are you a flamingo? :p (gym nicknames)

Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
Ok guys..are you one of the ones that only work your upper body and then walk around with your chest all puffed up in your *barely there* muscle shirt? and maybe do a few squats once in a blue moon? Do you wear those really baggy long shorts so they cover up ya skinny legs? Or when you go out to party you wear those really baggy dress pants and a skin tight shirt ? tsk tsk. At the last gym i was at, we called them flamingos..

anyone else have any silly nicknames you called a particular type of folk or groups at the gym :p

Disclaimer- this is just suppose to be a silly topic..lets not get nasty please :)


  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    id just call it plain hilarious
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    It definitely makes you want to LOL :p
  • Planet Fitness calls them Lunks! But I no longer go there I chose to join another place Fitness Connection not trying to promote or make negative light of either gym etc just being honest. I wish I could do nothing but chest, check out my pic just uploaded and you will see why lol.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I used to see this wanna be bodybuilder in long pants with the pattern of a cow...we used to call him "clown pants". lol
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    There is a guy that works out in my gym wearing shorts made out of towel-like fabric. They are bright orange and bright blue zig-zag shorts made out of towel! Weird.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I always love the guys flexing and posing in the mirror...they are called "peacocks"...always showing off, even if they have itty bitty muscles, lol.
  • amore78
    amore78 Posts: 175
    There is a guy that works out in my gym wearing shorts made out of towel-like fabric. They are bright orange and bright blue zig-zag shorts made out of towel! Weird.
    what????????? omg!!! funny funny .....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • norallen
    norallen Posts: 3 Member
    i'm a gazelle..on the elliptical!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    At my gym we have "Pony Girls" (not that kind for all you dirty minds out there)

    Pony Girls are young, leggy thoroughbreds, with long tails that swish from side to side as the trot gently on the treadmill. They have trouble lifting weights with their dainty little hooves. They are easily startled by others pounding on the treadmill or banging weights near them and can go into shock if they break a sweat. They are delicate little things that need to be constantly reassured by their friends via mobile phones that they are cool and pretty. :laugh:
  • you have to say it in your best "Arnold" accent, but the really built guys are "guys who pick things up and put them down"
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You mean like this?


    yes - that is totally me.
  • Being a redneck town- we call them the wrangler crew. They were tiny *kitten* little wranglers (no complaints here!) and only do upper body!
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    You mean like this?


  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    lol, this is funny-on the flip side (female)- i am not a flamingo lol
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    We have a guy who has longish curly black hair and a mustache, who looks like a 70's porn star. He's pretty evenly distributed but he works out in legging things in crazy patterns and sometimes with fringe on the sides and he paints his toenails..purple, sparkly red, whatever. He works out barefoot. I took a poledancing class from his wife, who's *kitten* would fit in a teacup and is solid muscle (no bulk) from head to toe and can move any one of them independent of the others. Interesting couple. She could do things with her butt that made your mouth drop open! I don't know what you would call either of them, but, wow!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Nope, though I've definitely seen them at other gyms I've been a member of. At my current gym (rec centre weight room), we have: Guido!Fist!Pump! (Does really bad one-arm shoulder presses with too much momentum and sh*tty form), and the Praying Mantis (this tall, stick-insect of a woman who does dumbbell curls with little 1 lb weights... like that's supposed to achieve anything).

    There are some more, but I haven't coined names. There's this one guy I've seen who, I swear, is a cross between a gorilla and a slug. He is fairly thin, lightly muscular, and covered with dark curly hair all over (seriously: dude even has shoulder bush). He looks really sweaty and greasy and, because of the hair, I can't tell if he's also kind of dirty... in a "visible dirt splotches" kind of way. He sweats on everything, never cleans up after himself, lifts way too heavy and with incredibly bad form, and occasionally stops to sit on a bench and get on his phone. I spent my introductory evening to this character wiping down every piece of equipment I was about to use thoroughly BEFORE using it, in addition to after, because he left a slime trail behind him wherever he went. Even if I didn't see him on a piece of equipment right beforehand, I wasn't taking chances. I would have called him out on it, if I wasn't so disgusted by the thought of getting near him. Any thoughts on a nickname?

    There was this one young couple who were at the weight room, one evening, who occupied BOTH of the flat benches, a chair, the power rack, and the bench press station with all of the plates they had been using. Some of these plates they would eventually get back to, but it would be about 15-20 minutes before they came around to another set with them, again. *kitten* was lying around everywhere. To top it off, instead of using the room adjacent to the weight room that was is designated for when you're doing floor work that might piss off the people in the weight room, these two spent a great deal of time in between bookmarking the benches with plates to do walking lunges and the side-walking sumo squat things, plus planks and other stuff, in the lane space that people use to get around the machines and lifting equipment. The chick even dared to give me the stink eye when I walked within a couple of feet of her to get to a piece of a equipment. They did put away some of the bigger plates before they left, but missed a lot of the smaller stuff. I haven't seen them again, but if I do and they pull this crap again, there just might be a smackdown. Again, any thoughts on a nickname?

    Oh, and there are the people who load up plates on an olympic bar for a bench press or in the power rack for a squat or deadlift (mostly guys. I'm not bothered by the prissy little girls who perform a deadlift with a couple of 5-10 lb frisbees), and they don't use collars. The big, black-print-on-yellow-background signs that are taped up over the mirrors near the power rack and bench press clearly state that collars MUST be used, and given that this is local government-funded facility, where equipment is old and space is at a premium, someone benching could lose a 45 lb plate by tipping it off the side and send it crashing into the legs of someone working in the power rack. The whiny excuse I get from some of these guys is that the spring collars are stiff and old and hard to get on and off... and they are, but I still use them, because I care about being responsible, and not being a douche. I've had English-as-a-First-Language conversations straight to a couple of guys faces, where I've asked them nicely to use the collars, pointed out the rules, and explained the safety issue with the bench press and the power rack being so close together... only to have them nod as if in agreement, and then walk right back to what they were doing... still without using collars. I think, next time, I will have to appeal to the musclehead mentality with a bit of psychology and say, "Look: I'm fat, and I'm a girl. By all means, if you don't think you're stronger than me, then don't use the collars. I will accept your non-use of the collars as an admission of physical weakness. It's okay, I'm sure it happens to a LOT of guys." Anyway, yet again, any thoughts on a nickname?

    I'm sure these guys are sick of me waving the collars at them while giving them the eye and "tsk!" face, so they probably have a nickname for me, too! For what it's worth, I've put in a request with the rec centre to get a couple pairs of Lock-Jaws, for everyone's benefit. I hate struggling with those old collars, too.
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    In our gym, we've got "Arms" - - the guy who's head disappears into his neck and all you see are his huge arms. I don't know if he actually has legs - although he must, since he is able to move around the gym.

    Of course, every gym has their version of "Creepy Blue Pants", the slick, "I'm too sexy", man stuck in the 70's, in the scary baby blue track pants. We don't believe he actually works out, because he spends the entire hour he's in the gym walking from mirror to mirror, admiring himself and leering at the women.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    We have a guy who has longish curly black hair and a mustache, who looks like a 70's porn star. He's pretty evenly distributed but he works out in legging things in crazy patterns and sometimes with fringe on the sides and he paints his toenails..purple, sparkly red, whatever. He works out barefoot. I took a poledancing class from his wife, who's *kitten* would fit in a teacup and is solid muscle (no bulk) from head to toe and can move any one of them independent of the others. Interesting couple. She could do things with her butt that made your mouth drop open! I don't know what you would call either of them, but, wow!

    From that description, I'd call her Amazing and him, Lucky.
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    Look up a poem called 'you ain't been squattin'
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member

    What can I say..