Honeymoon is over........ Now for "Real Life"

So if your anything like me, you joined MFP with the greatest intentions, stuck with it devoutly for the first few months, lost a good portion of weight, hit a few plateaus, broke through, and then "IT" happened......... Honeymoon over! Lost Motivation! Logging things starts to feel like a chore. At least that's what happened to me. I'm halfway to my goal and about 100 days in. I have a gym membership and have gone from not being able to run at all to being able to run a 5k. Not tooting my own horn but, I am starting to see results and feel better so why is it that I'm falling off the wagon? Is anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions on how to get back on track?


  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Take some pictures of yourself! I am still thrilled with the site and ive written down everything ive eaten for 235 days straight. I have been experimenting since July with maintenance.
  • battleborn
    235 days......... WOW! That's great. Do you have a good support system?
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Good friends on here yeah and everyone I run around with knows I write down my food haha
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    BTDT! There were a couple of things that helped me.

    First, acknowledgement: I wrote it out and posted it on a message board I frequent, as well as here. There was something about simply admitting that this was hard that I found very helpful.

    Second, I thought about where I would be in a year if I stopped. Since I've been down this path before, and have ended back at the beginning, I thought about how I could make that different. The obvious answer is DON'T QUIT. I also allowed myself a short break. We went on vacation this summer, and I decided I just wasn't going to worry about it. "Normal" people without a weight problem go on vacation and indulge, then get right back on track. Why was this something I was beating myself up about?

    It's helped me keep going :-) Remember this is a life change.
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    Between Jan 2011-Jan-2012 I lost 100lbs. I was originally 365lbs to start. Then I got so wrapped up in doing a good job and being able to "have a slice or two of pizza" every now and then that I lost control over my eating habits and returned to old habits.... eating carb, crap filled foods. Then I bolted up to 289lbs and lost again to 270lbs. Then I got hit with a bunch of family trauma (actually trauma!) and work related stresses and I binged almost everyday in secret (in bathrooms, out on "walks", etc) and I, when I started MFP was 313lbs (of course, this happened over the course of about 4 months). NOW I'm down 6lbs, feels good.

    I was getting OVERcocky about my loss in weight and inches and then I stopped caring (and reverting back to old habits). To top that off, I found out some horrible news about WHY I have this toxic relationship with food from before I could remember, I was 2 years old. My auntie sent me a long email after reading my fb status saying I hate the way I turn to food for every comfort, etc....

    SO maybe there is a root to your problem just like mine.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    It's often not the routine that brings you closer to your goal but the change. Change your diet, your program, your approach if you get bored. You will see soon enough what works and what does not.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    When that happens to me I usually change my diet a little bit, I know when things get routine they seem less exciting, so I learned how to cook ...which got me interested in the foods I was eating again. dOnt fall off the bandwagon! I think everyone has those ech moments.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    well I'm only 3 months in. And I only found this site about 2 months ago. The one thing that keeps me going so far is setting several goals that I am actively trying to meet on a monthly basis and tracking my progress. I use the lilyslim weightloss tickers to track all of my progress.

    My goals for Sept:
    *Lose 13 lbs. 7 down, 6 to go
    *Burn 55,000 calories. About 31,000 down and 14,000 to go (can't remember the exact number off the top of my head)
    *Do 60 hours of cardio this month. 39 done, 21 to go
    *Do 120 miles in Sept. (various methods. elliptical, cycling, walking, jogging, rowing, etc) 107 done, 13 to go

    I also take measurements so I see the difference even when the scale is being a jerk. Lost over 9 inches from Aug-Sept. Can't wait to measure again Oct. 1st

    good luck, you are doing great. failure is just not an option, so hang in there!
  • battleborn
    Thanks everyone! There are some great ideas on here. I think small goals are a good idea that I need to get more specific on for myself. One thing I love about the community here is that more likely than not someone on here has the same issues that I do and can offer support. If anyone needs more friends please feel free to add me.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I have been doing this for the last 675 days. What made it possible for me was moderation in all things. Moderate calories deficit, moderate exercises. Anything else make me burn out fast.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    511 days. I've fallen off and on that wagon many times. That counter down there? That used to say 42 lb lost. Hopefully it will again.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~Unknown

    First of all, 100 days in is an excellent start on the commitment battle. The real reality though comes, like you said, when the honeymoon stage is over. The truth is there will be times when the motivation is not there. Learn to separate motivation from commitment. Tell yourself what you WILL do. "Just Do It!" (Like the Nike Commercial says).

    “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~Jim Rohn

    Treat it like you would brushing your teeth. It's just another thing you do. Take the emotion out of it. Easier said than done. This takes constant active reflection, time and perseverance.

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~Zig Ziglar

    Motivation is something you have to constantly stoke the fire to keep it burning. You have to work at it. This comes differently for everyone. Some days, all the trying just doesn't drive it. That's when you fall back on the commitment to yourself.

    Here are some things that help me put some motivation back into the day (oh and by the way, I needed this post today):
    *support from others
    *pep talk to myself
    *reflecting on how far I've come and where I want to go next
    *making mini goals
    *brief change in activities
    *talking and reading about fitness
    *looking at motivational quotes
    *taking progress pictures
    *planning a recreational fitness day
    *trying new healthy foods
    *talking myself INTO stuff instead of out of stuff

    “Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment.” ~Vince Lombardi

    This is important. Motivation does wax and wane and you do have to work at it but the bottom line really lies in commitment. That doesn't mean you won't have setbacks. :) Keep plodding along. Fake it until you make it.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    P.S. You are doing FANTASTIC! I love how you recognize the benefits you've already gained.
  • battleborn
    “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~Unknown

    First of all, 100 days in is an excellent start on the commitment battle. The real reality though comes, like you said, when the honeymoon stage is over. The truth is there will be times when the motivation is not there. Learn to separate motivation from commitment. Tell yourself what you WILL do. "Just Do It!" (Like the Nike Commercial says).

    “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~Jim Rohn

    Treat it like you would brushing your teeth. It's just another thing you do. Take the emotion out of it. Easier said than done. This takes constant active reflection, time and perseverance.

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~Zig Ziglar

    Motivation is something you have to constantly stoke the fire to keep it burning. You have to work at it. This comes differently for everyone. Some days, all the trying just doesn't drive it. That's when you fall back on the commitment to yourself.

    Here are some things that help me put some motivation back into the day (oh and by the way, I needed this post today):
    *support from others
    *pep talk to myself
    *reflecting on how far I've come and where I want to go next
    *making mini goals
    *brief change in activities
    *talking and reading about fitness
    *looking at motivational quotes
    *taking progress pictures
    *planning a recreational fitness day
    *trying new healthy foods
    *talking myself INTO stuff instead of out of stuff

    “Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment.” ~Vince Lombardi

    This is important. Motivation does wax and wane and you do have to work at it but the bottom line really lies in commitment. That doesn't mean you won't have setbacks. :) Keep plodding along. Fake it until you make it.

    Thank you! This post has been the best thing I've seen all day!
  • christeenith
    This makes so much sense... I'm ALWAYS talking myself out of everything. Actually, this entire thread has helped me a lot. Brought me to tears if I'm being honest. We so seldom realize that we are REALLY not alone. While you feel fat and gross and over weight and like a loser, there is someone out there that feels that way or HAS felt that way.

    I struggle with my inner monologue on a daily basis. I try my hardest to be honest with what I've done (health wise, I'm honest aside from that) through the day, but most of the time, I'm like "A little bite won't hurt" or "It's ok, you ate so well yesterday, eat that cookie" and I am so sick of lying. This is why thin people aggrivate me, they don't understand the emotional rollercoaster that being overweight really is. It's a struggle to go to the gym and MAKE yourself go, when taking a nap after work sounds so much easier.

    I have spent a good portion of my life being overweight. My son will be 14 this year and I still have baby fat from my pregancy PLUS! I have lost 20 lbs, and I have 140 to go. I tell you what, that is a BIG number. I am intimidated. And I know that no matter how emotional I got over reading this comment thread, I am going to go home and make an excuse why I shouldn't go walk tonight. I'm going to try really hard not to. I guess I've half-assly decided that I'll lose weight and maybe one day I will become addicted to working out and be a gym rat and get super skinny. For now, I am going to be honest with myself and those around me... Has to start somewhere right?
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    Just got back from my honeymoon a few days ago and gained 7 pounds. The scale was really enough motivation for me though. I just got to kick-start the habit again.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I haven't lost much in my first few months. I'm right around 4 months and only 15 lbs since MFP. My ticker is from my highest weight, not since starting mfp. I just look at it this way, if it's not going up, that's good. My thyroid is out of whack, so I'm coming to terms with not losing weight like "normal people" though it is still discouraging. As long as the scale doesn't go up though...
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Yeah...I fell off the wagon, resulting in me gaining 20 of the 30 lbs I had worked really hard to lose. I logged for over 150 days, exercised almost everyday, motivating my husband to do the same. Now I'm back, because all my clothes are tight, I just feel miserable, and I want to acheive my goal of 50 lbs lost... I may fall off again, but hey if I catch it 10 lbs lower then where I started the last time, I'm okay with that. I've learned that weight loss/exercising is something I'm always going to have to work at. Motivation from those around me is typically low, and I'm always having to resist those delicious cakes and doughnuts that are brought into work. It's just a part of life I have to deal with.