Any Swimmers Out There?



  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    100 what?
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    that kind of training can give you a swimmer body. I experienced it
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    Hey! I am in fact huge into swimming, I have been in competition since the age of 7 but have been out of the game now for almost two years. I coach now and teach swimming lessons along with lifeguarding, being i work at a pool, the bosses encourage us to work out on our breaks, in fact, the job i have during the school year makes it mandatory for us to swim. Swimming burns so many calories and i never realized that until recently. On an easy day, I do this as a set….

    500 S.K.I.P.S

    100 Swim
    100 Kick
    100 I.M
    100 Pull
    100 Swim

    you can also make that a 1000 and do a 200 of each.
    that kind of training can give you a swimmer body. I experienced it
  • jacquel13
    jacquel13 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm interested about the SKIPS sets. Currently, I can swim a mile in about 45 mins. But, I don't really have a plan -- sometimes I'll do 3 sets of 500 swim (and add an extra 100 on the last set) and other times I'll just do something reasonable until I get to 64 laps, lol. The problem I have is that I don't see much improvement in my speed or stroke quality. Yet I'm not exaclty sure how to go about fixing that problem.

    My guess is that it's similar to doing interval runs while trying to increase your running speed. Do you recommend timing the SKIPS sets and then possibly limiting the distance on days you work on speed? Is that typical when trying to increase swimming speed? I swam competitively until I was 12 years old, but I don't realy remember any training specifics, lol.
  • I swim a lot! I just made it to the senior group and I'm only a sophmore. I looove backstoke, free and fly, but I absolutely hate butterfly. I love doing long distance, like miles distance. I can do a mile in about 25 minutes. Deff keep up swimming! Not only does it keep you super fit, but it helps keep you back in good shape. Dry land is also great if you want to build muscle and burn calories. Swimming requires you to eat a lot of calories, but then you work off that times 2 in one session. Therefore, you dont feel like youre dieting!!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I'm going to be having lessons from Tuesday! I'm so excited!

    I can get from A to B in the water but I have no coordination and can't put my head under water anymore! This kills my back .
    I'll be learning the breaststroke first but I MUST be able to put my head under without panicking! Got goggles.... am ready. Gulp.

    I started a course of adult improver swimming lessons 2 weeks ago. Like you I can get from A to B but I don't swim very efiiciently and tire easily. I am taking lessons to learn the strokes PROPERLY. I was really nervous to begin with but it is actually really good fun! The teacher asked us all in the first lesson what we want to achieve, and then we work towards those goals.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I'm going to be having lessons from Tuesday! I'm so excited!

    I can get from A to B in the water but I have no coordination and can't put my head under water anymore! This kills my back .
    I'll be learning the breaststroke first but I MUST be able to put my head under without panicking! Got goggles.... am ready. Gulp.

    I started a course of adult improver swimming lessons 2 weeks ago. Like you I can get from A to B but I don't swim very efiiciently and tire easily. I am taking lessons to learn the strokes PROPERLY. I was really nervous to begin with but it is actually really good fun! The teacher asked us all in the first lesson what we want to achieve, and then we work towards those goals.

    Good luck! Let us know how you get on. I'm just starting the crawl but look a bit like a mad windmill at the moment!
    Well done on your weightloss too!
  • Are lengths and laps the same thing? x
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    I love swimming, I swim 3 times a week, breast stroke 50 lengths of 33metre pool in 60 mins, aiming to do 60 lengths in 60 minutes :) I also to Aqua Zumba once a week and Bodypump. When on holiday I snorkel and feed the fish can't beat it!
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    Are lengths and laps the same thing? x

    Yep lengths and laps are same.
  • Are lengths and laps the same thing? x

    Yep lengths and laps are same.


    I swim 32 lengths in just under 30 mins. I mix it up 2x front crawl, 2 breast stroke, 2 back-crawl. I use a float for front crawl quite often as I was told it was good for a flat stomach!

    I mix this up with tennis twice a week and running twice a week