New To MFP- Calorie Surplus Question

5 days in and already feeling energetic and focused. I am hoping to learn more about calorie surplus. The person who referred me said that it is important to eat all of the calories so that my metabolism is amped up. Is it fine to have a surplus at the end of a night?

Good luck to everyone out there taking control of their health and fitness!


  • shirk13
    There are a lot of posts that answer this question on the boards. But to put it simply, a small surplus is not bad but a big one, like 1000 cal left is bad and will throw your body into starvation mode.
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I use MFP as a general guideline and to hold myself accountable... I've found that many of their calorie amounts for various foods/exercises don't seem quite right... but I'm of course to lazy to do all the research on everything everyday, that's mostly why I'm here! I'd say stay within 150 on either side, and you should see your results. Good luck!!