered taking a day off because I wanted to improve my ranking in a challenge. Anything that provides motivation to exercise more is good in my book.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I love Endomondo Pro, have used Runkeeper and MapMyRun before but really like Endomondo.... Best of Luck!
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I have tried many apps on the smartphone and find Runkeeper works best for me.

    Haven't use NIke+ though.
  • stonejh1
    I used to use Nike+ when I owned an iPod and a doo-hickey that went in my shoes. Since owning phones with GPS I have been using Adidas miCoach. Been using it for about 2-3 years (first on iPhone and then on Android) and have had no problems with it whatsoever. I find the web interface a bit clunky (it's really flash dependant) but then I only really use the app, so it really isn't an issue for me.

    I like the fact that you can set training goals for it. ie set to run a half marathon and tell it when the race day is and it will schedule a workout programme for you and give you reminders of what you're meant to do and when. It will include interval work, distance running, recovery running, rest days and tapering for the week before the race. I haven't run a race for a few years, but I used this for my last half marathon and it worked really well.

    It also tracks other activities such as walking and cycling and I have used it successfully for those things, too!

    It doesn't seem to be as popular as other apps of this kind and I've often wondered why.....

    yeah yeah i love this app! never have issues with it and i really like that i can do interval work with it without thinking - the annoying announcer guy just tells me if i need to run faster or slower and i can do assessment workouts periodically to make sure i'm pushing myself enough in the harder intervals. you can add lifting workouts as well which i've tried once or twice - they're great (as long as you have access to all the equipment!) and have little videos that show you how to do each workout properly.
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    I have had problems with Runkeeper tossing electronic 'me', figuratively, a quarter mile over a river to the top of a hill , or across the motorway, or leaping tall buildings and landing 3 streets over., and then it jumps me back, adding the distance! The first time on a route it almost always adds little skitters up embankments and across the road, making it appear i was cheerily skipping around the neighborhood, adding distance and making it dead useless! I end up going to and drawing the route to figure the miles, and logging it in Runkeeper and MFP by hand!

    It has gradually gotten more correct on things like the school run, so long as i turn it off before i go down the hill into the school grounds, if i do that, in inevitably has me leaping trees and hills and back, instead of pausing for a few minutes to chat and wait for the kid! I can pause it, but would prefer to record it as one long walk. The walk used to record quite a wobbly line, with occaisional jumps, now it is quite straight--and i have lost almost half the distance. So, it takes as many as 10 repeats weekly for several months for it to fully sort out what i am doing the distance and route!

    Because of this, i recently deleted numbers of walks over the last 18 months as i realized they were wrong. Was considering other apps, but it sounds like they are all prone to this sort of thing.