My Stupid Question of the Day: Diet Coke or Orange Juice?



  • nabak147112
    nabak147112 Posts: 105 Member
    i would go with whichever you are wanting more. i still drink 2-3 cans of mt dew a day and its not hurting me with my goals. nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then. but then i would also get a glass of water
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Beer! Always choose beer....

    On that note, I would go with Orange juice if I had to pick between the could always water down the orange juice?
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    I feel this pain too brother. Honestly I order water. Depending on where we are at I may even order coffee or a tea. I try to avoid soda's and juices all together for that very same reason, sugar and carbs. Diet soda may seem ok on the surface but the fake sugar they use in it is very bad for you. I'd stick with tea, coffee, or water my friend. There's nothing wrong with a glass of H2O at the dinner table when you're out and about, wine wouldn't be bad either or a light beer. Beer actually burns off faster than juices do because its made from our lovely friends in the vegi tree.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Why is water not an option? I always ask for water when I'm out and that's my main drink. I will often also get an herbal tea or a glass of wine but I'll still drink the water.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    IMO, it's going to depend on what else you've had that day. If you haven't had much fruit or juice, definitely go with the OJ. It has vitamin C and, if there's pulp, some fiber. But you're right, it does have calories, all sugar (although it's natural fruit sugar), and juice is not nearly as good for you as the whole fruit. So if you've had plenty of fruit, or are high on your sugar/carbs for the day, a diet Coke might be the better option - it's zero calories. However, it has its own collection of not-so-good-for-you stuff, so not a great daily faire option.

    Of course, if you're diabetic, the juice is going to be a sugar coma in a cup … avoid it then.

    My brother likes to take me to a certain restaurant where, to me, the water is nasty and the taste is even in their soda (I think they use a softener, ugh). Since I normally carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go, when he wants to go there I make sure my bottle is filled at home, then politely tell the server no, thank you, nothing to drink for me. That's probably your best option.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    neither... with orange juice it's filled with so much sugar its not even funny.. right after your hungry..your getting three times the sugar you would if you were to just to eat a fruit.. and with a diet drink it has the same about of sugar in it not to mention the carbonation it has that makes you hungry right after because it makes your stomach stretch out almost like a balloon.. so your best bet would be water... it will make you feel full.. and its healthy for you (sorry for the sp)

    Wow, I don't know where to start, but I'll try anyway.
    (1) Diet soda does *not* have sugar in it. At. All. Diet soda has artificial sweeteners in it, which some people argue are terrible for you, but there is evidence that in moderation they're probably not the worst thing ever. Either way, they are distinct from sugar.
    (2) I would love to see some evidence that carbonation increases hunger by *any* mechanism, let alone by stretching your stomach out like a balloon.
    (3) While some people swear by water as "making you feel full" the evidence for this is at best mixed. Yes, it provides volume in your stomach, but that doesn't mean it makes you feel satisfied, there is more to satiety than a full stomach.
    (4) I'd also like to point out the logical issue, in which the commentor argues that carbonation stretching out your stomach will make you hungry, but water doing something similar will make you feel full.

    Who cares. It's semantics. No one can argue that fact that diet coke is gross.

    Plenty of people can. It's a matter of opinion. Even the "danger" of artificial sweeteners is still under debate, both here and in the professional community.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. If you've used your allotted calories, I'd suggest the Diet Coke. If you have calories to spare then I'd suggest the orange juice because at least it has nutrients and is natural.

    But I wouldn't suggest drinking much of either on a regular basis.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    There is little to no evidence that Diet Coke is actually "bad for you" in moderation. Juice, however, will have a lot of sugar and calories. A small glass of juice is fine, even good for the vitamins it provides, but if you are going to drink 2 or more large glasses I say go with the Diet Coke, unless you have 400 calories to waste.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Most restaurants will offer grapefruit juice or tomato juice and they are better options to either "diet" drinks (aspartame kills brain cells) and o.j. (too much sugar). Grapefruit juice or tomato juice will not raise your blood sugar precipitously as will o.j. High blood sugar and thus high insulin shoves calories right into your fat cells. High insulin levels not only pack on the pounds but eventually lead to Type II diabetes. Oddly enough, scientists have observed similar insulin spikes in subjects drinking "diet" drinks when compared to control subjects drinking sugary drinks. The healthiest option, of course, is a good mineral water (like Perrier) that is bottled in glass, with a twist of organic lemon or lime, but only very high end restaurants will offer that option in addition to other organic fare served in tiny portions. It would be nice if all restaurants catered more to the health conscious. Most restaurants use the cheapest possible ingredients and a lot of what they serve is very bad for your health.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Most restaurants will offer grapefruit juice or tomato juice and they are better options to either "diet" drinks (aspartame kills brain cells) and o.j. (too much sugar). Grapefruit juice or tomato juice will not raise your blood sugar precipitously as will o.j. High blood sugar and thus high insulin shoves calories right into your fat cells. High insulin levels not only pack on the pounds but eventually lead to Type II diabetes. Oddly enough, scientists have observed similar insulin spikes in subjects drinking "diet" drinks when compared to control subjects drinking sugary drinks. The healthiest option, of course, is a good mineral water (like Perrier) that is bottled in glass, with a twist of organic lemon or lime, but only very high end restaurants will offer that option in addition to other organic fare served in tiny portions. It would be nice if all restaurants catered more to the health conscious. Most restaurants use the cheapest possible ingredients and a lot of what they serve is very bad for your health.

    Most of this is just nonsense not backed up by science.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I personally would be more concerned about the sugar calories in the orange juice than the sweetener in the diet coke...but that's me.
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    I tend to go for lime cordial and soda water/water

    Fin x
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    OP - if you are limiting yourself to only these two options, I'd go for diet coke. But have you considered Tomato Juice or sparkling water as options, or diet 7-up /sprite?
  • hungryshay
    hungryshay Posts: 40 Member
    Look up how orange juice is made (even the 100% stuff that is supposed to be healthy and good for you) with the removal of oxygen and addition of flavor packs. That should help you make your mind up right there.

    If you like OJ and want to continue drinking it, do not look up how it's made. I used to LOVE the stuff until I found out the truths behind the lies. :/
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 220 Member
    Dang it! And there was me hoping to get a nice and simple answer. But I do appreciate all the feedback. I guess there's no right or wrong answer.
  • SixHats
    SixHats Posts: 30 Member
    Personally I'd go with the diet coke. Both it and the orange juice will cause an insulin spike but at least with the diet coke you're not getting any calories. Personally I'd see if I could order coffee instead.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Diet Coke is the nectar of the Gods. I love it so much.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Why do people ask...."Why is water not an option?"

    It's ALWAYS an option, variety is the spice of life however...he never asked which was better, Diet, Orange, or Water.

    If you take a test the answer between A,B,C,D isn't E....
  • Simple stay clear of diet drinks that contain Aspertame, if you value yor body. Do some reasearch on Aspertame. I used to ache all the time, get headaches and several other issues. I stopped having anything with Aspertame in and within a week a majority of the ailments had gone and after a couple of months all have gone.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    Just drink whatever you want! If you feel happy with it, then go for it!!