new to program

hello all, I just got with myfitnesspal 2 days ago.


  • welcome to the site and wishing you the best of luck on your journey. There is a ton of great info in these forums, friend request sent your way :)
  • Hello, I just joined today and I'm pretty excited to see how I do. I am a mother of four and work full time and some times my life is so hectic that I never find time for myself but I will try my very best to always come in and enter all my info. I would love to hear from those who have done well on this program, it will encourage me. This kind of reminds me of Weight Watchers Online tools, except its FREE!! Ok everyone so hit me up and give me some pointers and tips they will be very much appreciated!
  • Hello everyone. I am also new to the program. I am a very busy person. I work 3rd shift, married with two kids and hardly know what it's like to sleep anymore. While I was in school and clinicals I found it was very easy to put on weight. So here I am 2 years later and 50lbs heavier. I want to reach my goal weight but I need motivation because when I get stressed out I find comfort in food. I have a hard time telling myself "NO!" So here I am trying something new. I hope it works.