New to Protein Shakes. Help needed:)

Hi guys.

So, I'll throw out my stats first so you have a little better idea of what I'm working with.
I'm 24. 5'7". Right now I weigh 230lbs. I've been exercising and eating healthy, watching my calorie intake, for over a month now. I work out 4-5 times a week. The days that I work, I do 30 Day Shred in the morning as that's about all I can work in to my day. Other days, I go to the gym maybe 1-2 a week. Lots of cardio and some weights (still trying to learn more weight work outs).
I've heard from friends that they drink protein shakes and it helps them lose weight. I've also heard it keeps you fuller for longer.
-SO. My question is, should I be drinking protein shakes?
-If so, on days that I go to the gym or all days that I work out?
-How much and what kind?

All feedback is very appreciated:)
Thank you!


  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Protein shakes work beause if you get low carb ones allow you to get the protein you need for as little calories as possible. which one, protein and water will make you feel full, and two, you have more calories to eat later on other things, but there is no magic to them. Personally I drink one for breakfast and one after weight training, but rarely otherwise.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    I do a 50/50 water and milk for a meal replacement at lunch time. Its easy repeatable and keeps me full until dinner.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    To answer your question though, drink as much as you want as long as it fits your macros/calorie goals. I personally like to drink them whether I go to the gym or not.
  • I heard you had to up your protein intake by like, 15%.
    I hope people can offer their experiences!
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    I heard you had to up your protein intake by like, 15%.
    I hope people can offer their experiences!

    Yes the Protein target MFP gives is Low, and once you up it that's where the shakes can help, depends how much lean meat and fish you eat normally. Some days I would never hit my target without shakes and still stay under my calories, others its easy.
  • norallen
    norallen Posts: 3 Member
    I like to have a protein shake as my breakfast. I use 10 ounces of soymilk, 1 scoop of protein powder (I like Raw Code or Vega..yes, I'm a vegan!) which is usually hemp protein, pea protein or brown rice protein. For a boost I will toss in a tablespoon of milled flax seeds or chia seeds..or a squirt of flax seed oil (there is a brand that makes a strawberry banana flavored one which tastes great). This keeps me going until lunch, and gives me a big protein kick..without a slump from a high carb or high sugar breakfast.
  • I just want to clarify - protien shakes do not make you lose weight. Hard work, a healthy diet, and a balanced exercise regime do. However, I don't think you nesseccarily need to do protien shakes because you aren't lifting often or heavy enough weights for the shakes to really make a difference - in fact, they may even HINDER your progress. As long as you are meeting your protien needs on a daily basis, diet should be enough to get you the results you need.

    If you do decide to do shakes, make sure you read up on how to utilize them most effectively. For instance, studies show that our bodies can only digest approximately 26g of protien shakes per meal. Thats about the same number of grams that are in protien shakes. The rest of the protien is metabolized into fat and stored. Just throwing caution to the wind!

    Just to put it into perspective: a glass of milk offers about the same amount of protien/gram as some shakes do. PLUS all the vitamins and nutrients that come with it.
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    I use Sun Warrior protein. I like it much better than other vegan ones I've tried. even if you aren't vegan it's a great choice because it's easy to digest, full of natural enzymes, gluten free, non-gmo and so on.

    as for whether you need to add a protein shake...I would base that on your daily food diary. if you tend to be too low go for it, if you tend to be too high either don't or cut out something else. too much protein is damaging to your kidneys.
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Glad I come across your post because I'm thinking about doing shakes as a breakfast or lunch replacement.