I am so discouraged :(



  • Everyone has oopies!... You just have to be strong enough to realize you slipped and tomorrow make sure you work harder/do better. What always makes me feel better after a slip up.... I work out for maybe a hour or more extra to try and burn more calories! :) I hope you dont give up. Because remember "You will never have to start over if you never quit" .... Take things a day at a time. Success was never achieved without a lot of failure.
  • Its totaly normal to have a slip up here and there and I think its normal to slurge every now and then and allow your self to have something you want I do it sometimes and yes it is discouraging but you can get back to it no worries girlie!
  • 82ale
    82ale Posts: 32 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • buckeyes502
    buckeyes502 Posts: 32 Member
    A couple of snafu's with your diet will not kill you. Just stay the course and you will hit your goal. If you feel too upset by your snacking just do a couple of extra laps around your neighborhood. IT IS ALL GOOD!!!
  • My approach is - ok, you screwed up once, move on. Learn that lesson and keep up the good work.

    You've been losing and you look and feel better now, right? That matters.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Heck, these things happen. Acknowledge, and move on. What you DID does not matter. What you DO now is what matters. So, choose your favorite:

    1) Give Up


    2) Continue Your Journey

    Seriously, one slip does not mean that you cannot reach your goal. You'll be okay. :bigsmile:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Do you allow "treats" sometimes? I've had my weight off for over 20 yrs and I allow a couple of cheat snacks and one or two cheat meals per week, which keeps me on the beam to eat pretty clean the rest of the time. If I quit everytime a bump got in my road, I woulda given up 20 yrs ago, had hypertension and been diabetic by now. Tomorrow is another day!
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member

    The best advice I ever got was: when you get a flat tire, do you puncture the other three so all your tires are flat?? Well, of course not. You fix the one flat and move on! So when I was making mistakes in my diet, I just needed to fix the mistake and move on.

    Love this! I will remember this when I slip.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • I will say special prayers for you merci....do not give up you are worth the fight. Don't be discouraged...we all want to "slack" and sometimes that isn't so bad...just get back on the bandwagon, and tell yourself that you can do it no matter what. Love and blessings
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    When's the last time you allowed yourself a treat?
  • The best punishment for 'getting into' your daughter's snacks and the best deterrent for tomorrow

    ... make yourself sit down and log every bite.

    Just the idea of logging a snickers bar stops me :)
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    Just a small bump in the road Tomorrow is another day!! Good luck be sure to log everything. I find it keeps me honest with myself.
  • Good evening! Don't give up! Long term, it will be worth it! :smile: You can do it!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    If I gave up everytime I ate something I shouldn't. If I gave up everytime I had a whole week of eating things I shouldn't have I never would have gotten to 63 pounds lost. I start everyday as if I'm a healthy eater. Yeah things slip in. Yeah I go over my calories on occasion, but on the whole being mindful will keep you on a downward trend. That's what I want.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    aaah we've all done this...LOL!!!

    i suggest you ask your daughter to HIDE all the snacks you dont need to eat. I asked my friend to take ALL the snacks i use to have around the house and KEEP them or eat them or do whatever!.

    You will go crazy for a day or two without them but it will be worth it.. BE STRONGGGG!!!
  • Noone wants to feel like they will be on a "diet" forever, and sometimes a change with your routine will boost your metabolism, so don't feel guilty. You just have to move on, and celebrate your progress. Also just think about the reason you started this journey, and how you will feel when you are at your goal. No food tastes as good as thin feels!
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 309 Member
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member

    :laugh: up and away from your jaw!!
  • Merci it's ok I see a nutrionist and I had a bad week last week with eating fast food and she told me not to beat myself up over and that it's ok as long as you get yourself back on track. So don't get discouraged it happens just try to get yourself back on track and know it ok we are only human after all. I am sure you will do fine. Stay strong and good job
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    Don't give up. Every once in a while you can have some treats. This is a lifestyle change not a diet. My doctor tells me I can eat anything I want. I just have to remember moderation and not have it everyday. Pick yourself back up and get back to getting yourself healthy. You go girl.:smile:

    Totally agree with this post! My doctor said that same thing! I still eat what I want, maybe a little healthier version, but I never feel deprived therefore, I never just feel like going crazy with the bad stuff :) I'm just starting up with this "lifestyle change" and I thought it would be much harder than it has been. My problem was before, I would stay away from everything that I enjoyed eating. I didn't take that approach this time, and I have been MUCH more successful! Good luck!! And keep up the good work!