

  • lilylover2012
    lilylover2012 Posts: 39 Member
    Do what I do: Go out to dinner with your SO and sit near a table with children. Works EVERY time, whether I actually want a baby or not. I just don't understand how parents can let their children scream and scream and run around like little monkeys. I was never allowed to get away with that!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    lets start with being pregnant... there is morning sickness, I have no idea why they call it morning, though. many people I know had it day and night.
    There there is that very uncomfortable being in you that keeps growing and your kidney, bladder and liver will be a punching bag for 5 months.
    then there is birth. it's like putting something the size of a melon through a hole the size of a lemon. That needs stitches.

    then there is feeding about every 4 hours for about 6 weeks.. and diaper changing. it's almost 350 diapers in the first 6 weeks.
    if you breast feed you will feel like a cow with sore nips, if you bottle feed that is a whole 'nother mess.

    It will be about twenty years before you truly get a good night's worrieless sleep.

    did I mention the whole melong/lemon thing?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    One word....colic.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    ME TOO. I'm 20, been with my guy for 2.5 years, we're getting married in April and SO READY to pop out his baby.

  • OnTheWayToPerfection
    Get a puppy. That'll cure it.
    Kids were the one thing that I KNEW for certain I wanted.
    WRONG! We got a puppy and between her and my husband, NOOOOOOOO!
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    Changing diapers is nothing. When your kid is snacking on chips on the way home from daycare, starts gagging and choking and then proceeds to projectile vomit all over himself and the car seat?

    Now THAT'S something!

    He's okay by the way. The first words out of his mouth in concern for his now soiled t-shirt? "Elmo." (with a sad shaking of the head)
  • genefabes
    if you have a fever and need a cure, I'd strongly suggest you consider more cowbell.

    no seriously, don't have a kid.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    The #1 that no mom ever warned me about. You will NEVER be able to pee or poop in peace EVER again. Mine are 7 and 5. I think when they move out for college I may get to crap alone again.
    or take a shower or have a meal where the food doesn't look like it exploded xD
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I have 3 kids and a dog.
    I'm terrified, daily, of starving because my kids eat so much and food is Really expensive.
    I haven't gone to the bathroom alone since my son (oldest) decided to roll over for the first time during a super quick pee-break when he was 2 months old. Even when they're with their dad, the dog is still in there with me.
    Try being in business for yourself in a touchy area that you have to basically beat around the bush... then your kid blurts out what you do and ruins your cold market. Practice kissing your paycheck (and food-for-training) money good bye.
    My GATE student, who has always been sensitive (crying) was suspended twice since the last week of Aug because of emotional outbursts. Even though I've never had a job outside the home and have always been here, I question EVERY SINGLE aspect of my parenting.
    Start questioning every choice you make NOW before you have kids, so you can get used to it.
  • OnTheWayToPerfection
    I have 3 kids and a dog.
    I'm terrified, daily, of starving because my kids eat so much and food is Really expensive.
    I haven't gone to the bathroom alone since my son (oldest) decided to roll over for the first time during a super quick pee-break when he was 2 months old. Even when they're with their dad, the dog is still in there with me.
    Try being in business for yourself in a touchy area that you have to basically beat around the bush... then your kid blurts out what you do and ruins your cold market. Practice kissing your paycheck (and food-for-training) money good bye.
    My GATE student, who has always been sensitive (crying) was suspended twice since the last week of Aug because of emotional outbursts. Even though I've never had a job outside the home and have always been here, I question EVERY SINGLE aspect of my parenting.
    Start questioning every choice you make NOW before you have kids, so you can get used to it.

    Not too sure what to think about this one.
    Furthermore putting off my want for kids.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    You know those lovely Saturday mornings when, after sleeping in, you roll over, look at your beloved, and you know...*wink wink nudge nudge*?

    Yeah. Kiss those moments goodbye. Kiss sleeping in goodbye...ever again. Kiss sex whenever you want it (IF you want it because quite frankly, being a new mom is EXHAUSTING. This goes away when they are about 5) goodbye. Kiss your body goodbye. It will forever be changed. Even when I'm down in my weight, my hips are FOREVER big.

    And if these reasons don't do it...colic. If you survive a colicky baby, then I believe you can do anything. Six months of constant screaming, puking, and no sleep. Good times, right there.

    Oh. And the money? HA. Kids are a money pit. Wait until you are ready. And yes. You will eventually be ready. Financially and emotionally. When those two things line up, you'll be able to deal with all the rest. And then being a parent will be awesome.
  • genefabes
    I have 3 kids and a dog.
    I'm terrified, daily, of starving because my kids eat so much and food is Really expensive.
    I haven't gone to the bathroom alone since my son (oldest) decided to roll over for the first time during a super quick pee-break when he was 2 months old. Even when they're with their dad, the dog is still in there with me.
    Try being in business for yourself in a touchy area that you have to basically beat around the bush... then your kid blurts out what you do and ruins your cold market. Practice kissing your paycheck (and food-for-training) money good bye.
    My GATE student, who has always been sensitive (crying) was suspended twice since the last week of Aug because of emotional outbursts. Even though I've never had a job outside the home and have always been here, I question EVERY SINGLE aspect of my parenting.
    Start questioning every choice you make NOW before you have kids, so you can get used to it.

    Not too sure what to think about this one.
    Furthermore putting off my want for kids.

    lol right? let's stick to our pups.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I have a 1 1/2 week old. The lack to sleep and constant worry is pretty horrible, but the instant love you feel is amazing :)

    Gah :sad: whyyyy mee!? Why is your baby so cute!?!?

    I'm 19. It's not happening. But it's like BABIES in my brain CONSTANTLY. Ever since I turned 18 it's like all I freaking see are pregnant ladies and babies. It makes my heart melt.

    oh you are far too young!! Wait until at least 24-25. kids are great - but they change EVERYTHING! I'm 30, engaged (never married before) and sometimes think I may want a kid, and then reality hits me in the face and I'm like what the hel* were you thinking?! It usually happens when I see some a'hole kid or some idiot parent! haha.
  • amore78
    amore78 Posts: 175
    I'm young. Married. And I have two cats, so I have something to take care of...but I have BABY fever. Like MAD baby fever. WTH!? Someone cure me!!!!

    :wink: I congratulate that already you're feeling maternity.....means that you have enough love to give!!! Being a mother is a great privilege that not many can have.... Don't be afraid.... is normal what you feel!! I have 4 children and I love them all... but remember that the day that you're willing to be a for LIFE!!!:flowerforyou:
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Babysit for your friends....not just for a couple of hours... maybe like a weekend. Work in a daycare.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :huh: baby sit over a long weekend, make sure its either a brat or a 3-4 month old, also try baby sitting multiples....the sicker the better:bigsmile:
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Enjoy your college years. Seriously.
    I had a baby at 19 (not planned) and it was rough. Got married at barely 21. I had to withdraw from school when we moved to a different state for my husbands job, and going back almost seems impossible until both my boys are in school, which will be several years. I'll be 30 before I even finish my college degree. Moving was the best decision, since my husband has an excellent career now, but seriously... no babies until after college! Live and enjoy your years before starting a family.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I do too :/ We aren't married but my boyfriend and I do live together, no pets since he won't let me have one, so I have nothing to take care of at all! LOL it's driving me nuts.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    They say terrible twos oh HELL no! Horrible threes!!!!!!! They are all cute in little and sweet and then you spend a day covered in the 3 Ps (piss, poop, puke) your new perfume becomes sour spit up. Then they learn to walk and talk and get into ****. Then they learn to talk back. Forget sleep. That was thing of the past. But if you want to know unconditional most pure form of love there could be that fills you to your soul yep mother hood is grand!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I think this happens to most women at some point in time. I know I DEFINITELY have baby fever right now. I have 3 nieces under the age of 7 and yes, I have taken care of them for days at a time and I even shared a room with them ALL for 6'd think that would have killed my baby fever but NOPE!!! It just made it worse hahaha. Luckily my boyfriend is out of the country so kids aren't even a possibility for me right now lol